Supreme Chef

Chapter 928: Someone from the Emperor’s Vessel

Chapter 928: Someone from the Emperor’s Vessel (2)

The young man from Dimai looked at Lin Mu with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and said: "For you, you are already proud enough to have such an achievement. But for a real genius, your little cultivation Because, it is still far from enough to see.

I advise you that it is best to be obedient and let go. I can also guarantee that I will not destroy your Fumanlou. As for your insult to the emperor, I can also guarantee that I will not anger the people around you. "

Lin Mu looked at this young man from Dimai as if he was an idiot, and said: "You Dimai are really ignorant as always, you think you are a genius, but in my eyes you are even worse than trash. But just right, You came, and let me lose a lot of karma."

Looting luck is not only because of the complicated technique, but also because of the great cause and effect.Otherwise, if such a heaven-defying thing is just a little complicated, countless people would have done it in ancient times.

The main target of Lin Mu's plunder this time is Emperor Zong, but although Emperor Zong has a master, he lacks the luck that can truly represent Emperor Zong.But the person in front of him with the emperor's bloodline directly represents the emperor's fortune.

Now he took the initiative to provoke himself, which in itself has already received a share of karma, and when he plunders the emperor's fortune, the two karma will naturally be offset.

Di Mai's disciple didn't know what Lin Mu said, but in his opinion, what Lin Mu said at this time was inevitable.

He raised his hand and waved out several arrays that block space and restrict movement, and said, "Don't even think about running away. Although you master the rules of space and speed, I have already prepared for it. Don't worry about the two things that the elder has mastered about you." This rule is very interesting, so I will not kill you immediately, I will leave you with a sigh of relief."

"You idiot, when did I say that I was going to run away. But it just so happens that you have arranged all the formations, so I will not be polite. I will add something for you." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also directly started, taking Out of the formation base that he had already refined, he supplemented the formation he had arranged before.

Seeing Lin Mu casually arranging a higher-level formation on top of the formation he had arranged, the disciple of the Emperor Sect also frowned slightly.

"It seems that you want to build your own tomb yourself. Okay! I'll wait for you." In his opinion, no matter how exquisite the formation of trees is, it is impossible to escape death today.

"Grave your mother! I'm going to get you a coffin. I'm afraid that your bones will be cold, and no one from the Emperor Sect will be able to find you." Lin Mu countered.

Hearing Lin Mu's swearing, the disciple from Dimai's face sank and said, "Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"Kill me? Today I will kill you first, then you can practice your hands. Let's see how to kill you people who have the emperor's veins." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he directly took out his Tianlong bow and aimed at the opponent on the opposite side. people.

Seeing Lin Mu take out the Heavenly Dragon Bow, the young man finally changed his color: "The Artifact Soul is the ultimate treasure!"

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Yes, I have some knowledge, but I don't know this arrow, do you recognize it?"

Seeing another celestial dragon bone arrow in Lin Mu's hand, the young disciple from Dimai also frowned.He didn't know the origin of the bone arrow in Lin Mu's hand, but he knew that the bone arrow in Lin Mu's hand was definitely not simple, and it definitely had an extraordinary origin.And it's obviously compatible with this weapon, the most treasured tool soul.

For this treasure of Qidu, the Emperor's lineage can be said to have coveted it for a long time.However, due to the status of Qidu, even if they belonged to the emperor's lineage, they would not dare to act rashly.

Another point is that even if they want to take it by force, they must be able to get the approval of the weapon soul.

In fact, the Emperor's lineage doesn't even know what this weapon soul is.Even in the entire comprehension world, apart from Lin Mu who knew that it was the Heavenly Dragon Bow, no one knew the true origin of the weapon soul.

But even though they don't know, no one will doubt the power of the weapon soul.Because one of the most obvious examples is.

Someone from the lineage of his great emperor once secretly brought a fairy artifact into the Qidu. At that time, their idea was very simple, they just wanted to test the power of this artifact soul.

As a result, before he entered Qidu, the fairy artifacts he brought had been eclipsed, and most of his spirituality had been absorbed.If not in the end, which elder saw the opportunity quickly and escaped early.I'm afraid that fairy weapon will be completely useless.

However, although the fairy weapon was not destroyed, it also fell into a ninth-grade spirit treasure.

It was this matter that made the emperor's lineage miss him day and night, the most precious weapon soul in the capital of weapons.But they are powerful, but they can't get the approval of the weapon soul.

But he didn't expect Lin Mu to be recognized by the soul of the weapon.You can also mobilize the weapon soul for his use.He even found a bow and arrow matching the soul of the tool.

Lin Mu didn't care that he still had so many thoughts at this time, so he directly pulled Tianlongkong away, and at the same time put the Tianlong bone arrow on the bowstring.

Lin Shu's cultivation was no longer comparable to what it used to be.The power of the Heavenly Dragon Bow is naturally not the same.

The strong man from the emperor's vein also changed his face wildly when he saw the terrifying coercion continuously released from the sky dragon bone arrow.

He knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to escape from the sky dragon bone arrow, but he raised his hand but he didn't want to die here.

"You and I have a fair fight. Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed if you pretend to be something out of your hands?" The strong man from Dimai was also a little anxious.

Lin Mu looked at him like an idiot, and said, "You idiot, when did I say I would fight you fairly? Even if I said it, when did I say it again, I won't use the magic weapon? Don't tell me When you went out, your parents didn’t bring you a baby. If you didn’t bring it for you, don’t come to me. I’m not your father, so I can’t help you. Besides, if you had such a good thing, you would have Take it out on a hop."

The strong man of the emperor's lineage turned livid, but he really had nothing to say.Lin Mu had indeed never told him about a fair fight.And what Lin Mu said was right, he brought a good treasure with him when he went out. Originally, he was going to take it out and kill Lin Mu directly.But now it seems that there is obviously no need for him to come out.

Immortal artifacts are not enough to look at in front of this treasure soul.What's more, what he brought out was just a half-celestial artifact.And at this time, he also understood why Lin Mu was not in a hurry when he saw him arranging the formation, but also helped him to perfect it.Lin Mu had no intention of letting him go at all.What's ridiculous is that while watching Lin Shu perfecting the formation, he is still making sarcastic remarks.

"This is the star rating tower, which is related to the luck of the various sects in Dongxuanzhou. If you take the initiative to destroy the luck here, then you are making an enemy of the world." He had no choice but to move out Bigger hats to come.

Lin Mu snorted coldly and said, "I think your Emperor Sect has the most luck in Dongxuan Continent. I think even if I destroy it, I will destroy your Emperor Sect's luck the most. I think there may be You are very right, you wish I could destroy it."

"If you destroy this place, your own Fumanlou will also be implicated."

Lin Mu looked at him very sympathetically and said: "You said that when I came out of the evaluation, you told me this, so I can still be afraid. But now I haven't even entered the door of the star rating tower, do you think you said Do these mean anything to me?"

"This..." Lin Mu's words made the other party speechless again.Lin Mu didn't even do the assessment, so what would he be implicated?

"If you destroy the guardian clan here, they will suppress you!" This was his last hole card.

Welcome to the group to hook up!

(End of this chapter)

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