Supreme Chef

Chapter 944 The Controversy between Buddha and Demon

Chapter 944 The Controversy between Buddha and Demon (2)

The demonic golden body laughed loudly after hearing Lin Mu's words, and said, "You mean he's not dead yet?"

Lin Mu didn't hide anything, just nodded and said: "Yes!"

Demonic golden body, said: "It seems that this stupid person is you. I personally sent that old bald man on the road, and now he has been reincarnated for many generations. If you want to use this kind of thing, Disturbing my mind, you also think of me too simply."

Lin Mu was not in a hurry, just smiled coldly, and said: "I disturbed your mind. You think too highly of yourself, and I have already thought of a solution to you. But I think I should let you understand a little.

You said you took him out with your own hands, and you actually saw him disappear.If you really watched him disappear into thin air, I don't think you can be a Buddha and a demon now, but only a demon, right? "

Lin Mu's words also caused the devilish golden body to fall into deep thought, and soon the devilish golden body let out a loud roar, saying, "Oops, I fell for that old bald donkey's trick!"

After talking about the idea of ​​the demonic golden body, he immediately left the forest's sea of ​​consciousness and wanted to return to the golden body.

But just as it was about to return, the golden body suddenly burst into golden light, completely blocking it from the outside.


A resonant Buddha's chant resounded through the entire Leiyin Temple, and the demonic golden body was almost collapsed by the shock of the Buddha's chant.

"Old bald donkey, you dare to lie to me, you have been suspended animation for more than [-] years!" The demonic golden body also roared at this time.

He couldn't help but be angry. Originally, he thought that he could forcibly seize the forest and then refine the golden body of Buddha and demon, but he never expected that he would be deceived by the golden body of Buddha nature for 10 years. Long.

The Buddha-nature golden body has been showing weakness to him all the time, and even pretended to be wiped out by him, just to let himself relax his vigilance, and then wait for the last moment to come, let himself leave the body voluntarily, and then he can directly occupy the body without any worries The power to destroy.

"You should have disappeared long ago. It is your good fortune to let you succeed for 10 years. Today is the time when your spirit and soul will be wiped out." The Buddha-natured golden body said in a neutral voice.

Every time this Buddha-nature golden body utters a word, the demonic nature will tremble, and at the same time, the energy will be weakened by a bit.

The Buddha nature inherently restrains the demon nature, not to mention that after 10 years of accumulation and precipitation, the other party is no longer comparable to me, not to mention that this is a temple with infinite wish power bonus.

It would be okay if it was hiding in the golden body, but if he left the golden body, then the wish power would have done him great harm.

As soon as the demon turned his head, he was about to drill into Lin Mu's body again, but at this time Lin Mu had already covered his body with frost and sky fire, so that the demon had no chance to get close to him.

"Heavenly Fire!"

When Mo Xing saw the sky fire densely covering the trees, his expression changed suddenly.

Perhaps when he was still at the level of an immortal king, he was not afraid of sky fire.But now he was just a wisp of remnant, Tianhuo could strangle him almost instantly.

"The two of us must cooperate now, otherwise, when the old bald man completely merges with the golden body, both of us will die." Moxing couldn't care about anything else at this time, so he could only ask Lin Mu for help.

Of course Lin Mu would not believe his nonsense, Lin Mu said flatly: "Do you think I will believe your words?"

Mo Xing looked at his half Mo Xing's body, which was slowly being eaten, and was a little anxious, and said: "This old bald donkey has endured for 10 years, which shows how terrible his scheming is. Do you think he will be eaten after the fusion? After that, will he let you go?

For the current plan, only the two of us cooperate, and get rid of him before he merges.I can swear that as long as you and I work together to solve him, I will definitely let you go and give you all the treasures of my Buddhist realm. "

Before Lin Mu could speak, the Buddha Nature also spoke, saying: "The benefactor is an evil impediment, and his heart is not dead. Don't believe his words. The poor monk just wants to solve this evil obstacle. He has killed hundreds of thousands of Buddha cultivators in my Buddhist domain. The poor monk must kill this person. As for the benefactor, the poor monk has no grievances with the benefactor, and the poor monk will never harm you, the benefactor. If the benefactor is willing, you can leave now."

