Supreme Chef

Chapter 930 Guardian 1 Clan

Chapter 930 Guardian Clan (2)

Such a strange scene was never seen by anyone present.

They have never seen that the luck of that sect can be plundered from other sects.

If there is such a method, then there is no need to distribute the luck of Dongxuan Continent at all, and Emperor Zong will definitely plunder it directly.

The luck area occupied by Fumanlou is getting bigger and bigger, and soon the area occupied by Fumanlou has surpassed that of the Nine Star Sect.

However, this expansion did not stop just because it surpassed the Nine Stars Sect.

The area is still expanding, and this speed is still getting faster and faster.

The people outside were all dumbfounded. Let alone such a weird thing, they just never thought about it.

Everyone stopped to watch, but they wanted to see how far Fumanlou's luck could expand.

Lin Mu looked at the continuous expansion of Fumanlou's luck, and suddenly he was blessed to his heart.

Because Lin Mu suddenly discovered that his Ninth Rank Alchemy Dao barrier, which he had not broken through for a long time, actually loosened at this moment.

Lin Mu was distracted, while expanding his luck territory of Fumanlou, he began to think about his loose alchemy.

For a sect, luck is the life of a sect.As for elixirs, the truly top-notch elixirs must also have their own unique spirituality.

The reason why it is difficult to refine the ninth-grade elixir is because the ninth-grade elixir has endless spirituality.

And this kind of spirituality is completely different from life. The spirituality of the elixir is innately cultivated. It is the alchemist who uses techniques to stimulate the spirituality in the elixir, making it produce a wave similar to life.

But this method of motivating, for alchemists, cannot be inherited, it is something that can only be understood.

And when Lin Mu was expanding Fumanlou's luck today, he suddenly thought of it.Since spirituality is a kind of life, it naturally has its own luck. I want to refine the elixir to produce spirituality. After that, it is enough to have luck.

Lin Mu has always treated elixir as a dead thing in the past, but if you want to refine a living elixir, you must first treat it as life.

"So that's the case. It seems that I went to extremes in the past." After figuring out the reason, Lin Mu's alchemy practice is also completely mastered.

In the past, Lin Mu always thought that if he wanted to refine the ninth-grade elixir, he had to refine the elixir to the extreme.But in this way, I completely cut off the vitality of the medicinal herb, and cutting off the vitality is equivalent to cutting off the chance of it becoming a ninth-grade elixir.


Thoughts are accessible, Lin Mu has also been directly promoted to a ninth-rank alchemist.

With [-]% of the ninth-rank alchemist, Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness technique also automatically upgraded, directly entering the ninth layer of the human realm.

The spiritual cultivation of the ninth floor of the human realm is almost no worse than that of the immortal who has just ascended. It can be said that it can be completely swept away in the cultivation world.

"Congratulations, little friend, for becoming the first Ninth-Rank alchemist in the cultivation world in 10 years!" Just as Lin Mu realized the joy of this breakthrough, a voice suddenly and abruptly rang out in the star rating tower.

Hearing this voice, Lin Mu was startled suddenly, and then turned his head to look, only to see an old man with no fluctuations in his body at all, standing at the entrance of the star rating tower.

The old man really didn't have any fluctuations. Although Lin Mu could tell that the other party was at the Ascension Stage, Lin Mu couldn't see through the other party's strength.

With Lin Mu's strength and cultivation at this time, the only one that Lin Mu can't see through is the Beggar God, and this one in front of him is obviously not weaker than the Beggar God.

"Senior is the one who protects the clan." Lin Mu asked cautiously, clasping his hands.

Only one person can enter the Star Rating Tower, and now there is one more person here, obviously it belongs to the Guardian Clan.

The old man did not hide anything, nodded, and said: "Your guess is right. This old man is the elder of the guardian clan of this star rating tower. You can call me a bitter old man."

Facing such an old man, Lin Mu didn't dare to be too condescending, and said, "I've seen it before, Elder Ku. I don't know why Elder Ku showed up, why?"

Elder Ku said: "The reason why this old man appeared is to prevent you from continuing to plunder the luck of other sects."

Lin Mu couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing Elder Ku's words.

Because according to Lin Mu's knowledge, as long as he doesn't destroy this place, the Guardian Clan will not appear, but what he is doing now is not considered destruction at all. Could it be that the Guardian Clan is also with the Emperor Sect.

Elder Ku seemed to see what Lin Mu was thinking, and said, "The guardian clan is completely independent and will not take orders from anyone, and no one can order us."

Elder Ku's words obviously answered Lin Mu's doubts, but Lin Mu still didn't know why Elder Ku appeared at this time.

Elder Ku continued: "You know such a method of plundering luck that has long since disappeared in ancient times. In fact, this old man is also very shocked. It's just that you plunder like this, although it doesn't break the rules, but it doesn't do anything to your newly established sect. benefit.

You should understand the truth that things must be reversed when they are extreme.Your sect has just been established, presumably you don't have much background, let alone any treasure to suppress luck.You plunder other people's luck like this, it looks extremely powerful, but in fact you are strong on the outside, and on the contrary, it will make your sect a target of public criticism.

Once a powerful sect attacks your Fumanlou, and your Fumanlou does not have heavy treasures to suppress luck, then the luck you plundered will easily collapse, and then you will not only lose what you plundered Luck will cause your original luck to collapse in a chain.

If luck completely collapses, then your Fumanlou may find it difficult to gain a foothold in the realm of comprehension.Even if you barely gain a foothold, it is impossible to truly become the true leader of the cultivation world.I think this should be, not what you want to see, right? "

After hearing Elder Ku's patient explanation, Lin Mu was also terrified.

Lin Mu didn't believe that Elder Ku would lie to him about such a thing, and Daoist Guang also sent a voice transmission to Lin Mu, what Elder Ku said was completely true.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu quickly stopped continuing to plunder, and at the same time bowed his hands deeply, saying: "The younger generation thanks the senior for his great kindness."

Elder Ku nodded, and said: "I also saw that you have mastered this ancient secret technique, and I don't want to see a genius like you fall, and you have advanced to a ninth-rank alchemist, and you are No. 10 in my cultivation world for 1 years. I don't want to see you go astray like this."

Elder Ku's words made Lin Mu respect again, and Lin Mu bowed deeply again.

The people outside were finally relieved to see that the plundering of Fumanlou had stopped.

But at this time they discovered a very strange thing, that is, although Lin Mu's Fumanlou is still eight-star, but the luck of Fumanlou is almost the most extensive one on the star-rated stone. It is the incomparably huge area of ​​the Emperor Zong, which seems to be a little worse than the Fuman Building with trees.

At this time, Lin Mu also saw the strange scene of his Fumanlou, and at the same time, Lin Mu was even more grateful for the appearance of Elder Ku.

My luck in Fumanlou is now no less than that of Emperor Zong, but the star rating is still eight stars, which is very telling.

"Young man, go find something that can really suppress the luck of the sect, don't stay here anymore, you are already being watched." Elder Ku said.

Lin Mudao: "Senior's great kindness, this junior dare not forget. In the future, if senior can use this junior, junior Ding Dang will do his best."

Elder Ku pondered for a while, and said: "You are now a ninth-rank alchemist, but I really have one thing to ask you, do you know the refining method of the ninth-rank elixir, Tianxuan Dan?"

(End of this chapter)

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