Supreme Chef

Chapter 942 The Mystery of the Dilapidation of the Buddha Realm

Chapter 942 The Mystery of the Dilapidation of the Buddha Realm (3)

Lin Mu looked at the endless temples below, but he didn't enter it to find any Buddhist treasures.

Because Lin Mu's attention at this time was completely behind these temples, on the extremely magnificent mountain that was completely piled up by the power of wishes.

Although this mountain is not so towering, but people look at it, but there is a feeling that they can't help but worship.

The whole mountain was completely filled with wish power, piled up by the wish power, and the light pierced directly into the sky. An incomparably huge Buddha statue flashed behind the mountain, and the Buddha statue looked solemn.

With a compassionate smile on his face, it looks like he is about to kneel down to worship.

And under the Buddha statue, a shimmering golden temple stands on the top of the mountain, and the root of the Buddha statue is in this temple.

Lin Mu's destination is the temple on the top of the mountain, Tianlong Bow told Lin Mu that the place where its body is located is in that temple.

Lin Shu put away the crimson and flew directly to the temple on the mountain top.

As the forest approached, there were continuous wishes to bless the forest.

However, these wishes are not to stop the trees, but to save the trees.

But because of the existence of the chaotic green lotus, these vows no longer have any effect on the trees.

Lin Mu came to the temple on the mountain almost unimpeded all the way. When he arrived here, the majestic wish power had almost turned into a sea of ​​wish power.

The turbulent wish power constantly impacts the sea of ​​consciousness of the forest, and the chaotic green lotus, stimulated by the wish power, is also constantly vibrating, and the sound of the avenue is stimulated, constantly resisting this ocean of wish power .

This is also the forest with the chaotic green lotus. If it were someone else, I am afraid that it would have been converted by this wish.

While listening to the Daoist voice, Lin Mu strode towards the temple.

When we came to the gate of the temple, two golden gates of wish power blocked the way of the forest.

The intention of these two gates is already very obvious.That is, anyone who wants to enter this temple must accept the teaching of Buddhism, otherwise, you will never want to enter this temple.

But how could Lin Mu be transformed by Buddhism, Lin Mu waved directly, and the chaotic green lotus also appeared in Lin Mu's hand.

As soon as the chaotic green lotus appeared, before the forest trees urged it, the chaotic green lotus took root directly in this ocean-like wish.

As soon as the Chaos Qinglian took root, the vast amount of vow power was absorbed by the Chaos Qinglian like a storm.

And with the absorption of these vows, the chaos around Chaos Qinglian became more and more intense.

"This..." Seeing such an active change of Chaos Qinglian, Lin Mu was a little confused.

But after thinking about it, Lin Mu also wanted to understand why the Chaos Qinglian had such a change.

Chaotic Qinglian needs to grow, so it must constantly get close to the Dao, and these vows are the nutrients that allow Chaos Qinglian to get close to the Dao.

The vows of all races are produced by one-hearted dedication to the Dao. Although these vows are not the real Dao, they are the nutrients that can make the chaotic green lotus grow rapidly and get closer to the Dao.

The chaotic green lotus took root in the ocean of wish power, and soon a huge vortex of wish power appeared above the chaotic green lotus.

Lin Mu looked at the chaotic green lotus like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing the ocean-like wish power, and Lin Mu also looked forward to seeing the chaotic green lotus grow.

With the growth of Lin Mu's cultivation base, his desire for the Dao has become more and more thirsty, and the best thing that can make Lin Mu get closer to the Dao is this chaotic green lotus.

But the current Chaos Qinglian is obviously not enough.

Lin Mu watched the chaos around Chaos Qinglian getting more and more intense, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

"Let it absorb it here by itself. Ordinary people can't enter here. Time is limited. Let's take out the body of the Heavenly Dragon Bow first." Taoist Guang also said to the forest.

