Supreme Chef

Chapter 951 Gu Xuan's Whereabouts

Chapter 951 Gu Xuan's Whereabouts

In fact, the reason why Lin Mu is curious is that the ancient aristocratic family has not always existed. Since it has always existed, how can we talk about the king's landing?

Taoist Guang also shook his head at this, and said: "I don't know why he said that, but what is certain is that the ancient family is definitely planning a very big thing. That Situ Lei is definitely not talking nonsense, otherwise If that's the case, that old monster of Situ's family won't let you kill him without hesitation."

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "I thought so too, but what did Situ Lei's last words mean? Could it be that the ancient aristocratic families can unite to overthrow the entire cultivation world?"

But after thinking about it, Lin Mu felt that this possibility was very small.

Of course, it doesn't mean that this matter cannot be realized, but that it is not difficult to realize this matter.

The strength of the ancient family is no weaker than that of the emperor.Moreover, the ancient aristocratic families in the open and in the dark are definitely not just the two that Lin Mu met, there are definitely many more.

If they were united, it should not be difficult for them to overthrow the cultivation world.

Since it was a non-difficult thing, it was not possible to talk about being king, and Lin Mu believed that the ancient family would definitely not do such a non-difficult thing.

Suddenly Lin Mu's mind flashed, and a very bold idea appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that they want to restore everything in ancient times, so that the cultivation world can directly confront the fairy world and dominate the world!"

As soon as this idea came out, Lin Mu was also taken aback by his own thoughts, but the more Lin Mu thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was possible.

However, it is possible, but it does not mean that it is possible. The ancient times have ended. Even if there are ancient families, it is simply impossible to restore the rules of the world to the ancient times.

Lin Mu said: "Senior, is it possible to realize it?"

Daoist Guang also felt that Lin Mu's idea was very bold, but after thinking about it carefully, Taoist Guang seemed to think that only such unimaginable things were worthy of the joint efforts of those ancient families.

Guang Dao said: "I don't know if this is possible, but I think that if these ancient families do something together, it must be shocking. Maybe they have some way that we don't know, that can really make everything, They all go back to the ancient times. Maybe not completely back to the ancient times, but partly back to the ancient times."

Lin Mu suddenly thought of something again, and said: "Senior, if this is the case, then the nameless formation that locked the minefield I saw was also a technique of the ancient family?"

Lin Mu has always wondered who would have such a skill, and who would be willing to risk the disapproval of the world to do such a thing.

But if all of these were done by people from ancient families, then it would be completely understandable.

In order to restore the cultivation world to ancient times, the ancient family naturally would not want the intervention of the fairy world. It makes perfect sense for the ancient family to seal the thunder field and block the passage between the immortal world and the cultivation world.

Moreover, according to Lin Mu's judgment, the formation that sealed off the thunder field definitely did not belong to the fairy world. Since it did not belong to the fairy world, it is very possible that it belonged to an ancient family.

Taoist Guang shook his head, and said: "I have seen the big formation, and it is not an ancient method. There must be someone else who arranged the formation. As for who it is, I am afraid we will only know after we break the formation."

"En?" Lin Mu frowned after hearing what Taoist Guang said.

If Daoist Guang said it was not an ancient technique, then it must not be an ancient technique, but who arranged this formation, Lin Mu also felt that the cultivation world seemed to have suddenly become very complicated.

It was the first time that Lin Mu kept practicing in seclusion. He never thought that the world of cultivation would be so complicated.

The more he thought about it, the more complicated it became, Lin Mu simply gave up and stopped thinking about these things, and the boat went straight to the bridge.

Don't think about those miscellaneous things, Lin Mu is also fully controlling the scarlet, preparing to return to Dongxuanzhou.

After three days of constant corrections, when Lin Mu was about to retreat and handed over the control to the Blood Spirit Dragon, Lin Mu's face suddenly changed, and the next moment Lin Mu explained to the Blood Spirit Dragon, he disappeared in one step. superior.

The blood spirit dragon glanced at the direction where the trees disappeared, and quickly controlled Chi Hong to follow.

After Lin Shu left Chi Hong, he continued to shrink by inches, and kept rushing in one direction.

Lin Mu's speed has been brought to the extreme, but even so, Lin Mu still thinks that his speed is not fast enough. If he is not worried that there will be a fierce battle later, Lin Mu may have directly burned his aura.

The original intention of Lin Mu to be anxious is nothing else, but because Lin Mu saw Gu Xuan, Lin Mu did not expect that he would meet Gu Xuan in this void.

But at this time, Gu Xuan was imprisoned by someone. Although this person didn't hurt Gu Xuan, who knew if he would do anything excessive.

Under Lin Mu's full pursuit, he finally caught up with the person who caught Gu Xuan.

The person who caught Gu Xuan was also a master, possessing the fifth level of the Ascension Realm, and judging from his clothes, he obviously belonged to a certain force, but Lin Mu didn't know what force the other party came from.

Bu Ping was also very happy to meet a girl who was born with spiritual pupils.

Capturing this girl back by himself is definitely a great achievement, and he believes that the head will reward him well.

But when Bu Ping was happy, he suddenly found that there was an extra person in front of him.

Bu Ping saw that the other party was just a young man, and his cultivation was two levels lower than his own, so he looked down on Lin Shu a little bit.

"Fellow Taoist in front, what are you doing blocking my way?" Although Bu Ping looked down on Lin Shu, he still spoke politely.

Lin Mu pointed to Gu Xuan in Bu Ping's hand, and said, "I know her, and please ask fellow Taoists to hand her over to me."

Lin Mu was also very restrained. After all, Bu Ping did not do anything to hurt Gu Xuan, and it was impossible for Lin Mu to act rashly.

When Bu Ping heard that Lin Mu had come to ask for Gu Xuan, he immediately became alert, and he was no longer polite, and said, "You said you knew her, so you knew her?"

Lin Mu suppressed his anger and said, "Whether I know her or not, you will understand everything after you untie the restraint on her body."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Bu Ping looked at the excited Gu Xuan, and knew that Lin Mu seemed to know Gu Xuan, but it was still impossible for him to hand Gu Xuan over to Lin Mu.

After all, Gu Xuan is related to the major interests of the sect, and also related to his own future cultivation resources. Even if Lin Mu knew him, he would not be able to let him go.

"Why should I listen to you? I'm going to take her back to the sect now. It's best not to get in the way!" Bu Ping said to Lin Mu very rudely.

When Lin Mu heard Bu Ping's words, his face sank all of a sudden, and then Lin Mu directly waved his hand, and the restraint on Gu Xuan was immediately lifted by Lin Mu.

"Little grandpa, save me quickly, this bad guy, he wants to take my eyes and refine my eyes!" Gu Xuan yelled loudly as soon as the restraint was released.

Bu Ping didn't expect that Lin Mu could directly break his own restriction, and he was a little surprised.

But Bu Ping was just surprised, he really didn't pay attention to Lin Mu at all.

"You have to use her eyes to refine Wan Ling Tong!" After hearing Gu Xuan's words, Lin Mu's murderous intent rose immediately.

Wanlingtong is a very strange kind of eye, but it is not born, but it is refined through very evil methods through all the strange eyes in the world.

Wan Lingtong can see through the flaws of anyone's moves, and as long as your cultivation level is lower than that of the person with Wan Lingtong, then he can completely copy your moves just by looking at them once.

Once this Myriad Spiritual Eye is refined, it will definitely be regarded as an existence against the sky, but its refining method is too evil, and it is not so easy to find so many strange eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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