When Mo Xing heard what Buddha Xing said, he was really anxious, and said: "Don't listen to his hypocrisy and righteousness. Back then, he watched me kill hundreds of thousands of monks in the Buddha's realm. If he tried his best to resist back then , I believe that at least one-fifth of the Buddhist monks in the Buddhist realm can escape. But instead of not, he turned half of his golden body into a crocodile, and continued to kill the fish that slipped through the net.

The heart of this old bald donkey is actually darker than mine.He killed all the Buddhist cultivators, and turned all their Buddhist Dharma cultivation bases into endless vows, just to wait for this moment today.

As long as he fuses the golden body and has this endless power to add to his body, he can be resurrected again.When the time comes, all of us will die. "

Lin Mu also sneered in his heart after hearing the devilish words of the golden body.

From this point of view, the Buddha nature and the demonic nature in front of me are just the same thing, and they are not good things.

"You're right, it's true that all of you are going to die, but you have to die first!" Just as the demon nature was discussing with Lin Mu, the half of the Buddha nature suddenly spoke.

Although his words were very cold and full of murderous intent.But when he said it out of his mouth, it seemed like a bodhisattva who was compassionate.

It seemed that he wanted to kill the demons and trees in order to relieve them.

"It's too late! It's too late! It's too late. He has already used his will power to speed up the fusion. Let's all wait to die!" the demonic avatar said in a panic.

Lin Mu has been watching everything with cold eyes. For Lin Mu, the life and death of these two people has nothing to do with him.

"Indeed, it's too late. You should have died 10 years ago, and now the old monk will send you on your way!" After the Buddha-nature avatar finished speaking, it also made a Buddhist handprint, and then directly crushed the demonic avatar past.


The fingerprints fell, and the demonic avatar didn't even resist, it was directly blasted into powder.

And the Buddha-nature avatar, after solving the demon-nature avatar, also looked at Lin Mu, and said: "Almsgiver, I see that you have a predestined relationship with my Buddhism, how about being my disciple who sits down? The poor monk is willing to share what the poor monk has learned. , teach them all!"

Lin Mu looked at the shining golden body of the Buddha at this time, sneered, and said, "Being your disciple is too dangerous, and I don't want to die too early. Your wish has been fulfilled, can I go now?" "

The Buddha-nature avatar looked at the trees, and said: "The benefactor has entered my Buddhist gate, how could he leave so easily. Besides, benefactor, you have deep roots in Buddhism and have a deep chance with my Buddha."

Lin Mudao: "I don't have any Buddha roots, if I have, I also have Dao roots, so farewell!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he turned around and left, not giving this Buddha-nature avatar any face at all.

"Benefactor, since you don't want to enter my Buddhist sect, then I can only let the poor monk personally come to save you and make you my disciple!" After talking about the Buddha-nature avatar, he suddenly shot at Lin Mu.

Although the old monk no longer has the strength of the Immortal King, his current cultivation level is equivalent to that of a top-notch Ascension Realm powerhouse, and Lin Mu dare not underestimate him.

Lin Mu directly moved one step sideways, making the old monk's palm miss, and then Lin Mu's body shook, and the next moment he appeared at the door.


Just as Lin Mu was about to leave the door, he found the location of the door. The two wishing gates appeared at the door, completely blocking Lin Mu's way.

"Almsgiver, you have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, so you should think about it carefully." The old monk said quietly.

Lin Mu's eyes turned cold, and he said: "Old monk, you are ready to forcibly save me, why are you talking about these hypocritical things? It seems that your Buddhism is nothing more than that, hypocrisy to the extreme!"

(End of this chapter)

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