Supreme Chef

Chapter 945

Chapter 945
The Buddha-nature avatar heard Lin Mu's words, and also said: "For insulting my Buddha, you should repent in front of the Buddha!"

After the Buddha-nature avatar finished speaking, it directly suppressed Lin Shu with another handprint.

When the Buddha-nature avatar was pressed down with one hand, countless chants rang out immediately, and the swarm of vows rushed directly to the forest, trying to forcibly save the forest.

The wish power like mountains and seas directly pressed on Lin Mu's body, causing Lin Mu's mind to loosen a bit.


The Buddha-nature avatar shouted the Buddha's name again.

The Buddha's name is high-pitched, straight into the sky.Although the old monk no longer has the cultivation level of an immortal king, his understanding of Buddhism is still at the level of an immortal king.

The chanting full of the true meaning of Buddhism directly disturbed the power of the Leiyin Temple, and the power of the vow boiled a step closer, squeezing towards the forest.

The power of the wish force was further increased, and Lin Mu also felt the unprecedented pressure.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Mu took out the Shadowless Knife, and it was the third slash directly.

The powerful sword energy directly split the wish force squeezed around him.

The power of wish overflowed immediately, and Lin Shu's whole body became clearer in an instant.

"Good saber technique, it's just right to be my guardian envoy of Buddhism." The Buddha-nature avatar looked at Lin Shu, nodded and said.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said, "I'll protect you, what you think is really beautiful, today I will demolish your broken Leiyin Temple for you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu waved his hand and directly recruited Chaos Qinglian, allowing Chaos Qinglian to take root directly in Leiyin Temple and absorb the power of vows in Leiyin Temple, making the old monk unable to save himself.

"The first spiritual root Chaos Qinglian!" The old monk was also very shocked when he saw the Chaos Qinglian.

Although Buddhist cultivators and cultivators have different cultivation methods, the resources they need are the same.

"Haha! The old monk has just returned to his body, and if you send him such a great gift, the old monk will leave a trace of spiritual knowledge!" The old monk couldn't help laughing.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I will definitely give you a big gift, and it's a huge gift."

After speaking, Lin Mu took out the Heavenly Dragon Bow.

Seeing Lin Mu taking out the Heavenly Dragon Bow, the old monk didn't seem to be afraid, and said, "It's really fantastic for you to use the treasure of my Buddha's teachings to deal with me."

Lin Mu beckoned again, and the Sky Dragon Bone Arrow appeared directly in Lin Mu's hands, but this time it was not a miniature version, but the real Sky Dragon Bone Arrow itself.

"You are really arrogant. The Heavenly Dragon Bow can become the treasure of the township religion in your Buddhist realm. You think it is beautiful enough. Today I will let you see if the Tianlongbow is the treasure of the township religion in your Buddhaland!" After Lin Mu finished speaking, he directly drew his bow and set his arrows, ready to shoot and kill the old monk.

Seeing the combined power of the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow and Heavenly Dragon Bow, the old monk's expression couldn't help but change.

However, the old monk still didn't seem to be worried. He believed that the Heavenly Dragon Bow had been enshrined in his Buddhist domain for 10 years. He fully understood that even if Lin Mu took out the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, he could still handle it.


Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then let go of the bowstring directly.


The Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow shot out directly, and the huge arrow light directly tore apart the stable space here, and the wish power like a vast ocean was directly completely burned by the arrow light of the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow.

Immediately, the Leiyin Temple became a sea of ​​wishes.

Seeing that the Tianlong bone arrow easily tore open the space, the old monk finally changed his color.

The old monk pinched out several Buddhist seals in a row, but just as he was about to hit them all at once to block the dragon bone arrow, the old monk's expression changed wildly.

"The old monk has found out, isn't it a little late to find out now!" The tree that was already empty in the veins looked at the corner of the old monk's mouth with a mocking smile.

"How did this happen? How did this happen?" the old monk roared unwillingly.

He originally thought that he had finally destroyed the demonic avatar, regained the golden body, and was about to use his hands and feet to re-establish the Buddhist realm and dominate the cultivation world, but he never thought that before all his revenge could be performed, he would die here up.

He has waited for 10 years, but now, he wants to die completely on the first day of resurrection, how can he be reconciled.

"No...I'm not reconciled..."

Seeing the celestial dragon bone arrow approaching in an instant, the old monk let out an unwilling roar.

But no matter how unwilling he was, it would be futile. The Tianlong bone arrow directly tore his indestructible golden body, and at the same time strangled his Buddha-nature soul.

Since then, a generation of geniuses who were born with the same body of Buddha and demon have completely fallen like this.

Seeing the Leiyin Temple disappear in smoke, Lin Mu waved his hand and took back the Tianlongbone Arrow.

"How could this be? You are a Buddha and a demon. This is your destiny. You forcibly destroyed your own half-soul. You are proud enough to be able to support it until now!" Lin Mu seemed to give the old monk the dead, Explain why he fell.

In fact, Lin Mu didn't know that the body of the Buddha and the devil had this disadvantage. It was all told by Taoist Guang through sound transmission.

And the reason why Lin Mu didn't do anything before, but spent time with the old monk, was also to wait for the old monk's disadvantages to appear.

However, this old monk is evil enough. After persisting for so long, the disadvantage of the half-soul appeared.But anyway, the old monk finally died.

Lin Mu exhaled directly, and then received the Tianlong Bow and Tianlong Bone Arrow into the chaotic world.


Just when Lin Mu was about to put away the chaotic Qinglian and leave, there was a sudden crisp sound in the hall.

Hearing the sound, Lin Mu also looked over directly, but Lin Mu didn't see anything else, but saw a string of Buddhist beads falling on the ground.

Seeing that it was just a string of Buddhist beads, Lin Mu didn't care, but Taoist Guang stopped Lin Mu in time.

"Go and put away that prayer bead!" Taoist Guang said to Lin Mu with a hurried voice.

Something that can make Taoist Guang value it is definitely a good thing. Lin Mu also walked over and picked up the prayer beads.

There are only [-] beads in the Buddha beads, and the beads are a kind of purple, and Lin Shu doesn't know what material they are made of.

The beads were cold, but Lin Mu didn't see that the beads had other uses.

"Is there anything special about this prayer bead, senior?" Lin Mu asked Taoist Guang.

"This is the most precious treasure in the Buddhist world, the Demon Extinguishing Zen Bead!" Taoist Guang said.

"Devil-killing Zen Bead!" Lin Mu didn't know much about the Buddhist world, so he didn't know what this thing was useful for.

Guang Dao said humanely: "Although this Demon-Exterminating Zen Orb is the most precious treasure in the Buddhist world, you can also use it. The Demon-Exterminating Zen Orb can not only destroy the demon king in shape, but also destroy your inner demons. The heart always maintains its original nature. With this thing, you don’t have to worry about being saved again.”

"This thing can also eliminate inner demons!" Lin Mu couldn't help being startled after hearing this.

Taoist Guang said: "Of course, otherwise, why would it be a treasure in the Buddhist world?"

As long as you are a cultivator, there will always be demons, but the demons can be big or small. The small demons can be directly refined when they are crossing the catastrophe, but the big demons will be refined when they are crossing the catastrophe. When I asked for your nickname.

The most powerful ones are those hidden inner demons, they won't appear when you cross the catastrophe, but they will wait until they have accumulated enough power, and they will burst out immediately, leaving you with no time to react.

But this string of beads can eliminate invisible demons, it is indeed a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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