Supreme Chef

Chapter 937

Chapter 937

Lin Mu brought people back to Fumanlou, and he spoke out again, announcing to the world that if the law enforcement team dared to arrest Fumanlou people at will in the future, Fumanlou would make the law enforcement team disappear from Dongxuanzhou completely.

Lin Mu's strong statement once again shocked the comprehension world, but Lin Mu is not afraid of the Emperor Zong, and the law enforcement team really doesn't need to pay attention to Lin Mu.

When Yun Tianhua and the others heard Lin Mu's strong statement, they were furious again, but they could only continue to stand still. As for the East Xuanzhou Law Enforcement Team, they were the lackeys of the Emperor Zong, and the Emperor Zong didn't express it, so naturally they would not Any expression was given.

The law enforcement team didn't respond in any way. Although it was somewhat beyond the expectations of the channel, it was reasonable.

Faced with Lin Mu's threat, Emperor Zong kept silent. His law enforcement team was nothing but Emperor Zong's lackeys, and it was completely reasonable for them not to speak up.

After solving the matter of the law enforcement team, Lin Mu also started to work on the teleportation array.

The formation base forest has been completely refined, and the formation map is also deduced by the forest countless times, so it is much easier to arrange.

After three months of arrangement, the four teleportation formations of Fumanlou, Soul City, Ghost City, and Qidu were completed at the same time.

And after the layout was completed, after a series of tests, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the speed of this teleportation array was much faster than that of Lin Shu's deduction, and the consumption of spirit stones was only the current general teleportation array only one-third of that.

This kind of teleportation array is definitely a big killer. When confronting people, speed is the key to determining the outcome.

After Lin Mu finished setting up the teleportation array, he could finally go to the Buddhist realm with peace of mind.

However, before going there, Lin Mu still contacted Xu Mei, but Xu Mei and the others were not at the place where Xu Mei appeared. He received Fan Xiaoxiao and the others, but Xu Mei and Liu Yiyi decided to continue searching nearby. She had a feeling that she would definitely be able to find Fan Xiaoxiao and the others nearby.

After Lin Mu gave some instructions again, he asked Wu De to bring a temporary teleportation formation to join Xu Mei and the other two.

After completing everything here, Lin Mu finally set off for the Buddhist realm.

The Buddha Realm is actually in the void, not in the Realm of Cultivation, so it is just right for Lin Mu to set off nine months in advance.

Void is the starry sky far away from the edge of the realm of cultivation. The starry sky of the realm of cultivation is actually the same as the starry sky of the earth.

They also have countless big stars, but these big stars are lifeless.

Because although there is aura in the void, the aura is very thin, even thinner than the earth. It is impossible to practice in such a place, so naturally there are no people.

Lin Mu passed through the teleportation array and scarlet all the way, and finally entered the void after seven months.

It was also the first time for Lin Mu to enter the void of the realm of cultivation. Before that, Lin Mu had always been practicing in the realm of cultivation and had never entered the void. This time it also made up for the previous shortcomings.

The void is indeed full of murderous opportunities, and the occasional strong wind can completely crush everyone under the state of transformation.

But when Lin Mu's cultivation level reached the level of Lin Mu, these winds no longer pose any threat to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu controlled the crimson red, and followed the jade slips given by Chen Yunkai, all the way to the direction of the Buddhist realm.

Chi Hong's speed is extremely fast, and under the protection of the trees, the surrounding wind can't stop the speed of the trees at all.

As he got closer to the Buddha's domain, Lin Shu also felt more and more intense aura.

Another month passed, and Lin Shu finally approached the Buddha's realm.

However, the Buddhist domain at this time is no longer the holy place for Buddhist practice.

At this time, the Buddhist realm was in complete ruins.The collapsed void has completely turned this place into a dead place.

The only thing that can tell that this place used to be a holy place for Buddhist cultivation is perhaps the aura that is so strong that it can hardly be melted away.

The Buddha Realm was able to create such a Buddha Realm in such a void where the aura was extremely barren, which was no worse than the aura of Dongxuan Continent. It can be seen that the means of Buddhist cultivation are also extremely terrifying.

When Lin Mu arrived at the Buddha Land, no less than [-] people had already gathered here.

Seeing so many Ascension-level monks, Lin Mu knew for the first time that there were actually so many Ascension-level monks in the cultivation world.

Of course, this is mainly due to the inability to ascend, so many monks stay on this hurdle.

Among such a huge number of people in Ascension Realm, Lin Mu felt that at least there were no less than a hundred people who could pose a threat to him.

Seeing these Ascension Realm cultivators with long aura and old aura, Lin Mu woke up even more.

Lin Mu observed carefully again, and found that among the tens of thousands of monks who had ascended to the ascension level, not all of them seemed to be from Dongxuan Continent.

Because Lin Mu found many monks from other continents from many people.

But thinking about it is also true, if there are tens of thousands of Ascension Realm cultivators in Dongxuan Continent alone, it seems a bit exaggerated.

After all, there are tens of thousands of monks in the Ascension Realm, not carrots and cabbages, which is indeed a bit exaggerated.

The arrival of Lin Mu, a monk from the third floor of the Ascension Realm, did not attract anyone's attention.

After all, most of the monks here are Ascension Realm monks. Unless there are some top-level Ascension Realm monks coming, it is possible to attract everyone's attention. As for the third-level Ascension Realm monks like Lin Mu, they will not attract any attention at all.

But it didn't attract attention, and Lin Mu was happy to hide it.

Lin Shu found a place at random in the void, and sat down cross-legged.Waiting for the opening of the Buddha realm.

There are still a few days before the Buddha Realm will be officially opened, and everyone is waiting patiently.

As the time for the opening of the Buddhist realm approached, Lin Mu discovered that there were more and more people here.

After the people from Soul City and Ghost City came again, they took the initiative to contact Lin Mu.But Lin Mu didn't go to see them, he just agreed on the contact information.

Three days passed, and the time of Buddha Realm finally arrived.

The opening time of the Buddhist realm is one month. After one month, if you can't leave voluntarily, the Buddhist realm will be closed. As for the Buddha realm after it is closed, you will have to wait until the Buddhist realm is opened again before you can leave.

As for whether you can survive in the Buddhist realm after the closure of the Buddhist realm, this is completely unknown.

The collapsed void in front of the Buddha's domain slowly turned, and then in the collapsed chaos, a passage slowly appeared.

This is a passage that can only allow one person to pass through, and the moment the passage appeared, dozens of people flocked to it at the same time. This passage can only allow one person to pass through.

After all, the time is limited, only one month, and although the area of ​​the Buddha Land is not as terrifying as Dongxuanzhou, it is definitely not small. I can't find them all.So the earlier you go in, the more likely you are to get more resources.

More than a dozen people scrambled for a passage, and before they started, they had already started fighting with each other.

And this kind of engagement is not a temptation, but directly makes the battle into a white heat.

There are tens of thousands of Ascension Realm cultivators here, if you go in one by one, I'm afraid it will be a month before you get in.

Although Lin Mu acted a little late, but because Lin Mu was fast enough, he also entered the first echelon in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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