Supreme Chef

Chapter 938 Putting together equipment

Chapter 938 Putting together equipment (1)

Seeing Lin Mu, a small monk on the third floor of the Ascension Realm, dared to compete with them for the single-plank bridge. He wanted to be the first batch to enter the Buddha's realm.

There is nothing moral to talk about here, everyone is here for profit.Morally, I wouldn't come here.


A monk on the seventh floor of the Ascension Realm who was closest to Lin Mu directly attacked Lin Mu. This was not a temptation at all, it was completely preparing to kill Lin Mu with one blow.

Lin Mu looked at the cultivator on the seventh floor of the Ascension Realm who was attacking him, and he also snorted coldly, and then directly slashed out with the shadowless knife, and suddenly a sea of ​​knife energy gushed out.

The saber energy crazily counterattacked, and the monk on the seventh floor of the Ascension Realm didn't even have time to take a breath, and was directly sucked in by Lin Shu's saber energy, and died directly.

Seeing that Lin Mu killed a strong man who was four levels higher than himself with a single blow, the people around couldn't help but gasp.

Seeing that Lin Mu is so strong, the people around him dare not have any objection to Lin Mu's entry into the first echelon.

Lin Mu has already shown his strength, Lin Mu has strength, and he is in the first echelon.

"Little monk, you think you have some geniuses, so you try to compete with us. I will give you three breaths and go to the second echelon immediately. Otherwise, you should not even think about entering the Buddha's realm." One step away, a monk who was full of vicissitudes of life in the ascension state directly stood in front of Lin Mu.

For the people in the first echelon, entering in the first time means being able to have a more powerful spirit treasure or elixir in the first place, so in the competition for this place, no one will let this one go, of course No one will let the other party surpass themselves.

"Immortal, if you want to go to the second echelon, get the hell out of here and don't get in my way." Although the other party knew at a glance that he was an old-fashioned ascension cultivator, Lin Mu wouldn't either. fearful.

"court death!"

Hearing Lin Mu's insulting words and not paying attention to himself at all, the old antique level Ascension Realm powerhouse was also directly angry.


That old antique-level Ascension Realm powerhouse took a direct slap, and the immortal energy immediately rolled out, with a conversion rate of three layers of immortal energy, so he didn't have to worry about it. The high rate also allows him to easily enter the first echelon and occupy a very good position.

In fact, the reason why he took the initiative to attack Lin Mu was also because Lin Mu improved too fast, and he was worried that Lin Mu would compete for his current position.

But he really overestimated himself. For his position, Lin Mu really didn't care too much. Lin Mu really didn't like the top ten position he wanted, but his top twenty position. .But this old antique, relying on his cultivation to provoke himself, of course Lin Mu wouldn't just let it go.

Seeing that this old antique wanted to use Xianyuan to suppress himself, Lin Mu also sneered, and said, "Immortal, you want to use Xianyuan to suppress me, and you chose the wrong person."

After talking about Lin Shu, he directly slapped it with a palm, and it was also a billowing immortal essence, and it was blasted out overwhelmingly.

Nearly [-]% of the real energy in Lin Mu's body has been converted into immortal energy. Although Lin Mu's spiritual energy reserves are not as much as the old antique in front of him, in terms of conversion rate, Lin Mu is completely stronger than this old antique.

"Fifty percent immortal yuan!"

Old Antique also couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that a monk in the third level of the Ascension Realm in the forest area had a fifth level of true energy and transformed it into immortal energy.


The big hands of the two people collided with each other, causing the void to vibrate for a while, and the billowing air waves generated by the explosion made the broken space around them even more broken.


When the people behind saw Lin Shu fighting against such an old antique, they didn't lose the slightest bit, and took another breath.

Lin Mu and Old Antique pushed each other a step away, Lin Mu looked at Old Antique, and said, "Old Immortal, I really didn't see your position at first, but you took the initiative to provoke me, then you should not stay in this position, go Go back and wait."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he didn't give the other party a chance to speak at all, and directly cut the sky second.

When that old antique heard Lin Mu's words, he felt regretful in his heart.

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to his position at all, why did he jump out on his own initiative.Isn't this asking for trouble for yourself?
The strength that Lin Mu showed just now is not weaker than his own at all, and he has provoked such an opponent for himself for no reason, isn't it just looking for trouble.

However, seeing that the trees had already been attacked, he did not dare to neglect them at all.

Seeing Lin Mu's sword slashing down, he also took out a ninth-grade Lingbao flying sword, and directly went up to block it.


The swords clashed, and a powerful sonic storm was sent out again.

The storm swept across quickly, causing the people around them to retreat a little bit involuntarily.


Lin Shu and the old antique were evenly divided again, and each took a step back.

In fact, everyone seems to be equally divided, but in reality, only the two of them know.

In fact, this old antique is already complaining in his heart.

Although neither of them seemed to be defeated, in fact, Lin Mu's strength was stronger than his.

The collision just now had already made his arms tingle and numb. If there were two consecutive collisions, his flying sword would probably fly away.

"My little friend, since you are not interested in my position, let's stop now. You go your way, and I will make way for you." Seeing that Lin Mu seemed to want to attack, Old Antique also said hastily.

After finally occupying such a position, he didn't want Lin Shu to disturb him.

Don't say that I don't have the certainty to eat the forest trees, even if I am really sure to eat the forest trees, I am afraid that I will lose a lot of money.

On such a single-plank bridge, excessive wear and tear means that you may be replaced by someone behind at any time.

Lin Mu looked at the old antique and said with a sneer, "I wasn't really interested in your position before, but now I am. You don't want to fight with me, that's fine. You can go and stay behind now, I promise I won't trouble you any more."

"Don't bully people too much!" Old Antique's tone turned cold after hearing Lin Mu's words.

"I'm deceiving too much. When you attack me, why don't you think about whether you are deceiving too much." Lin Mu paused, and said, "If you really think that I am deceiving too much, then I will be serious today." It's too deceiving."

Old Antique stared at Lin Mu with a murderous look on his face, and said: "You are so rampant at such a young age, then don't blame me, I will destroy you, a genius."

After finishing speaking, a rising flame suddenly appeared in Old Antique's hand.

"Level [-] Sky Thunder Fire!" Seeing the flames suddenly appearing from this old antique's hand, the people around couldn't help being startled.

Tianleihuo is the seventh-ranked skyfire, and its power is extremely powerful, and it can fully display its power in this void.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the people around him, Old Antique was also slightly proud.

This Tianleihuo was obtained by himself unintentionally, and it took a lot of effort to promote it to the second level of Tianhuo. This can be regarded as his trump card.

"Drink! Play with fire with me, right? Then I'll play with you!" After finishing speaking, Lin Mu waved his hand, and Liushuangtianhuo also appeared in Lin Mu's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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