Supreme Chef

Chapter 929 Guardian 1 Clan

Chapter 929 Guardian Clan (1)

"Guardian family?"

Lin Mu didn't expect that the star rating tower actually had a guardian clan.

It was one thing to guess before, but now that it has been confirmed, that is another matter.

Seeing that Lin Mu was afraid of guarding the existence of the clan, the disciple of Dimai couldn't help but relax.

"If you dare to destroy this place, the Guardian Clan will not let you go. Even my Emperor's lineage is very afraid of the Guardian Clan, so you'd better not try to provoke them." The disciple of the Emperor's Line continued to scare Lin Shu also began to look for opportunities to break through the array arranged by Lin Shu.

"Idiot!" Looking at Dimai's disciple, Lin Mu cursed contemptuously again, and then let go of the bowstring.


Seeing that Lin Mu was fearless when he heard the news about the guardian clan, the disciple of Dimai couldn't help being stunned, but the next moment the bone arrows in his eyes had already shot close to him.

Before he had time to think about it, the disciple of Dimai threw out a round shield of rank nine and blocked it in front of him.


But how could a mere ninth-grade spiritual treasure block the Heavenly Dragon Bow.

The round shield shattered directly, but the speed of the bone arrow remained unchanged.

Seeing that his spirit treasure couldn't stop the bone arrow at all, the disciples of Dimai quickly dodged, hoping to avoid his main body.

But just as he was about to move, he found that his body couldn't move at all.


The Emperor Sect disciple had endless horror in his eyes.

However, his panic could only be panic, because the next moment, the sky dragon bone arrow directly shattered his body.

As soon as Lin Mu raised his hand, he took his ring over, and simply broke the restriction on the ring, and Lin Mu also directly checked the contents inside.

Seeing the mountains of spiritual stones in the ring and a high-grade spiritual vein not far away, Lin Shu's mouth also became an 'o' shape.

"The lineage of the great emperor is really rich. If there is an opportunity in the future, I must go to the lineage of the great emperor for a while." Lin Mu also thought secretly in his heart.

A random disciple from the second floor of the Ascension Realm was so rich that Lin Mu couldn't help but be tempted.

The foundation of Fumanlou is still too weak. Now Lin Mu needs to accumulate a lot of various resources to make Fumanlou rise in a short time.

Putting away the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, Lin Shu also directly broke through the formation and continued to move forward.

However, after solving this disciple of the emperor's lineage, the road ahead will be smooth.

However, the appearance of the emperor's lineage made Lin Mu sober.At least Lin Mu knew that in the realm of comprehension, there were still a group of people who were as defiant as himself.

Of course, the number of this group of people will definitely not be large, otherwise, the realm of comprehension would have completely become their world long ago.

Finally came to the entrance of the Star Rating Tower. There is no one guarding it, but there are many sects gathered here to evaluate the star.

Lin Mu didn't go in in a hurry, but observed outside now.

The star rating tower is open every day, but each sect can only be rated once every hundred years.

Regardless of whether it was a success or a failure this time, it can only be evaluated once, and if you want to evaluate it again, you can only wait until a hundred years later.

Soon Lin Shu saw a strong person who had ascended into the Star Rating Tower.

Soon the brilliance of the star rating tower flickered for a while, and then I saw a starlight directly piercing the star rating tower and sinking into the clouds above.

Then a giant rock like a vast ocean, possessing infinite dao rhyme and surrounded by countless dao rules, appeared above the clouds.

"This is the star rating stone! It's so huge!" Looking at the star rating stone that appeared, Lin Mu also sighed in his heart.

"This is the fortune stone, but it has cracked, and it should be only a quarter of the original fortune stone." Taoist Guang also said through sound transmission when he saw the star rating stone.

"It's only a quarter of its size!" Lin Mu was surprised again.

Lin Mu looked at the fortune stone that was already as big as the ocean, and couldn't imagine how big the complete fortune stone would be.

"Of course it's about the luck of an interface, so it can't be as insignificant as you think." Taoist Guang said.

The starlight quickly sank into the star rating stone, and then a certain piece of the star rating stone lit up.

"Yun Huazong, Seven Stars!"

The light flickered, and five golden characters appeared in the void.

"That small area is Yunhuazong, which occupies a proportion of the luck of Dongxuanzhou." Taoist Guang said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded, and then began to check the star rating stone.

Soon Lin Mu discovered that although the star rating stone was huge, almost three-quarters of it was occupied by some huge golden lights. Presumably these huge areas should be Emperor Sect and some nine-star sects I'm lucky.

"How can I see which piece belongs to that sect?" Lin Mu said to Taoist Guang.

Guang Dao said: "This is simple. After you enter, just run the method I taught you, and you will naturally be able to see the information you want in any area."

Lin Mu nodded, and after observing the two people, he stepped into the star rating tower.

Although Fumanlou is famous and Lin Mu is also famous, very few people have actually met Lin Mu himself.

So when Lin Shu went in, he didn't attract anyone's attention.

Only one person is allowed to enter the star rating tower at a time. After Lin Shu entered, he also carefully observed the inside.

The arrangement of trees is very simple, the center of the tower is hollow, a miniature version of the star rating stone is suspended in the center of the tower, and there is nothing else.

After looking carefully for a while, Lin Mu walked to the front, ready to engrave his name Fumanlou.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mu is also running Xianyuan, and began to write the three words 'Fumanlou' on the miniature version of the star rating stone.

The reason why Lin Mu uses Xianyuan is because Lin Mu knows that the luck of a sect is directly linked to the strength of the head.

Of course, the simplest reason is that the higher the strength of the sect leader, the less people will dare to bully you, and the longer your luck will naturally be.

After Lin Mu wrote the words 'Fumanlou', the miniature version of the star rating stone flashed with a complex brilliance, and then a circle of light that was more than ten times larger than Yunhua Zong just now appeared on the above the star rating stone in the clouds.

"Fumanlou, eight stars!"

"The person who went in just now was the head of Fumanlou!"

"Fumanlou has just been established, and it is already an eight-star, and its luck is so strong that it almost catches up with the nine-star sect!"

The head who was waiting outside for the star rating was quite surprised to see the brilliance shining on the star rating stone.

Lin Mu looked at the content presented on the miniature version and was quite satisfied.

After all, his Fumanlou has been established for less than a hundred years, and it already has an eight-star ranking, and its luck is only worse than that of the nine-star sect, and the difference is limited.

Although he was satisfied, Lin Mu didn't just want this.

"Senior, I will start now. If there are mistakes, please give me pointers." Lin Mu said to Taoist Guang through sound transmission.

Taoist Guang said, "Good!"

Then Lin Mu directly took out millions of high-grade spirit crystals, arranged a huge teleportation formation, and at the same time arranged a lot of concealment and defense formations to protect himself in it.

Although only one person can enter the Star Rating Tower at a time and cannot break into it by force, Lin Mu still needs to be careful.

After arranging everything, Lin Mu began to pick up complicated hand formulas one by one, and smashed into the miniature version of the star rating stone in mid-air.

The people who stopped outside were still marveling at the strength of Fumanlou and Linshu, but soon, they saw a very strange scene.

They saw that the five golden lights with an extremely large area were continuously replenishing luck to the forested Fumanlou, and at the same time, the area occupied by the Fumanlou was also expanding rapidly!

(End of this chapter)

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