Supreme Chef

Chapter 941 The Mystery of the Dilapidation of the Buddha Realm

Chapter 941 The Mystery of the Dilapidation of the Buddha Realm (2)

"Tuo crocodile? What is a Tuo crocodile?" Lin Mu had never heard of the existence of such a thing.

Daoist Guang said: "Tuo crocodile is transformed from the golden body of Buddha, a top Buddhist cultivator. It is extremely fast, and its body is extremely hard. It attacks any visible moving living thing."

Lin Mu was also a little speechless after hearing Taoist Guang's words, and said, "Didn't you say that Buddhist cultivators preach compassion every day? How come the golden bodies they left behind turned into something like this."

Guang Dao said humanely: "Not all the golden bodies of Buddhas will turn into crocodiles, only those Buddhas who are willing to enter the magic way, their golden bodies will turn into crocodiles after they become demons."

Lin Mudao: "Didn't you say that Buddha cultivators and devil cultivators are incompatible? How can there be Buddha cultivators who are willing to become demons?"

Guang Dao said humanely: "The world is impermanent, so what about Buddhist practice. If you can have the strongest power to seek true eternal life, who will care whether you are a Buddhist or a demon?"

Lin Mudao: "Senior, can you see that the Buddha cultivator who became Tuo Crocodile had the cultivation level before he became a demon?"

Daoist Guang said: "This person's cultivation is at least equivalent to the level of an immortal king. Moreover, the magic way he cultivates is by no means ordinary. Otherwise, the crocodile transformed into his golden body would not be so addicted to it." kill."

"What! A Buddhist cultivator at the level of an immortal king, so we can't get out of here?" Lin Mu said in shock.

Taoist Guang shook his head, and said: "That's not the case. First, I'm just talking about his cultivation of magic money. Second, these crocodiles are only a ten-millionth, or even a billionth, of his golden body.

Even if his Dharma was profound before he became a demon, he was comparable to an immortal king.But after he became a demon, the golden body became thousands of incarnations, and the strength retained by each one was extremely limited. "

After listening to Taoist Guang's explanation, Lin Mu was quite satisfied.

However, although he felt at ease, he still had to find a way to solve the danger of the crocodile in front of him.

"Senior, is there any good way to deal with the crocodile?" Lin Mu asked.

Guang Dao said: "Actually, this is the first time I have seen Tuo crocodile. Although there were Buddha cultivators in ancient times, I have never seen a Buddha who is willing to become a demon, so I don't know how to deal with these Tuo crocodile. But you You can try it with Skyfire."

It was the first time for Lin Mu to see Taoist Youguang, something he didn't know.

Daoist Guang didn't know that Lin Mu could only try to use sky fire to deal with the crocodile.

Lin Shu sacrificed the Frost Skyfire, covering the crimson with the Frost Skyfire.

Those crocodiles didn't seem to know the power of the Frost Skyfire, and they still relentlessly hit the crimson trees.

However, with the barrier of the Frost Sky Fire, these Tuo crocodiles rushed into the Frost Sky Fire, and immediately turned into a puff of scorched smoke.

Seeing that his sky fire is useful to these crocodiles, Lin Mu is also determined. If the sky fire is useless, Lin Mu really has no other way.

Countless black smoke rose, and countless crocodiles turned into coke under the fire of the forest.

These crocodiles seem to be completely unconscious, they just know about the impact, and they don't care about the result of the impact at all.

Seeing these Tuo crocodiles following one after another, Lin Mu was secretly startled.

At the same time, Lin Mu also understood why those who entered the Buddhist realm died inexplicably.

With such killers who come and go without a trace, it is no wonder that they died inexplicably.

Thinking of those who died, Lin Mu suddenly had a terrible speculation.

"Senior, you said that the Buddha's Land is also destroyed because of this terrible crocodile." The forest has a sky fire, so it can survive here.

But those Buddhist cultivators in the Buddhist realm, it is impossible for everyone to have a sky fire in their hands.

