Supreme Chef

Chapter 943 The Controversy between Buddha and Demon

Chapter 943 The Controversy between Buddha and Demon (1)

The bow body merged into Longshan, and Longshan was suddenly golden, and the broken mountains were constantly forming and merging at this moment. The endless chaos was absorbed by Longshan, and large pieces of chaos collapsed. At this moment, the chaotic world, because of Tianlong bow Existence, and was once again nearly doubled in size.

Lin Mu looked at his chaotic world which was getting bigger and bigger, and his eyes were full of horror.

How difficult it is to expand the chaotic world, Lin Shu is very clear.

Not everyone can crush chaos and recreate space.

But Tianlong Bow did it easily, which can't but surprise Lin Mu.


After finding the main body, Tianlong Bow was also very excited, and let out a high-pitched roar.

As long as the main body is found, as for the Dao blood on the bow body, it will be easy to deal with.

"This is a benefit I gave you!" Tianlong Bow was so rare that he took the initiative to communicate with Lin Mu.

However, Lin Mu didn't understand what the benefits of the Heavenly Dragon Bow were, but the next moment in front of Lin Mu, there was a majestic Heavenly Dragon Bow that had completely transformed into a real entity.

Looking at the Heavenly Dragon Bow in front of him, Lin Shu's eyes were also burning.

The Heavenly Dragon Bow can be said to be the strongest life-saving means for him now, and of course the stronger the Heavenly Dragon Bow, the better.

As soon as Lin Mu stretched out his hand to grab the Tianlong Bow in his hand, a powerful feeling suddenly surged into Lin Mu's heart.

Lin Mu has no doubts at all, the strength of the Heavenly Dragon Bow at this time, Lin Mu even feels that as long as his strength is strong enough, with the current Heavenly Dragon Bow, it is possible to shoot and kill immortals by himself.

Of course, the premise is that one's own strength is strong enough, and the Heavenly Dragon Bow has become stronger, but the requirements for trees are also higher.

Lin Mu secretly estimated that with his current cultivation level, he might lose his spiritual energy with one arrow, so this kind of thing can only be used as a means to save his life in the end.

The level of the Heavenly Dragon Bow is really too high, it is the number one treasure in the ancient times, and it is even more heaven-defying than the Xiantian Lingbao.

Not to mention Lin Mu's current cultivation base, even if Lin Mu had the cultivation base in the fairy world back then, he might only be able to display one ten-thousandth of the true strength of the Heavenly Dragon Bow, or even less.

However, Lin Mu had no hope at all, and he could take revenge with the Heavenly Dragon Bow at once.

For revenge, Lin Mu will come slowly, and Lin Mu will pay back ten times the debt of the year to those great emperors who think they are superior.

The goal has been achieved, and Lin Mu doesn't want to stay here any longer. This temple always gives Lin Mu a bad feeling, so Lin Mu thinks it's better to leave early.

"Donor, please stay!"

Just when Lin Mu was about to leave, the golden body of the Buddha and the devil actually spoke.

When Lin Mu heard him speak, his scalp went numb from fright.

You must know that the person in front of you has been dead for tens of thousands of years.Now he suddenly opened his mouth to speak. The most important thing is that the person in front of him was once comparable to the existence of the Immortal King.

If he had any plans for him, it would be too late for him to run away.

"Do you have something to do?" Although Lin Mu was ready to run away, he still stopped, wanting to hear what the dead ghost in front of him had to say.

"Benefactor, you are the only person who has entered my Leiyin Temple in the past 10 years, so the poor monk has some things and wants to ask you for help." The golden body said: "Don't worry, benefactor, I have already died and I have no strength left." I've dealt with you, the reason why I didn't die is because my wish was fulfilled."

Lin Mu breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't relax in his heart.

You can't believe the words of this old ghost at all.This kind of old thing always said that he was completely dead, but they were the ones who took the house every time.

But what made Lin Mu a little confused was that this place turned out to be Leiyin Temple.

