Supreme Chef

Chapter 940 The Mystery of the Dilapidation of the Buddha Realm

Chapter 940 The Mystery of the Dilapidation of the Buddha Realm (1)

It has been 10 years since the ninth grade alchemist has not appeared in the realm of comprehension.

Although their cultivation has already reached the realm of transformation, this does not mean that they don't need pills. On the contrary, they not only need pills, but they also need top-notch pills.

Naturally, top-level alchemists can refine top-level pills, but top-level alchemists are so easy to find.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "My junior, Lin Mu, is the head of Fumanlou. If you don't believe me, you can go to Fumanlou and find me directly. Besides, with your seniors' cultivation, you should be able to tell whether this junior is deceiving you or not." .And the younger generation won't directly bring hatred for the useless Buddha treasure, right?"

After hearing Lin Mu's analysis, those who stayed behind also nodded one after another.

"Okay! I'll keep an eye out for you. As long as there are powerful Buddha treasures, I'll collect them for you. Give me your Jade Slip." Someone said directly.

Lin Mu took out the jade slips he had prepared long ago and sent them out.

With the first one, the rest will be easy to deal with, after all, the attraction of the ninth-rank alchemist is not covered.

Those who stayed soon exchanged the Jade Letters with Lin Mu.

After these people left, Lin Mu also smiled slightly.

The area of ​​the Buddhist realm is somewhat beyond Lin Shu's imagination. It is obviously unrealistic to collect more than 90 powerful Buddhist treasures within a month, but it will be much easier if you have these great powers to help you collect together .

Moreover, these people may become his help in the future. How could Lin Mu not do something that kills two birds with one stone.

After these old antiques dispersed, Lin Mu found a random direction and left.

Although the main purpose of my coming here is the Buddha treasure, but I can't come here for nothing.

Buddhist cultivators once ruled the world of self-cultivation for a long time, and the richness of their collections is completely unimaginable for Lin Mu.

Although so many years have passed, countless people have entered the Buddhist realm, but Lin Mu believes that the remaining top-level elixir and top-level materials in the Buddhist realm are still astronomical.

Lin Mu walked in the Buddhist realm, listening to the louder and louder singing voices in the sky, he was also a little curious about the way of Buddhist cultivation.

Although Buddhist cultivators also cultivate spiritual energy, they practice more vow power.

The energy of wish power is somewhat special. It is somewhat similar to the belief of a person. A person's belief may not be strong enough, but if it is hundreds of millions, or even hundreds of millions, billions, then the power of wish is very huge. .

Back then when Buddhist cultivation really flourished, temples could be seen almost everywhere in the cultivation world.

Buddhist practice is to collect people's vows through these temples that can be seen everywhere.

To know how huge the number of people in the cultivation world is, it must be measured in tens of billions.

Tens of billions of people pay homage together, and the horror of the power of the vow is simply unimaginable.

The ground of the Buddhist realm is completely paved with gold, although gold is not worth a penny in the cultivation world.

But such a huge Buddhist domain, all paved with gold, is still very surprising.

Lin Mu went all the way, except for some dilapidated temples, he did not find any decent Buddhist treasures and elixir.

After all, countless people have already entered here, and the good things in front have basically been taken away, and the remaining good things are all in the depths of the Buddha's realm.

After walking for half a day, Lin Mu also gave up on walking, and directly drove the scarlet to the depths of the Buddha's realm.

Just as the forest was deepening, the Heavenly Dragon Bow in the chaotic world suddenly sent out an idea to the forest.

"You said you sensed the existence of your main body here?" Lin Mu was also a little surprised after reading the thoughts from Tianlong Bow.

Tianlong Bow was obviously not interested in answering Lin Mu's idiot's question, so he directly gave Lin Mu a route and asked Lin Mu to follow this route.

Lin Mu is also very depressed about Tianlong Bow's overbearing, but Lin Mu can only do as he wants.After all, if Tianlong Bow can really retrieve all of its body and restore its former prosperity, wouldn't Lin Shu also become awesome?

The route given by Tianlong Bow pointed directly to the depths of the Buddha's domain, and Lin Shu also accelerated to the depths of the Buddha's domain without hesitation.



Suddenly a series of impact sounds startled Lin Shu, and when Lin Mu checked, he was surprised to find that there were tiny cracks in the defensive formation above the scarlet red.

You must know that the defensive formation above the crimson was rearranged after the trees.Even if it doesn't reach the standard of level nine, it is definitely a formation at the peak of level eight.How could such a defensive strength be easily torn apart.

When Lin Mu was about to observe, the sound of 'boom' and 'boom' was heard incessantly.

And the defensive formation above the crimson, following the endless voice, also showed signs of collapse.


Lin Mu looked at the scene in front of him, completely unaware of what happened.

Lin Mu released his consciousness, but in his own consciousness, he didn't see anything, but the sound of the impact was real, and according to Lin Mu's estimation, at this level, I'm afraid it wouldn't take a cup of tea. The scarlet red will be broken.

Lin Mu turned red and wanted to leave here, but Lin Mu found that he seemed to have entered this unknown and terrifying territory, because the faster he left, the more fierce their attacks would be.

There is no way that Lin Mu can only temporarily give up his plan to leave, but start to constantly repair the formation above the scarlet red, so that the scarlet red can persist for a longer time.

Under the continuous arrangement of trees, the signs of collapse finally stabilized, but this can only be relieved for a while. If the reason cannot be found, Scarlet Red will still be broken.

While repairing the formation, Lin Mu released his consciousness to check what it was, and then attacked his own scarlet.

However, although Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness is powerful, he didn't notice anything strange, as if this space didn't welcome him.

But Lin Mu knows that it is definitely not that the space here does not welcome him, but that there are certain things in this space that are attacking him.

Lin Mu once again condensed his spiritual consciousness, and refined it at the same time, not missing any subtle changes. Even in the end, Lin Mu turned his spiritual consciousness into a fine net. If you set up a net, Lin Mu will sense it immediately.

This is Lin Shu who has cultivated the Ninth Rank of Divine Sense, otherwise, if it is an ordinary Ascension Realm powerhouse, he would not want to do these things at all.

But Huang Tian paid off, under Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness net, Lin Mu finally caught some subtle fluctuations, but Lin Mu still didn't know what these things were.

Lin Mu released his spiritual consciousness again, and further refined his own spiritual consciousness network, and narrowed the mesh even further.

The reason why Lin Mu uses the Divine Consciousness Network instead of the Divine Consciousness Wall is because Lin Mu has tried it before, but Lin Mu found that although the Divine Consciousness Wall is impenetrable, those things seem to know the same thing, and they directly passed him. God's consciousness wall, but they can't cross it.

Finally, under Lin Mu's further refinement, Lin Mu finally saw clearly those things that attacked him.

The things that attacked the trees turned out to be lizard-like things, but their tips were very, very small, only the size of a fingernail.And the speed is extremely fast, even when Lin Shu activates the speed rule, it is not bad at all.It's no wonder that Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness didn't discover anything.

"This is Tuo crocodile!" Daoist Guang exclaimed when he saw such a small thing.

(End of this chapter)

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