Supreme Chef

Chapter 953 Gu Meiru's Whereabouts

Chapter 953 Gu Meiru's Whereabouts
Lin Mu controlled the scarlet and soon came to the place where Bu Ping met Gu Meiru and Gu Xuan in his memory.

This is a barren canyon. There is no vegetation in the valley, and it doesn't even have a name.

Looking at such a canyon, Lin Shu blamed himself a little.If it wasn't for me and the person from the Ye family who broke the teleportation array back then, Gu Meiru and the others wouldn't have been teleported away.

But it's too late to blame myself now, my first task is to find Gu Meiru.

Lin Shu's consciousness was released, and soon covered the entire canyon, but Lin Shu didn't find Gu Meiru in the canyon, not even the traces left by Gu Meiru.

"Huh?" Lin Mu couldn't help frowning after scanning his consciousness.

Gu Meiru is no longer in the canyon, the trees are completely acceptable, but there is not even a trace left, which is too strange.

Lin Shu was not reconciled, and scanned the entire canyon again, but the result was still the same, without leaving any traces.

"This was obviously erased by a master." Taoist Guang also said via sound transmission.

Lin Mu frowned tightly, and he also knew that this must have been erased by a master, and the strength of this master should be stronger than himself, not weaker.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a person whose strength is not as good as his own to do so thoroughly.

"Could it be that after that Bu Ping left, another expert came and took Meiru away!" Thinking of this possibility, Lin Mu's spirit tensed up.

Lin Shu refused to give up, and searched the entire canyon inch by inch again, leaving no dead corners.

This time Lin Mu finally found something, but what he found was a jade slip.

This jade slip is definitely not Gu Meiru's, because Gu Meiru's strength is simply not enough to leave the jade slip with the spirit fluctuating as expected.

The jade slips were discarded at will. Obviously, the people who left the jade slips never thought that there would be people coming to this canyon.

Lin Mu picked up the jade slip and began to watch the contents of the jade slip.

The person who left behind the jade slips was indeed a master, and a master with very profound strength.

"Meiru was actually taken away by the elders of the Heavenly Nvzong Emperor's Line!" Lin Mu was also very surprised after reading the contents of the jade slips.

Lin Mu didn't expect that the entanglement between himself and Tiannvzong was not over yet.

Xu Mei was brought to the sect by the Heavenly Maiden Sect, and now Meiru was taken away by the elders of the Tiannvzong Emperor's Line.

This jade slip was left for Lin Mu, but Lin Mu knew that this jade slip must have been begged by Mei Ru to beg the elder of the female sect that day, so she reluctantly kept it.

In fact, the content of the jade slip is very simple, there are only two points, first, she accepts Meiru as her disciple, and second, she asks Lin Mu to find Gu Xuan.

But this elder obviously didn't think that Lin Mu would come here, let alone see this jade slip.So after writing, it is also discarded at will.

Lin Mu held the jade slip in his hand and said, "It seems that I still have to go to the Heavenly Girl Sect again."

Of course, there is no need for Lin Mu to be anxious for the time being, after all, Gu Meiru is not in danger of life now, and all the Tiannvzong are female disciples, so Lin Mu doesn't have to worry about other things.What's more, Gu Meiru was taken away by the elders of the Celestial Maiden, maybe this is a great opportunity for Gu Meiru.

It's just that even if it's a chance, it's impossible for Lin Mu to let Gu Meiru stay alone in Dimai, so he still has to pick Gu Meiru back.

But it is impossible for Lin Mu to ask for someone in a daze like this. He is also the head of a faction after all. He has to inform the Tiannvzong first, and then wait for the reply from the Tiannvzong to pick up the person.

Otherwise, just go there in a daze like this, that's not asking for someone, that's provocation.Of course, if it was another Emperor Sect, Lin Mu would not provoke, and would directly smash the mountain gate.

However, the Tiannvzong had helped Lin Mu a lot, and Xu Mei was also from the Tiannvzong, so the Tiannvzong treated Xu Mei well, so he and the Tiannvzong should be regarded as friends.

Knowing Xu Mei's whereabouts, there is no need for Lin Mu to stay here any longer.After taking out the teleportation array, Lin Mu teleported directly back to Fumanlou.

Although the teleportation array that can be carried with you is simple to operate and fast enough, it consumes a lot of energy.

Lin Mu has only used it twice, but there are two cracks. According to this level, the teleportation array can only be used ten times at most.

Fortunately, Lin Mu's background is strong enough now, so it's not too difficult to make hundreds of such teleportation arrays.

After returning to Fumanlou, Lin Mu also took a look at Gu Xuan first, and found that Gu Xuan had completely entered the state of cultivation.

Then Lin Mu contacted Xu Mei again, telling Xu Mei and Yu Yaqing that they had arrived in the realm of comprehension.

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Xu Mei also said that she and Liu Yiyi would continue to expand the scope of the search.

In fact, Lin Mu can send more people to look for them, but now he feels that Fumanlou is a target of public criticism, especially the four emperors. I know that Lin Mu is looking for people with such a big fanfare. It will hurt Yu Yaqing and the others.

Although Xu Mei and Liu Yiyi's cultivation base is low, but Xiao Diao's cultivation base is not low, and Xiao Diao's speed is extremely fast, if Xiao Diao wants to run with the two of them, the cultivation world can stop Xiao Diao There are not many people who carve.

After contacting Xu Mei, Lin Mu also planned to re-arrange the Fuman Building. After all, he now has 99 powerful Buddha treasures, which can be arranged among the 99 main peaks.

Standing at the highest place of Fuman Tower, Lin Mu waved his hand and 99 Buddhist treasures appeared, and suddenly a grand Zen chant sounded.

These chants are not beneficial to monks, but harmful.However, Lin Mu also thought of a solution.

Lin Mu directly took out the Chaos Qinglian, and asked the Chaos Qinglian to cleanse these Buddha treasures.

Although Chaos Qinglian can't dissolve the vow power of these Buddha treasures, it is more than enough to solve these chanting.

Under the washing of the chaotic green lotus, these chants disappeared, replaced by a grand Dao sound.

Although these Buddhist treasures still cannot be used by cultivators, this kind of Dao sound is already of great benefit to cultivators.

And Lin Mu also knew that there was no rush to deal with Huazhen Spring. After all, they belonged to the three great Lingquan families in ancient times, and it was not a joke.

Although his current strength is already very strong, compared with this kind of ancient family, he is still far behind.

After solving the problem of chanting, Lin Mu waved his hand and placed these Buddhist treasures one by one into the main peak, and at the same time suppressed the earth veins with the breath of the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow.


There was a bang that opened up the world, and then everyone immediately felt that some changes had taken place in Fumanlou, but they didn't know what this change was.But everyone knew in their hearts that this change was definitely a good one.

When Lin Mu was suppressing Fumanlou's luck, in the distant Southern Yanzhou, in a huge palace floating in mid-air, a coercion came from a throne that could not see its body and was completely covered by black evil spirit. A loud voice: "Wan Lingtong only lacks the last kind of Lingtong. No matter what happens to Bu Ping, the owner of the last kind of Lingtong will be brought back to me. Can my monster race really rule the cultivation world?" The world depends on this last kind of spiritual pupil, no matter what price you pay, you must bring that little girl back to me."

(End of this chapter)

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