Supreme Chef

Chapter 952

Chapter 952

Looking at the trees with murderous intent rising, Bu Ping was not afraid. He sneered and said, "If you are sensible, you should get out of here obediently. Otherwise, I, My Thousand Demon Sect, are not something you can offend."

"The Wanyaomen of Nanyanzhou!" Lin Mu was also taken aback when he heard Bu Ping's words.

South Yanzhou is one of the four continents in the realm of comprehension. The prosperity of South Yanzhou is no better than that of Dongxuanzhou. It's just that South Yanzhou is extremely hot all year round, so the environment is relatively worse.

However, for human monks, this environment may be a little worse, but for other types of monks, such as demon cultivators, it is different. They are very adaptable to this environment, and even enjoy it very much.

It is also such an environment that has created such a peculiar sect as Nanyanzhou Wanyaomen.

In the Wanyao Sect, all of them are monks who have turned into human form from high-level spirit beasts. In fact, this matter is quite strange.

Spirit beasts exist in various places in the cultivation world. In theory, spirit beasts have the opportunity to transform into forms, but the probability of transforming into spirit beasts in other continents is very low. Only in Nanyan Prefecture, the probability of transforming into forms is ridiculously high. As for why, no one can say clearly.

It can only be attributed to the way of heaven, leaving a glimmer of life for the beast cultivator.

Bu Ping didn't say anything before, and Lin Mu didn't pay attention to it. Now that Bu Ping said that he came from Wanyaomen, Lin Mu also took a closer look at Bu Ping.

It was discovered that Bu Ping was really in the form of a spirit beast, but there was a kind of spirit treasure on Bu Ping's body that could conceal its origin, and Lin Shu didn't pay attention before, so he was ignored.

"Boy, you are quite knowledgeable. You also know my Nanyanzhou Wanyaomen. Since you know, you'd better get out of the way obediently, otherwise you will die without a place to bury you." Bu Ping also showed a fierce look on his face.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, then took a step forward, and the next moment Lin Mu stood in front of Bu Ping.


Lin Mu punched out, Bu Ping didn't even have a chance to react, and was directly blown away by Lin Mu.

At the same time, Lin Mu grabbed Gu Xuan with his big hand, and hugged Gu Xuan in his arms.

Bu Ping was blown away by Lin Mu's punch, and his expression changed wildly.

He didn't see how Lin Mu shot at all just now, let alone how Lin Mu came here.

And the most important thing is that he obviously felt that Lin Mu didn't exert much force, but he was already blown away by a punch, and he could clearly feel that most of the tendons in his body had been broken.

It can be said that Lin Mu's punch completely made him lose his fighting power.

The panic in Bu Ping's heart at this moment can no longer be added.He couldn't figure it out, and never imagined that there would be such a heaven-defying human monk in this world.

"Xuanxuan, are you okay?" Lin Mu hugged Gu Xuan and asked after careful inspection.

Finally saved, Gu Xuan also lay directly on Lin Mu's shoulder, crying bitterly.

Bu Ping looked at Lin Shu, his face changed a few times, and finally he gave up his plan to attack.

Because he knew that in front of Lin Shu, he had no chance of winning. The strength of Lin Shu couldn't be estimated by common sense at all.

"Xuanxuan, where are your mother and auntie?" Lin Mu patted Gu Xuan's back and asked softly.

"My mother and aunt and I got separated. After my mother and I met this person, we were no match for him at all. In the end, I threatened him with my eyes, and he let my mother go. My mother is now in Where, I don't know." Gu Xuan cried.

Lin Mu heard Gu Xuan's words, and his heart was even more angry. Lin Mu grabbed Bu Ping with one hand, and said in a cold tone: "Where is her mother?"

Bu Ping was shocked by Lin Mu's murderous aura, and then said: "I didn't hurt her mother, I let her go, my target is only her."

Lin Mu didn't believe Bu Ping's words at all, and directly forcibly broke through Bu Ping's sea of ​​consciousness to find the answers he needed.

Seeing that Bu Ping really didn't hurt Gu Meiru, Lin Mu also heaved a sigh of relief. As long as Gu Meiru is fine, Lin Mu believes that he will be able to find Gu Meiru.

"I really didn't hurt her!" Lin Mu was a little surprised that Bu Ping was able to maintain his sanity after Lin Mu forcibly opened his sea of ​​consciousness.

However, Bu Ping has already touched the bottom line of Lin Shu, so Bu Ping has to die.


