Supreme Chef

Chapter 932 Suppression of Air Luck

Chapter 932 Suppression of Air Luck
Unreconciled, unwilling to return, but the four of them really didn't dare to act rashly.Without the support of Immortal World, they feared that they would lose.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that sometimes being strong is also a burden.

Because you are strong, everyone is staring at you, and if you want to maintain your strong position, the most basic thing you need to do is to be undefeated. Only undefeated will make people deeply afraid.

The four of them sent letters to their elders at the same time, asking how they and the others should take the next step.

The messages sent by the four received a response very quickly, but the content of the response was surprisingly consistent.

"Stand still, wait for the opportunity!"

The four emperors responded with these eight words, and Yun Tianhua and the others, seeing this response, the four of them first looked at each other in dismay, and then Dongfang Ao spoke first, "What should we do?"

Yun Tiandao: "Since the elder Dimai asked me to wait and wait for the opportunity, then we should just wait. Presumably Dimai should have noticed the matter of Lin Mu. Since Dimai asked me to wait, then Dimai has already thought about what to do. For Lin Mu's solution, we will just wait for now."

Dongfang said proudly: "It's okay for us to hold back our troops, but we have already spoken out, but now we hold back our troops. I'm afraid it will be a mouthful?"

Northern Emperor Sect, said: "We are Emperor Sect, and if we don't go to him, it is already the greatest gift to him. As for being tongue-in-cheek, does anyone dare?"

This is Emperor Zong's self-confidence. No matter what they do, in their opinion, it is right.If they attack, it represents the righteousness of the cultivation world. If they don't attack, it's because they sympathize with the weak, and it's a gift to the weak.

As for the tongue-twisting, with a giant like Emperor Zong, who in the cultivation world dares to chew their tongues, don't explain it, even in secret, they have to weigh it, if what they say secretly is found out by Emperor Zong, that is a dead end of.

After all, not every sect has the confidence of Fumanlou, Soul City and Ghost City.

"That being said, we can't make Lin Mu too comfortable. We won't deal with him for the time being, but his sect has just been established, and he needs to purchase a lot of resources. Just notify the law enforcement team and let the law enforcement team The big trading house is under strict control, and anyone who finds Fumanlou will be arrested." Yun Tianhua also said.

"That's very good. Let's immediately inform the law enforcement team below and let them closely monitor every move of Fumanlou. Anyone who finds Fumanlou entering the market will be arrested immediately." Dongfang Ao also nodded. Said.

Although the four emperor sects stood still, they spoke out, giving Lin Mu time to think about it, and letting Lin Mu take the initiative to admit his mistake.

Although such an announcement seemed powerful, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Emperor Zong didn't say how long he would give Lin Mu in this announcement.

A day is also time for the trees, a year is also time for the trees, and even ten years and a hundred years are time for the trees.

Obviously, this is another step for Emperor Zong to find himself, but even if everyone sees it, so what, no one dares to discuss these things at all.

"Hmph! Emperor Zong is really hypocritical, such a nonsense declaration can be considered strong!" Lin Mu directly raised his hand, and directly burned the jade slip sent by Emperor Zong to ashes.

It was simply impossible for Emperor Zong to ask Lin Mu to come to see him.

"Although Lin Mu has already shown his weakness, what you have done this time has already touched the bottom line of the emperor's sect. It is impossible for the emperor's sect to give up easily. Presumably they got the words of the ruler in the lineage of the emperor, Let them stand still.

It seems that the lineage of the Great Emperor has really paid attention to you, and you should be more careful in your actions in the future.Among the geniuses in the lineage of the Great Emperor, there are some who are not weaker than you. "Beggar God also reminded me.

Lin Mu nodded and said: "Your junior knows that outside the star rating tower, I have already seen the geniuses of Dimai. There are indeed many geniuses in Dimai. I will not be careless."

Beggar God nodded, and said: "You know best. The Emperor Sect can stand upright in the realm of cultivation and lead the world, in addition to getting help from the upper realm. The emperor's pulse is also one of the most important reasons. After all, the upper realm cannot be used anytime and anywhere Provide help. But Dimai can provide it all the time."

Chen Yunkai said: "Actually, I think that in addition to being wary of the emperor's veins, you should also be on guard against the Blood Tower. The Blood Tower failed once on you, and he will not give up so easily. The Blood Tower is terrifying, no It will be smaller than Dimai. And in my opinion, in some respects, the Blood Tower is more terrifying than Dimai, because the Blood Tower will not talk to you about morality at all."

In Lin Mu's heart, he never forgot about the blood building.And if the blood building is not removed for a day, Lin Mu feels that he will not get real peace for a day.

"I will also pay attention to the blood building, and if there is a chance, I will definitely get rid of the blood building." Lin Mu said with a cold light in his eyes.

Beggar God said: "So far no one knows the location of the blood building, and the strength of the blood building is not what we see on the surface. It is not easy for you to get rid of the blood building."

Lin Mu nodded and said: "Your junior knows that this matter will not be rushed. Since everyone can't ascend now, there are many opportunities to get rid of them. I will slowly look for opportunities, Get rid of the blood building."

Beggar God nodded, then took out a ring, and said: "This is some materials that my ghost city can find to build a teleportation array, do you see if it is enough?"

After the God of Beggars, Chen Yunkai and Mi Yan also each took out a ring.

Lin Mu took the three rings and used his spiritual sense to check the materials of Lin Mu, and he was really taken aback.

Sure enough, the true background of the sect was beyond Lin Mu's imagination.

Among the rings given by the three, not only did they cover all the materials, but the number was three times what they requested.

Originally, Lin Mu thought that some rare materials in the teleportation array could not be gathered together, so he went to the major squares to find them by himself.

But unexpectedly, Chen Yunkai and the others not only possessed these rare materials in his opinion, but also owned multiple copies.

Lin Mu took out two rings and said, "One is enough."

Chen Yunkai laughed and said: "This is our reward plus a congratulatory gift. You Fumanlou opened a sect and established a sect, and we didn't give you anything decent. These materials should be our congratulatory gift to you."

Mi Yan also said: "Besides, you will also need to maintain the teleportation formation in the future. These materials should be enough to maintain the formation."

Chen Yunkai and Mi Yan both said that, if Lin Mu refused again, he would appear heretic, so Lin Mu also directly put away the other two rings.

Lin Mudao: "Three seniors, I'm going to retreat now and start refining the formation foundation. I also invite the three seniors to stay in Fumanlou for a few more days. When I finish refining the formation foundation, I will need three more With the cooperation of the seniors, we set up the teleportation array between our three cities at the same time."

The three nodded and said, "Naturally, we are fine."

After bidding farewell to the three of them, Lin Mu went directly to the main peak where he was located in the center, and began to prepare for refining the teleportation array.

But before refining the teleportation array, there is one more important thing for Lin Mu, that is, Lin Mu must now find something that can suppress the luck of his sect, and first suppress the luck that he plundered .

(End of this chapter)

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