Because according to Lin Mu's knowledge, Leiyin Temple is the number one holy place in the Buddhist world, and the only holy place in the hearts of all Buddhist practitioners in the world, how could it appear here.

But although Lin Mu had doubts in his heart, Lin Mu didn't intend to solve the doubts. Who knew that such an old man would use his brains.This kind of old and immortal, the hair is empty, it is better to communicate with them less.

"I'm afraid I can't help you with your unfulfilled wish. I'm a cultivator, not a Buddhist cultivator." Lin Mu said with a vigilant expression.

Lin Mu really doesn't intend to help him fulfill any wish, for this kind of old man, it's better for Lin Mu to hide as far away as possible.

The golden body said: "Benefactor, I see that you have a long luck, and you will definitely have some extraordinary achievements in the future. And I also know that you came here, benefactor, to find my Buddhist treasure to suppress your luck.

As long as you are willing to do me this favor, benefactor, I am willing to give you my Buddha Realm Supreme Treasure Zen Stick, and let you use it to suppress luck. "

Although Lin Mu didn't know the origin of this Zen staff, but it was probably not easy to be called a treasure by such a heaven-defying existence.

But Lin Mu still didn't want to agree to his request, and said, "I'm not interested."

The golden body still seemed unwilling to give up, and continued: "In addition to the supreme treasure Zen staff, I can also give you all the treasures of my Buddha realm. My Buddha realm has been in the realm of cultivation for tens of thousands of years, and the collection is rich. Thinking about it, you also know that as long as you have these treasures, I think it will not be difficult for the benefactor to rule the cultivation world."

Hearing Jinshen's words, Lin Mu's heart was indeed a little moved. If he could really have the treasure house of the Buddha's domain for tens of thousands of years, then he could take revenge and even crush the Emperor Zong, then it would really be just around the corner.

But as soon as Lin Mu's greed came out, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

But the next moment Lin Mu knew that it was too late.

Because the voice of the golden body appeared directly in Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness, the golden body laughed wildly and said, "If you want to be greedy, you will still become my puppet in the end."

Lin Mu was already very careful, but unexpectedly, he finally followed the old monk's way.

"Greed, hatred, ignorance."

These are the three poisons of Buddhism. Once a person in Buddhism suffers from these three poisons, he will fall into reincarnation forever.

Lin Mu didn't expect that just after he became greedy, this old man would take advantage of him and enter his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Lin Mu didn't have time to scold the old man, so he directly sacrificed the Nine Slashes of Divine Consciousness in his sea of ​​consciousness, turning his sea of ​​consciousness into a sea of ​​swords, and wanted to kill this old man directly. .

But this old immortal is in Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness, as if he is immortal, no matter how Lin Shu kills him, this old immortal is unscathed.

Moreover, Lin Mu found that the more he acted recklessly, the greater the consumption of his consciousness, and the stronger the immortal.

"Haha! You finally found out that your greed has come out. It is also your greed that you want to kill me. I can rely on your greed to continue to grow myself. I didn't expect that you are still flawless. Consummation, such a good cauldron is really a gift from heaven." The old man also laughed wildly.

"You are the demonic side of that golden body!" Lin Mu gradually calmed down as he looked at the old man.

"The kid has some insight, and he actually saw that I was his demonic side. That old thing is really stupid, he was born with the same body of Buddha and demon. After being discovered by the Buddhist world, instead of being cultivated, he was kicked out of the Buddhist world.

After leaving the Buddhist world, he even tried in vain to refine me with the power of vows from the cultivation world.In the end, it was still overshadowed by the joint efforts of the Buddhist world and the fairy world.When he came to this Buddhist realm, he was willing to destroy his golden body rather than hurt his disciples. He was really stupid.In the end, his disciples were all wiped out by me, hahaha! "The demonic side of the golden body laughed wildly.

After hearing his words, Lin Mu also understood the secret of the complete destruction of the Buddha Realm, but Lin Mu finally sneered and said, "You said he was stupid, but in my opinion, you should be the one who is stupid?"

(End of this chapter)

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