Supreme Chef

Chapter 949 Pseudo Domain

Chapter 949 Pseudo Domain (1)

With Lin Mu's cultivation and body training at this time, the one who can blow Lin Shu into the air and vomit blood is at least at the same level as the head of the Five Great Emperor Sects, or even the Beggar God.

Lin Mu stood still in the void, also wiped off the blood, and stared at Situ Lei's direction with piercing eyes.

Situ Lei saw that Lin Shu was blown away all of a sudden, and blood was sprayed from the mouth, and his face was full of pride.

"How about you kid, now you can consider my suggestion, come home with me obediently, and be the alchemist of my Situ family with peace of mind, right?" Situ Lei said proudly.

Lin Mu stared at the void in front of him, and said coldly: "It seems that your Situ family is in a state of desperation, and you have to sneak up even if you want to make a move. Get out immediately, or you will lose your old face if you are forced out by me." place."

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to Situ Lei's words at all, but stared at a place in the void, and spoke coldly.

"Hmph! Boy, don't bluff here. If you can find the people who follow me, you won't be beaten to vomit blood. The seniors of my Situ family don't show up, just because I don't want to shock the world too much. Now you follow me obediently. I'll go, otherwise, you don't want to leave here." Situ Lei continued to shout arrogantly.

Lin Mu ignored Situ Lei's clamor at all, but smiled coldly and said, "Since you want to be a coward, it seems that I have to do it myself to force you out."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, a thunder robbery spear nearly a thousand feet long suddenly appeared in his hand.


Situ Lei also changed color suddenly when he saw the Thunder Spear in Lin Mu's hand.


When the Lei Jie Gun appeared, Lin Mu threw the Lei Jie Gun out without any hesitation at all.

The Thunder Robbery Spear was in the void, causing thunder and lightning all over the sky, and pierced into a void at an extremely fast speed.



With a violent explosion, the void was almost shattered, and the figure of a person also faintly manifested, but this figure only appeared for a moment before disappearing again.

"It's quite deep, let's see how long you can hide!" After Lin Mu finished speaking, he shook his hands and shot dozens of thunder guns, and ran straight into the void.

"You can actually capture the trajectory of the elder's movement!" Seeing that none of Lin Mu's thunder guns could hit the movement trajectory of the elder he invited, Situ Lei's eyes widened.

"Stay here while you die. It's none of your business right now. I'll deal with you after I get rid of this old bastard!" Lin Mu said disdainfully to Situ Lei.

It was true that Situ Lei did not take Lin Mu too seriously before. After all, in his opinion, although Lin Mu was formidable, he had brought reinforcements from his family, so Lin Mu was nothing more than that.

But now he found that he seemed to be wrong. The power of the trees seemed to be somewhat beyond his expectations.

"Hmph! Even if Lin Shu is strong, it doesn't matter, the elder can still take him down!" After being slightly shocked, Situ Lei felt at ease when he thought of the strength of the elder he had invited.

Situ Lei didn't get in the way, and stepped aside to watch how Lin Mu fought with the elders of his family.

The thunderous bombardment of the thunder gun completely forced the old man out.

Lin Mu looked at the opposite side, the old man who looked like a fairy and dressed in coarse linen, did not know why he was hiding in the dark.

"His soul is the soul of an ancient cultivator. He should have just succeeded in reincarnating. His soul is not particularly stable. He hides his real body, probably because his identity in ancient times is very sensitive, and he doesn't want to be prying into people." Daoist Guang quickly made a judgment.

After listening to Taoist Guang's judgment, Lin Mu also had some thoughts in his heart.Looking at the old man on the opposite side, he sneered and said: "It turns out that you just took your home and reincarnated. It seems that your soul should come from a big man, right? No wonder you dare not show your face, just like a little daughter-in-law."

"What? You actually saw it!" Situ Lei couldn't help blurting out when he heard Lin Mu's words.

As soon as Situ Lei blurted out, he felt a murderous look looking at him.

Feeling this gaze, Situ Lei couldn't help shivering, and then quickly closed his mouth.

The old man on the opposite side looked at Lin Shu with seriousness in his eyes, but he still didn't say a word.


This time the old man took the initiative to make a move, and when he raised his hand, a sea of ​​light swayed down.

Facing such a powerful opponent, Lin Mu didn't dare to neglect at all, he directly sacrificed the Shadowless Knife, and at the same time raised his hand to perform the second sky splitting slash.


The mountain-like murderous intent erupted in the void in an instant, fighting against the sea of ​​light swayed by the old man.



Killing Ji confronted Guanghai, triggering a series of explosions in the void.

The sea of ​​light overflowed, murderous intent swept across, and the void suddenly became a radiant battlefield.

Situ Lei secretly clicked his tongue as he watched Lin Mu fight with his ancestors.

He just knew that there was a gap between himself and Lin Mu, but he didn't expect that the gap between himself and Lin Mu was so big.

From this point of view, even though Lin Mu occupied the first echelon, he did not try his best. Even now, Lin Mu may not have shown his cards.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the void was full of scars. Lin Mu and the old man from the Situ family stood where they had just stood, and neither of them launched a second wave of attacks.

Obviously, the attack just now had a big impact on both of them.

Lin Mu looked at the old man from the Situ family who had seized his house and reincarnated, and he was also on guard in his heart.

This old man is the strongest enemy that Lin Mu has encountered after he was promoted to Ascension Realm.Even the genius of the emperor's line, Lin Mu felt nothing, but this old man gave Lin Mu a feeling of jealousy and danger.

This is not only a gap in cultivation, but also a deeper gap.

The soul in his body is an ancient antique. Whether it is combat experience or the experience of fighting against people, this kind of ancient antique far surpasses Lin Shu.The most important thing is that such old antiques often master one or even more taboo techniques that Lin Mu doesn't know about, and this is what can really threaten Lin Mu.

Of course, Lin Mu believes that as long as he can achieve the same level of Ascension Realm, he will not be afraid of this old antique, but Lin Mu only has the third level of Ascension Realm now.

Just now it seemed that he and this old antique were evenly divided, but in fact Lin Shu had already fallen behind.

After all, that old man didn't use the Lingbao, but Lin Mu had already used the Shadowless Knife, and the old man obviously just made a random move just now, but he had to use [-]% of his strength to resist it.

The old antique of Situ's family looked at Lin Shu and made another move, but this time he was obviously prepared, not just a random move.

The old antique of Situ's family pinched a mysterious handprint, and then a powerful controlling power emanated from his body, trying to restrain the forest completely.

"Pseudo-domain! Lin Mu, be careful, this old thing, the original domain has collapsed due to the seizure of the house. But through the secret method, a pseudo-domain similar to the domain has been activated. You must not let her control it!" Taoist Guang is also hasty voice transmission.

Lin Mu couldn't help being shocked when he heard Taoist Guang's words, and at the same time, he was even more shocked in his heart. This kind of ancient family is awesome.

It doesn't matter if there is no domain, people can use the taboo secret method to give birth to a fake domain.

Although the pseudo-domain is not a real domain, it is definitely a big killer if it is against an enemy at the same level.

(End of this chapter)

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