Supreme Chef

Chapter 933 The strongest man-made leylines

Chapter 933 The strongest man-made leylines (1)

Lin Mu really doesn't know much about things that suppress luck, so he can only ask Taoist Guang.

"Senior, what are the things that suppress luck? Are fairy artifacts and spirit treasures okay?" Lin Mu asked.

Guang Dao said humanely: "Of course fairy artifacts and spirit treasures are fine, but these are small ways. The treasures that can really suppress luck are generally innate treasures."

"Xiantian Lingbao, senior, where do you want me to find it? Xiantian Lingbao, not to mention the present, I am afraid that there are not many of them in ancient times, right?" Lin Mu said with a mournful face.

Guang Dao said: "Indeed, Xiantian Lingbao is indeed too rare. But in your chaotic world, there is an existence that is stronger than Xiantian Lingbao."

Lin Mudao: "Senior, are you talking about the Medicine King Cauldron or the Heavenly Dragon Bow?"

Guang Dao said humanely: "They are both, but if you really want to talk about suppressing luck, the Tianlong bow is more suitable than the medicine king cauldron."

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu's expression became even more miserable, and he said: "I hope it can stay in Fumanlou and suppress my luck for me. But it will definitely not listen to me, and I want to move this master." They can't move."

Daoist Guang said: "You don't need to move it at all, you just need to let him exude some coercion and attract all the nearby leylines.

The so-called suppression of luck, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than nourishing the earth veins, making them stronger, and finding the strongest backing for the sect.The Heavenly Dragon Bow is the nemesis of the collapsed ancients and the leylines. If it comes forward, there will be no worries that those leylines will not gather.

At that time, let the Tianlong bow leave a breath to suppress these earth veins for thousands of years, and when they are completely integrated and subsided, there will be no need for heavy treasure suppression.Besides, taking ten thousand steps back, thousands of years should be enough for you to find some heavy treasures that have come back to suppress luck.

Don't you have four Ninth Grade Spirit Treasures in your hand now, and then you can place them among the four main peaks first, assisting the aura of Tianlong Gong to suppress them together. "

After listening to Taoist Guang's plan, Lin Mu felt that this plan of Taoist Guang was very feasible.

"But senior, do you think Tianlong Bow can understand me?" Lin Mu asked with some uncertainty.

"Why does it ignore it? Xiao Ding lives in your chaotic world, and still helps you make alchemy every day? I am in your chaotic world, and I still help you find elixir every day? Old Skeleton, I also help you answer questions every day What? What's wrong with it?" The Blood Spirit Dragon said dissatisfied.

Lin Mu thought for a while, and felt that what Xue Linglong said was also reasonable, Tianlong bow lived in his own chaotic world.

Apart from giving myself a miniature version of the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, I really didn't do anything else for myself. Instead, I had to help it collect the body.

At the moment, Lin Mu also said directly to the body of Tianlong Bow, "You have lived here for a long time, and now I ask you to help me gather the earth veins. You don't think you have any objections?"

Lin Mu knew that although Tianlong Gong was asleep, he could still hear his own words.


The Heavenly Dragon Bow directly moved its huge body, and the body of Houtianlongbone Arrow appeared in Lin Shu's hands, along with the aura of the Heavenly Dragon Bow itself.

Looking at the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow in his hand, which was stained with the breath of the Heavenly Dragon Bow, Lin Shu was also overjoyed.

Lin Mu believed that with the aura of the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow and Heavenly Dragon Bow, Lin Mu would definitely be able to subjugate and condense all the land veins with a radius of a million miles. When the time comes to fuse these land veins, the power will definitely not be worse than that of the Nine Star Sect.

"Thank you!" Lin Mu thanked Tianlong bow, and then left the chaotic world directly.

With the aura of the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow and Heavenly Dragon Bow, the rest of the matter will be much easier to handle.

Daoist Guang knows how to summon and find the leylines, and this method is not difficult. As for suppressing these leylines, all you need to do is show the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow and Heavenly Dragon Bow.

It took Lin Mu three days to learn the method of summoning the earth veins taught by Taoist Guang, and then began to experiment on his main peak.

Of course, Lin Mu's first test object was the ground veins in his Fumanlou.

Lin Mu directly used the method of Daoist Guang to communicate with this leyline, but this leyline didn't buy into Lin Mu's request at all.

And Lin Mu is also straightforward, if you don't buy it, I will directly suppress you.

Seeing the appearance of the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, the Earth Vein immediately wanted to flee far away, while Lin Mu directly sent out waves. As long as it dared to escape, Lin Mu directly destroyed its body with the Heavenly Dragon Bow.

Although the earth veins have spirituality, everything is based on instinct. They don't have as many thoughts as humans. When Lin Mu said that he wanted to destroy it, it was really scared, and immediately quieted down obediently.

To solve this problem, Lin Mu also started to search all the land veins within a million miles.

There is more than one leyline in a place.

After searching around, the harvest of forest trees is still very rich.A total of 21 land veins, large and small, were captured.

These ground veins were subdued by the forest trees and the force of the sky keel arrows.

Of course, Lin Shu didn't feel any guilt at all for bullying such lifeless and instinctive leylines.

Although these 21 veins are very weak now, but after they are fused together, their power will not be inferior to those of the big sects.

Naturally, it is not an easy task to integrate the leylines. No one would like to be replaced or swallowed by others.

But under the direct threat of Tianlong Bone Arrow and Tianlong Bow, even if they are unwilling, they can only start to fuse.

Everything that happened in the main peak, people outside naturally felt it.

Chen Yunkai and others were outside, listening to the continuous sound of dragon chant in the main peak, they were also a little surprised, wondering what Lin Mu was doing in the main peak.

Seven days of integration, 21 earth veins, finally completely merged into a brand new earth vein.

Lin Mu was also very satisfied when he saw this incomparably powerful vein.

This brand new leyline, which combines 21 leylines, is dozens of times stronger than the leyline in Taixuan Mountain.

And the most important thing is that this brand-new land line where the forests are fused has an amazing ability to grow.

This was also discovered when the trees merged with the leylines. The growth of a single leyline may be restricted by many factors.

But the fusion of this vein, while merging, also incorporates the growth potential of the other [-] lines. This way of superimposing one by one, of course, simplifies the growth factors of the ground veins a lot, making it easier grew up.

Successfully erasing the messy spiritual consciousness of this new ground vein, it has truly become a brand new ground vein, which can nourish Fumanlou's disciples day and night and integrate Fumanlou's luck.

After completing all these meetings, Lin Shu directly placed the leylines where they should be placed.

Just as the ground veins were placed, the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and the endless luck that the trees competed for was added to it at this moment.

Such vast luck directly caused the ground vein to grow rapidly, and its power also increased steadily.

"The power of the ground veins has climbed so fast, how did Lin Shu do it!" Chen Yunkai felt the changes in the ground veins under his feet from the outside, and he couldn't help but change color.

(End of this chapter)

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