Supreme Chef

Chapter 934 The strongest man-made leylines

Chapter 934 The strongest man-made leylines (2)

Earth veins generally take millions of years to grow before they can slowly take shape, but Fumanlou's earth veins have passed through other earth veins in one day, tens of thousands of years, or even 10 years. the way to go.

Beggar God also frowned at this time, and said: "This is a man-made leyline, but it is completely stronger than all natural leylines, it can be called the strongest man-made leyline."

"The strongest man-made leylines!"

Earth veins can also be artificial, which is really unheard of.

Fumanlou's huge luck, blessed by the earth's veins, the rapid growth of the earth's veins, soon gave birth to a brand new wisdom.

At the moment when the earth veins gave birth to wisdom, Lin Mu directly suppressed it with the dragon bone arrow, so that he only knew how to submit from birth, and would not make any troubles.

And this move really worked, sensing the strength of the Heavenly Dragon Bow on the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, the little wisdom that was born directly conveyed the idea of ​​surrender.

Although the ground veins expressed submission, Lin Mu was not careless, and directly put the two ninth-grade spirit treasures he had snatched from the two elders of the fourth pavilion, as well as some spirit treasures he had snatched before, into the 99 main peaks. among.


As soon as these spirit treasures entered the main peak, the starlight suddenly exploded, and the thick beam of light went directly deep into the ground, locking the ground veins tightly so that there could be no abnormal movements in the ground veins.

As long as this kind of lock can last for a thousand years, the earth veins will be completely compatible with Fumanlou, and as long as there is no heaven-defying thing like the Heavenly Dragon Bow, you won't be able to drive away.

And with the stability of the earth veins, the huge luck is also a further blessing, but this time the blessing is not on the earth veins, but on Fumanlou.

Although luck can't change the aura here, nor can it change the landscape here, but it can make people feel truly at ease.

If the former Fumanlou was just a foothold for the disciples in Fumanlou, then now Fumanlou is a real home for them. At this moment, everyone feels a kind of belonging feel.

Fumanlou is no longer a real strong outsider, and Fumanlou has become more and more consolidated because of its long luck.

This situation lasted for three days, and the luck was finally hidden underground, suppressed by the earth veins and the Lingbao in the main peak.

Seeing that there is still a lot of luck that has not been stimulated, Lin Mu also knows that this is because the earth veins are not strong enough, and the spirit treasure he placed is not strong enough.

At this time, Lin Mu also had a general direction of effort in his mind. Since there were 99 main peaks, Lin Mu naturally wanted to find 99 powerful Ninth Grade Spirit Treasures.

At that time, the 99 main peaks will have 99 powerful Ninth-Rank Spirit Treasures, plus 99 strong men who have completed the Ascension Realm will sit in the town, and then Fumanlou will become a real behemoth.

After completing all this, Lin Mu also started to refine the formation foundation needed for the teleportation formation, and at the same time draw the formation diagram of the transmission formation.

Time passed by in a hurry. In the Tower of Time, 300 years had passed, and outside, nearly three months had passed.

For outsiders, 300 years is a long time, but for Lin Mu, this speed is already very fast.

We must know that the current fixed teleportation array in the cultivation world has not been gradually formed after several generations and tens of thousands of years of hard work.

It took me 300 years to refine four teleportation formations that had never appeared in the cultivation world. This speed is already very fast.

After refining the last formation foundation, Lin Shu also let out a sigh of relief.

The continuous refining consumes a lot of wood, not only the consumption of spiritual energy, but also the consumption of spirit.

Fortunately, Lin Mu's current spiritual consciousness has reached the ninth level of the human level, otherwise Lin Mu was really worried that he would not be able to persist for these 300 years.

But even so, Lin Mu still felt at this moment that his sea of ​​consciousness was crackling, which was obviously caused by the power of the soul reaching its limit.

Lin Mu walked out of the time tower, and did not leave the main peak immediately, but sat cross-legged on the ground and began to recover.

Fumanlou's aura is no worse than that of any other blessed place because of the continuous insertion of trees into the spirit veins of Fumanlou.

Moreover, the spirit-gathering array arranged by the forest is also a top-level spirit-gathering array, it will only absorb the aura within a million miles, and will not consume the aura of the spirit vein itself.

To put it simply, even if the people of Fumanlou practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, their spiritual veins would not weaken in the slightest, but would only become stronger and stronger.

A large amount of spiritual energy poured into the main peak where the trees were located, and even because of the huge absorption of spiritual energy, it directly caused the clouds to move in all directions, and the clouds rolled like ten thousand horses galloping.

Seeing the movement caused by Du Linmu's practice, Chen Yunkai and others were also startled again.

It was also the first time for them to see Lin Mu practicing with all his strength, and they were confident that even if they practiced by themselves, it might not have such an effect.

One day later, all the spiritual energy was absorbed into the main peak where Lin Shu was located, and the spiritual energy of Fumanlou had a momentary vacuum at this moment, but luckily it was quickly replenished.


Lin Shu spat out a long air sword, directly crushing the turbulent clouds in front of him.

This time, the uninterrupted refinement of the formation base not only directly improved Lin Shu's formation level.

Both Lin Mu's cultivation base and the power of his soul have been greatly improved.

Lin Mu's cultivation is already at the third level of the Ascension Realm, and now Lin Mu is confident that if he meets that disciple from the emperor's vein again, even if he doesn't use the Heavenly Dragon Bow, he is completely sure to kill him within a hundred moves up.

As for the people below the Ascension Realm, there is no threat to Lin Mu at this time.

As for people above the Consummation of the Ascension Realm, except for Chen Yunkai and Beggar God, who are top existences even in the Consummation of the Ascension Realm, ordinary people who have reached the Consummation of the Ascension Realm will not threaten Lin Shu's life. At this time, I feel that my self-cultivation world is really safe.

Lin Mu took a step forward, and the next moment he appeared in front of Chen Yunkai and others.

The improvement of cultivation has allowed Lin Mu to further deepen his understanding of space.

Take the present as an example, when Lin Shu took a step forward, he hardly saw any spatial fluctuations.

"Congratulations to Lin Xiaoyou's cultivation, he has improved to a higher level." Chen Yunkai smiled and congratulated.

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Senior."

Then Lin Mu took out three storage rings and said: "Three seniors, I have already placed the formation base and formation diagram inside.

It doesn't matter these formation foundations, but the formation map, I hope the three seniors will destroy it immediately after reading it.After all, after such a teleportation array is built, it is beneficial to us. If it is obtained by the enemy, then our greatest advantage will be gone. "

The three of Chen Yunkai nodded. In fact, Lin Mu didn't need to explain this matter, and they would destroy it immediately after reading it.

For them, such a powerful teleportation array is one of the biggest trump cards against the enemy, how could they let outsiders master it.

"By the way, the Buddha Realm is about to open. If you need a ninth-grade spirit treasure to suppress luck, the Buddha Realm should be a good choice." Chen Yunkai suddenly remembered something, and said to Lin Mu.

"Buddha Realm?" Lin Mu had never heard of the Fo Realm. The main reason was that Lin Shu stayed in the cultivation world for too short a time. There were many things that Lin Shu had never heard of before, so he didn't even know where it was.

(End of this chapter)

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