Lin Mu looked at the two golden gates of wishing power, which were completely washed away by the chaotic green lotus. He also nodded, and then strode into the temple.

"Those who believe in my Buddha will have eternal life. Those who enter my door will have immortality!"

As soon as Lin Mu stepped into the gate, he heard two chants.

Although the voice of the Zen singing was not high, it shocked Lin Mu greatly, and even made Lin Mu's Dao Heart a little unstable.

Feeling that his Dao heart was not stable, Lin Mu snorted coldly, then stepped out directly, and said loudly: "My Dao doesn't need other people's influence. I don't need a door like yours, and I don't believe in your Buddha. My way is the avenue of heaven, and the small way of Buddhism, how can it enter my Dharma eyes!"

After Lin Mu said these words, he had already taken seven steps in a row, and as Lin Mu's seventh step fell, the voice of the Zen singing also completely disappeared.


With a sigh of relief, Lin Mu knew that his Dao heart had not only been stabilized, but had also risen to another level.

And with the eighth step of Lin Shu, the space changed for a while, and the whole temple changed into another appearance.

Countless Buddha skeletons appeared on both sides of the temple, and in the center of the main hall, a half golden, half black, Buddhist golden body sat on a futon.

Half golden, half pitch black, this makes this Buddhist golden body look a little weird, but the powerful fluctuations on the bones make people feel frightened without waiting to get close.

"Buddha and demon have the same body! In this world, there are really people who can take this step!" Taoist Guang was a little shocked when he saw this strange golden body.

Lin Mudao: "Senior, what is the same body of Buddha and demon?"

Guang Dao said: "You should have heard the saying that one step becomes a Buddha and one step becomes a demon. On the surface, this sentence tells us that the difference between a Buddha and a demon is only one step. But he is telling us secretly that a Buddha The strongest state that exists between the demon and the Buddha is the same body of the Buddha and the demon.

According to the legend, whether it is a Buddha or a demon, if it is really possible to take the step of the Buddha and the demon.Then this person can move freely, both worlds of Buddha and demon.At the same time, the cultivation speed of the Buddha and Demon Body has swept across the heavens and worlds.As long as he is given time, he can grow into a peerless powerhouse who can sweep the heavens and the world.

It's just that it is too difficult to have the same body of Buddha and demon.Not to mention the conflict between the two kinds of spiritual energy, but the conflict between the two kinds of Dao, which makes it impossible for the two to merge at all.From ancient times to the present, there is still a person who can successfully merge, and this person can go this far. If he does not fall, I am afraid that in the world, he will definitely be a peerless figure. "

Lin Mu didn't expect that this body of Buddha and demon would be so tough. It can be seen that the person in front of him is definitely a peerless genius.

"Where's the body of the Heavenly Dragon Bow? Why didn't you see it?" After scanning around, Lin Mu didn't see the body of the Heavenly Dragon Bow, so he was a little puzzled.


But just when Lin Mu was wondering, the Heavenly Dragon Bow in the chaotic world suddenly let out a low growl, and behind the golden body of Buddha and demon, a piece of space was directly shattered, and then a handle spanning the heavens and worlds, as if to crush the eternal Yu's bowed body appeared in front of Lin Mu's eyes.

This bow is actually not that huge, but the aura of crushing Hengyu makes everyone in Lin Mu who sees it admire from the bottom of his heart.

"This... this is the body of the Heavenly Dragon Bow!" Lin Mu stuttered as he looked at the bow.

Taoist Guang looked at the bow of the Tianlong Bow and didn't know what to say.

"This should be the complete bow of Tianlong Bow, but there are still some fragments that need you to find slowly, and the blood on the bow body also needs to be collected one by one according to the list given by Tianlong Bow Qi, and then wash it away with Dao blood." Taoist Guang also said.


Tianlong Bow seemed to agree with Taoist Guang's statement very much. With a low growl, the huge bow turned into a golden light, directly submerged into the chaotic world, and then merged into Tianlong Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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