Without Tianhuo, no matter how powerful their Buddhist treasures are, it is impossible to block the impact of these crocodiles.

Daoist Guang said: "There is a possibility, but the real reason is definitely not just because of the crocodile.

No matter how powerful the crocodile is, those Buddhist practitioners are not fools, they can still run away if they can't beat them.It's impossible to say that none of them ran out. There must be other reasons for this. "

After Lin Mu heard this, he also nodded. It is true that the crocodile is extremely dangerous, but unless those Buddhist practitioners can't run, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the entire army to be wiped out.

But through various historical speculations, it seems that they were really wiped out, and no one escaped.

Lin Mu thought for a while and felt that he had no clue, so he simply gave up.

After all, Lin Mu didn't come here to explore and decipher, Lin Mu came here for the body of Tianlong Bow.

With the shroud of Frost and Skyfire, Crimson's speed increased again.

Seven days later, Lin Mu clearly felt that the number of crocodiles around him continued to decrease, but the spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, the voice of chanting became louder and louder, as if there was a Countless Buddhas are just chanting scriptures in your ears.

Faced with such a vast sound of chanting, Lin Mu's desire to convert became stronger and stronger.

Lin Mu tried his best to run the exercises and tried his best to resist the chanting of these scriptures, but the effect was very small.

"You must persevere, and don't be overwhelmed by these chants, or your whole body will be ruined." Taoist Guang also saw that something was wrong with Lin Mu, and quickly sent a sound transmission to Lin Mu.

However, although Lin Mu is clear in his heart, because of the continuous control of Liushuangtianhuo, whether it is spiritual consciousness or spiritual energy, Lin Mu consumes a lot. disappear.


Just when Lin Mu felt that he might not be able to hold on, in the chaotic world, the chaotic green lotus that was rooted in the chaos suddenly cleared away.

And with the cleansing of the chaotic green lotus, the sound of Dao, like the opening of the world, was aroused from the chaotic green lotus.

Dao Yin, which is as vast as a galaxy, directly confronts the sky-filled Zen singing, but it is obvious that the Dao Yin inspired by the chaotic green lotus has the upper hand.

Because although Buddhist cultivation is different from cultivators, they have different paths.

And the chaotic green lotus represents the Dao, and the Dao sound inspired by it is naturally stronger than the chanting sound.

Hearing these Daoist voices, Lin Mu's mood suddenly calmed down.

His mind calmed down, and Lin Mu quickly put his knees on the ground, cooperating with the chaotic Qinglian, who actively inspired the Dao voice, and began to practice.


Three days passed, and Lin Mu's strengths breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did his consumption recover, but his cultivation base also improved a little.At this time, Lin Shu's cultivation has reached the third level of Ascension Realm, and he can enter the fourth level of Ascension Realm at any time.

When Lin Mu opened his eyes, he also saw the red-faced Tuo crocodile, which had completely disappeared.

In front of the trees, there are continuous temples stretching like mountains.

These temples are all bright and bright, and countless vows are condensed on these temples. At the same time, the sound of those chanting sutras is constantly floating out of the temples.

At this time, the Buddhist realm is like a dead zone, the sound of chanting sutras, and the continuous concentration of vows make it look like there are countless Buddha cultivators chanting sutras.

"Are these the temples that Buddhist cultivators set up in various places in the cultivation world back then?"

Lin Mu could tell that the continuous temples were all moved from other places.

Moreover, their architectural styles do not belong to the same era at all.

And as far as Lin Mu knew, after the Buddha's cultivation was defeated, all the temples in the cultivation world also disappeared overnight.

Some said it was destroyed, and some said it was forcibly moved to the Buddhist realm by the great power of Buddhist cultivation.

But now the temple in front of Lin Mu can obviously prove that the latter speculation is completely correct.

These temples were not destroyed by the powerhouses of the cultivation world, but were moved here by the great powers of the Buddha Realm and continued to worship them.

(End of this chapter)

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