Supreme Chef

Chapter 948

Chapter 948

After exchanging all the Buddha treasures, Lin Mu also returned with a full load, and those who came to the Buddha's realm of Ascension Realm also felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Of course, what they think is the most cost-effective is to know that there is still a ninth-rank alchemist in this world, and they have successfully established a relationship with this ninth-rank alchemist.

Lin Mu controlled the crimson red, and was also preparing to return to Dongxuanzhou.

Lin Mu collected a total of 52 top-level Buddhist treasures this time. Although the 99 pieces that Lin Mu expected were not met, the 52 pieces were more than half, and it was completely enough to suppress luck.

Lin Mu left with the Buddha treasures, and asked Taoist Guang on the way: "Senior, you said that these Buddha treasures can be transformed into the use of cultivators. What's the matter?"

In fact, this is what Lin Mu is most concerned about. Of course, suppressing luck is important.But one's true background is the real top priority.

Lin Mu couldn't help being excited when he thought that 52 top-level Buddha treasures could be turned into 52 top-level spiritual treasures of the cultivation world.

Guang Dao said humanely: "If you want to use these spirit treasures for cultivators, the main thing is to dissipate the wish power on them. And if you want to dissipate the wish power, you need the True Transformation Spring!"

Lin Mu said: "What is Huazhen Spring?"

Taoist Guang said: "Huazhen Spring is one of the three ancient spiritual springs. Huazhen Spring can wash the spiritual roots of practitioners and turn impure spiritual roots into pure spiritual roots. At the same time, it can wash away The stain on the heart of the Dao, stabilize the foundation of the Dao."

"What! It can cleanse the spiritual roots, and it can also wash away the stains on the Dao Heart!" Lin Mu couldn't help but click his tongue after hearing the heaven-defying effect of Huazhen Spring.

A person's spiritual root is very different, and the spiritual root determines the talent of cultivation. Although Lin Mu's spiritual root is not strong, but Lin Mu's skills are enough to defy the sky, and the Taishang Yin-Yang Jue completely ignores the spiritual power. This is also the main reason why Lin Shu can advance strongly all the way.

But not everyone has the "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue", so the purity of the spiritual root is very critical.

But this Huazhen Spring can even cleanse the spiritual roots, which is simply too heaven-defying.

Of course, the most heaven-defying thing is that it can cleanse the Dao Heart and Dao Foundation.

Although the spiritual root determines the talent, what really determines your future achievements is your Dao heart and Dao foundation.

Once your Dao Xin and Dao Ji are flawed, your achievements will definitely come to a halt.Of course, Dao Ji can make up for it with some panacea, but it is difficult to make up for something like Dao Xin.

However, it is unimaginable that this True Transformation Spring can even be washed.

Lin Mu never knew, nor did he dare to think that such a heaven-defying spiritual spring existed in this world.

"Senior, what you said is true?" Lin Mu still couldn't believe it.

Guang Dao said humanely: "Of course it is true. If there is no ability to defy the sky, Huazhen Spring will not be called one of the three ancient spiritual springs."

Lin Mudao: "Senior, what you mean is that as long as you find Huazhen Spring, you can wash away the power of vows on these Buddha treasures."

Taoist Guang nodded, and said: "The heart of the Tao can be washed. This small vow is not worth mentioning at all. It's just that after washing away the vow, the grade of these Buddha treasures will drop and need to be refined again. But for For you who have Skyfire, re-refining is just a trivial matter."

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu's heart was also very hot. Lin Mu didn't expect that there was a way to turn these Buddha treasures into spiritual treasures that cultivators could use.

"Senior, where is the Huazhen Spring, do you know?" The most important thing now is to find the Huazhen Spring.

Taoist Guang said: "The three great spiritual springs in ancient times were guarded by three spiritual spring families. In ancient times, the whereabouts of the three great spiritual spring families were erratic, and no one knew where they were.

