Supreme Chef

Chapter 939 Putting together equipment

Chapter 939 Putting together equipment (2)

"Frost and Heavenly Fire at the peak of the second level!"

Seeing that Lin Mu raised his hand, a sky fire also appeared in his hand, and the people around were shocked again.

Flowing Frost Skyfire was indeed ranked eighth, but that was when it was still at the first level.

But once Liushuang Tianhuo advances, its ranking will be greatly improved, and it will be directly ranked in the top five.

Liushuangtianhuo can be said to be a different kind, but its power is beyond doubt.

Old Antique was a little dumbfounded when he saw that Lin Mu took out the second-level peak Liushuang Tianhuo.

The second-level Skyfire is his biggest hole card, but the Skyfire they brought out is obviously stronger than himself, not weaker.

"Why do you think that one sky fire is not enough to fight with you, why don't you come and see!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu beckoned again, and Star Core Flame appeared in Lin Mu's other hand.

"Two sky fires!"

Skyfire is a rare thing that can't be found. A person's whole life, not to mention owning it, even seeing Skyfire once is enough to be proud of.

But Lin Mu, alone, possesses two sky fires at the same time.

The people around looked at the trees, wondering if their eyes were blurred, or if they saw something wrong.

But the facts tell them that they are right, Lin Mu has two sky fires.

Old Antique, who was facing Lin Mu, also felt a little dumbfounded at this time.

He didn't know what kind of evildoer he had provoked, and he already felt that his luck was overwhelmed by owning a second-level Tianleihuo.

However, Lin Mu not only possessed a second-level peak Flowing Frost Skyfire, but also a first-level star core flame, which made it difficult for people to live.

Old Antique was also a little depressed at this time, he couldn't compete in strength, and he was even worse in equipment.

I have one sky fire, and people directly take out two.As for the Lingbao used, Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife did not show any strength, but he clearly felt that Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife was much stronger than his own flying sword.

"Little friend, there is not much grievance between you and me. The Buddha Realm is about to open. You and I should put down our fight and stay in the Buddha Realm." He can only put down his body and take the initiative to sue for peace.

Lin Mu played with Liushuangtianhuo in his hand, and said, "As long as you roll to the back and give up your position, I won't have any problems."


After hearing Lin Mu's words, Old Antique was so angry that he almost acted directly.

But now he is very afraid of Lin Mu, and he dare not do it directly.

If you lose, you will still have a chance in the future, but if you fall, you really have no chance.

And even if he didn't fall, if he was injured, it would be difficult for him to leave completely, after all, there were too many people staring at him.He believed that as long as he was injured, someone would definitely swarm him and destroy him.

Thinking of this, Old Antique suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said to Lin Mu: "You really want to fight with me, we will both be hurt, and in the end, the only ones who will be cheaper will be the onlookers. If you insist on doing this, the old man will I will accompany you to the end."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I'm not dead, you really think too much. But I want to tell you two things. First, I can't possibly hurt both of you. There is only one possibility for the two of us to fight, and that is to fight to the death. Second. , even if I am injured, no one here can stop me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Shu's speed suddenly increased, and he appeared at a place less than five feet away from Old Antique, and at the same time, he directly punched Wu Huangquan.

"Speed ​​rules!"

When Old Antique saw Lin Mu's speed, his color suddenly changed, but Lin Mu's Wuhuang Fist made him even more afraid.


Old Antique greeted him with fists, and the two fists collided directly, causing a large space wave again.


This time, Old Antique rushed to fight back, but also suffered a hidden loss, and was beaten back by Lin Mu.

"Why do you believe now that no one here can keep me? You can choose after you think about it. If you want to hit me, you can always accompany me!" Lin Mu said looking at Old Antique.

"Boy, you're ruthless! I've written down this account, and I'll settle it with you when I enter the Buddhist realm." Old Antique left the first echelon by himself and entered the first place in the second echelon. .

Regarding the sudden addition of Old Antique, no one in the second echelon dared to have any opinion.

Although Old Antique is not Lin Mu's opponent, it does not mean that Old Antique is not their opponent.

After chasing away Old Antique, the distance to Buddha Land was also getting closer and closer. Lin Mu glanced at the front, and there were more than ten people left, but they did not continue to move forward.

Old Antique was already so difficult to deal with, and Lin Mu didn't want to make those troubles again.

Besides, the main purpose of Lin Mu's visit is different from that of the previous people. Lin Mu's entry into the Buddha's domain is mainly for those Buddha treasures.

But they didn't come here for the Buddha's treasure. The Buddha's treasure has absolutely no effect on cultivators.

Moreover, because the Buddha treasure has been blessed by the Buddha's light, even if it is smelted into a material, it cannot be integrated into other spiritual treasures.

Therefore, although the Buddha treasures in the Buddhist realm are all very high-level, not many people care about them.

But Lin Mu is different. Lin Mu needs Buddha treasures to suppress luck, and it is not for use at all.

The people in front had also noticed Lin Mu's strength a long time ago, and they were all relieved to see that Lin Mu had no plans to move forward.

In fact, the people in front are also afraid of Lin Mu's messing around. Although they are not afraid of Lin Mu, if they really get hurt by fighting against Lin Mu here, it is really not worth it.

Seeing that he was about to enter the Buddhist realm, Lin Mu was also ready to attack and defend at any time, because the closer to the entrance, the fiercer the competition would be.

Sure enough, as the entrance approached, the melee mode was immediately activated.

Fortunately, the first echelon did not receive much interference, and they all entered the Buddha's domain smoothly.

As soon as he entered the Buddha's realm, Lin Mu felt a powerful aura coming directly towards him.

At the same time, vast Zen thoughts circulated in the air, and even now, because of years of chanting, the sound of chanting is echoing in the space.

These magnificent sutra sounds make people have an unbearable urge to convert.

Lin Mu hastened to use the exercises to block these voices from his ears. At the same time, Lin Mu was also secretly frightened, because the Buddha's cultivation was so powerful.

I don't know how many years have passed, and the sound of these lingering scriptures can make me have the urge to convert.

"Seniors, please stay for a moment!" Seeing that the first batch of more than 20 people who came in were about to leave, Lin Mu hurriedly stopped them.

The 20 people also stopped when they heard Lin Mu's call, and looked at Lin Mu vigilantly, not knowing what Lin Mu meant by calling them to stop at this time.

Of course, there were some people who ignored Lin Mu, and of course Lin Mu would not call people back domineeringly.

Lin Mu cupped his hands towards the people left behind, and said, "Seniors, the main reason I came here is not to compete with you seniors for elixir and various materials. I came here mainly to want the Buddha treasures here. I am a Ninth-rank alchemist, so if you seniors come across any powerful Buddha treasures, you can help me collect them. According to the power of the Buddha treasures, I will consider refining pills for you for free. Of course I said free, It's just that I don't need the cost of alchemy, as for the materials, I have to provide the seniors themselves."

"Are you really a ninth-grade alchemist?" Hearing Lin Mu's words, these old antiques couldn't help being surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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