When Lin Mu squeezed it with his hands, Bu Ping's body turned into powder. As for his body, Lin Mu didn't care anymore.

Putting away Bu Ping's ring, Lin Mu also happened to see the blood spirit dragon rushing over with the scarlet red.

"Hey, who is this porcelain doll?" Xue Linglong looked at Gu Xuan and asked.

Gu Xuan looked at the chubby Blood Spirit Dragon, and felt good about it, stretched out her little hand, and said, "My name is Gu Xuan, who are you?"

Blood Linglong patted his chest proudly, and said, "Master Long, I..."

Before the blood spirit dragon could show its identity, Lin Mu interrupted him with a thud, saying, "It's a blood spirit dragon, you can call it a little dragon."

"Little dragon! Little dragon man! It's so fun!" Gu Xuan looked at the blood spirit dragon and smiled happily.

After all, a child's world is pure, but Lin Mu's heart at this moment is still concerned about Gu Meiru.

Although Bu Ping didn't hurt Gu Meiru, the danger in the cultivation world was beyond Gu Meiru's knowledge.

"You play with Xuanxuan, remember not to make her cry, or you will look good on her." Lin Mu warned Xue Linglong.

Xue Linglong patted his chest to reassure, and said: "Don't worry, I am the best at coaxing girls. Uncle Long, I am naturally beautiful and attractive."

Gu Xuan looked at Xue Linglong and said, "Isn't natural beauty used to describe girls? Xiaolong, are you a woman too?"

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, Xue Linglong almost spat out a mouthful of dragon blood, and said, "Master Long, I am just a pure man."

Gu Xuan said: "Then why do you still use your natural beauty even though you are a man? Could it be that you, like some men on earth, have undergone some kind of surgery and become a shemale!"

After listening to Gu Xuan's words, Xue Linglong almost had the urge to faint. This little lolita's extension ability is too powerful, and she is just bragging. How can she extend so much?

Xue Linglong said: "Uh! That was just a slip of the tongue, let's talk about something else, how about I tell you about the cultivation world?"

Seeing that Xue Linglong and Gu Xuan were playing well, Lin Mu felt relieved.

Lin Mu is now worried about Gu Meiru, and there is no time to practice anything, but he just keeps driving Chi Hong and rushes towards Dongxuanzhou.

Finally, under Lin Shu's full control, Chi Hong entered the continent of Dongxuan Continent a month later.

Lin Mu took out a simple teleportation array that he made himself, and after setting it up, he said to Xue Linglong, "You take Gu Xuan back to Fuman Tower first, and then you ask Wu De to arrange for Gu Xuan to practice on my main peak."

When Gu Xuan heard that Lin Mu wanted to let her go by herself, she was about to cry again, and said, "Grandpa, won't you go with Xuanxuan?"

Lin Mu picked up Gu Xuan and said, "Xuanxuan, I'm going to find your mother. You have just arrived in the realm of self-cultivation, which is the best time for a breakthrough in cultivation, and you are born with spiritual pupils, so you can't waste such excellent aptitude. Wait for little grandpa After finding your mother, I will go back to you immediately."

Xue Linglong also said at this time; "Xuanxuan, you go back with me first, I will take you to see your new home first, let the boss go to your mother, the cultivation world outside is very dangerous, you follow the boss, the two of you There will be dangers. I will take you out to play after you practice well."

Lin Mu is still very satisfied with Xue Linglong's performance today.

Gu Xuan looked at the trees, then at the blood spirit dragon, and said, "Then what should I do if I am afraid that I will lose myself again when I take the teleportation formation for the second time?"

Xue Linglong said: "It doesn't matter, come to Xuanxuan, put you on my back, and I will carry you on my back, so that I won't lose it."

Naturally, the teleportation array refined by forest trees will not be lost, but with the previous experience, Gu Xuan is already a little scared.

Gu Xuan hesitated for a moment, and also lay on the back of the blood spirit dragon.

Lin Mu looked at Xue Linglong and said, "Xiaolong Xuanxuan will be handed over to you."

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Don't worry."

Lin Mu nodded, and started to activate the teleportation array. After the brilliance flickered for a while, Xue Linglong and Gu Xuan also disappeared on the teleportation array, and a fine crack appeared on the simple teleportation array.

Seeing that Gu Xuan was gone, Lin Mu felt relieved, and then directly drove Chi Hong to the place where Gu Meiru disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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