By now, I am afraid we will have no way of knowing.Although I believe that they must have escaped the ancient catastrophe and have continued to this day, but where are they, I don't know where you should start. "

Lin Mu was also a little disappointed after hearing Taoist Guang's words.But at least I know a direction to work hard, which is better than being like a chicken.

Suddenly thought of something, Lin Mu said: "By the way, I remember that among the materials that the Great Elder of Qidu gave me that I need to collect, there seems to be Huazhen Spring. Could it be that Huazhen Spring can wash even Dao's blood?"

Guang Dao said humanely: "This is not necessarily the case. Dao blood is the blood of Dao. Although Huazhen Spring surpasses heaven and earth, it is impossible to reverse Dao. Therefore, Huazhen Spring should be only one of them, and it needs to be combined with others. The materials work together.”

Lin Mudao: "Then it seems that I will get the Huazhen Spring no matter what. After I go back, I will inquire carefully to see if anyone knows the whereabouts of the Huazhen Spring."

Daoist Guang said: "That's fine."

Lin Mu frowned, suddenly stopped Chi Hong, and then stepped out of Chi Hong.

Lin Mu looked at the person who blocked him, smiled slightly, and said, "I didn't expect you to follow so far before you decided to make a move. I think you're a bit high."

It was no one else who stopped Lin Mu, but the one who was repeatedly slapped in the face by Lin Mu in the Buddhist realm.

Being slapped in the face by Lin Mu constantly, he also felt that his face was hard to bear, so he rushed in front of Lin Mu and intercepted Lin Mu.

The person who stopped Lin Mu looked at Lin Mu and said proudly: "Boy, I think it is not easy for you to cultivate, and you are also quite accomplished in alchemy. I don't want to see you fall. You follow me back to my family obediently. I can still beg the elders for you to let you be an alchemist in the family and save your life, otherwise, I am afraid you will not be able to go anywhere today."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "What kind of family are you? You just want to invite me back to make alchemy. Do you think too highly of yourself?"

The person who stopped Lin Mu said arrogantly: "My Situ family is one of the three great spiritual spring families in ancient times. It is your good fortune that you can join my Situ family."

"What! The Lingquan family!" Hearing Situ Lei's words, Lin Mu couldn't help but suddenly change color.

"Lin Mu and his Situ family are the guardians of Huazhen Spring!" Daoist Guang was a little excited after hearing Situ Lei's words.

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu couldn't help laughing three times. He was thinking about how to find Huazhen Spring, but Situ Lei sent it to his door on his own initiative. His luck must have been great.

"How did you know you were able to join my Lingquan family? Are you happy?" Situ Lei looked at Lin Mu and said proudly.

Lin Mu looked at Situ Lei and said with a smile, "I'm really very happy. I really didn't expect that I would be able to meet the guardians of Huazhen Spring."

When Situ Lei heard Lin Mu's words, he was also slightly taken aback, and said, "I didn't expect you to know Huazhen Spring. It seems that you also have a deep understanding of the cultivation world."

Lin Mudao: "When you come to Buddha Land, the main task must be to collect high-level Buddha treasures, and then take them home and wash them with your Huazhen Spring?"

Situ Lei didn't expect Lin Mu to know this, but in his opinion, Lin Mu couldn't run away anymore, so he simply admitted, saying: "That's true, I didn't expect that you know the effect of practicing the true spring, it seems Today it is even more impossible for me to let you go."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I also have that intention."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu grabbed Situ Lei directly, preparing to capture Situ Lei directly, and then forcefully asked Situ Lei the whereabouts of Huazhen Spring.

However, as soon as Lin Shu moved, the hairs all over his body suddenly stood on end, and at the same time, his heart skipped a beat.


Lin Mu slapped half of his palm, suddenly increased his strength, and punched another person in the void, and Lin Mu was also blown away under this blow, and at the same time, there was blood at the corner of his mouth flow out.

(End of this chapter)

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