Supreme Chef

Chapter 956 Rage

Chapter 956 Rage (2)

Lin Mu looked at the message in his hand, then chose a place closest to him, and flew directly there.

Chi Hong moved forward rapidly, and soon a giant city appeared in Lin Shu's eyes.

This is a seven-star city called Feihong City.But don't look at it as a seven-star city, but through the information from the God of Beggars, Lin Mu knows that this Feihong city is only a seven-star city on the surface.

Secretly, it is completely controlled under the Blood Building. It is a branch of the Blood Building in East Xuanzhou, and it is also the place where the Blood Building gathers all tasks.

Everyone in the entire Eastern Xuanzhou can issue tasks to the Blood Building, and the release of tasks is very simple. As long as there is news, the Blood Building will automatically come to the door.

However, after these missions are completed, a gathering place is naturally needed, and this Feihong City is the place where missions from all parties gather.

After the missions are collected, the people in the blood building in Feihong City will be assigned to different people according to the level of the missions. Those with high rewards will be sent directly to the headquarters for processing.

This place can be said to be a transfer station, or it can be said to be a hub for mission release. In short, this place is very important to the blood building.

Lin Mu glanced at Feihong City, and the murderous intent in his eyes suddenly increased.

Lin Shu stepped out directly, and appeared in Feihong City the next moment.

Although there are many restrictions in Feihong City, these restrictions, in Lin Shu's eyes, are not much different from those made of paper.

Suddenly there was a murderous person on the street, which caused people on both sides of the road to retreat involuntarily.

Of course, there were also those who defended the city who wanted to stop him, but Lin Shu's cultivation prevented them from approaching.

Lin Mu walked to the City Lord's Mansion unimpeded all the way, looking at the signboard of the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Mu directly slapped the entire gate to pieces.


The gatehouse was completely broken, and a huge palm print suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Who dares to come to my City Lord's Mansion to make trouble!"

The city towers were overturned, and the masters in the city lord's mansion also filed out in an instant.

Lin Mu looked at the master of the City Lord's Mansion in front of him, and said coldly: "Let the people from the blood building come out to die, I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Who are you!" Hearing Lin Mu mentioning the Blood Tower, the people in the City Lord's Mansion became alert instantly.

This is the transfer of the blood building, few people know about it, and the people who are about to see the blood building when Lin Mu opened his mouth, obviously came prepared.

"You don't care who I am, let the people from the blood building come out." Lin Mu said calmly.


The people in the City Lord's Mansion looked at each other, and they also attacked the forest together.
The power of the four Ascension Realm powerhouses attacking at the same time is simply immeasurable.

But these four people shot at the same time, Lin Mu just punched straight.

"Da Dao Fist!"

When the four of them saw Lin Mu's punch, they couldn't help but change their colors at the same time.


The violent fist storm directly disintegrated the joint attack of the four.

Then I saw Lin Shu stepping out with one step, and with the next step, countless light arrows shot out violently, directly attacking and killing the four people.

Each light arrow was a hundred feet long, so powerful that the four of them couldn't stop it.



The four were repelled at the same time, and a mouthful of blood spurted out at the same time.

The four of them looked at the trees with horror in their eyes.

Lin Mu is only on the fourth level of the Ascension Realm, and the cultivation base of the four of them is not lower than Lin Mu's, but this strength is not reasonable at all.

"People from the blood building get out, or I will clean up all the dogs in front of you." Lin Mu roared loudly.

Lin Mu just came to find Xue Lou, so Lin Mu didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.


There was an explosion, and then behind the City Lord's Mansion, an old man dressed in red like a blood demon stepped forward.



Every time the old man took a step, the palace under his feet was shattered, and after five steps, the City Lord's Mansion almost collapsed by a small half.

"I have seen the ancestor!" The people who saw it, the four people in front, all bowed quickly.

The patriarch in red looked at the trees and said contemptuously: "The younger generation dares to come to my blood building to make troubles because of my own ability. I think you are tired of your work. Report your name, and the old man will let you do it." A fool."

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "Listen well, my name is Lin Mu. Didn't you Xuelou always want to kill me and wash away the shame of your blood building? From Dongxuanzhou to Xijizhou, from Xijizhou to Dongxuan Zhou, I have been living well, today I took the initiative to send you to my door, and let you kill me!"

"You are Lin Mu!" The patriarch in red changed color suddenly when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "You Xuelou hunted me down every day, but you didn't even know me. It seems that your work is not in place, but that's fine. I'll let you remember me well today. Come down for me." Bar!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Mu made a sudden move, and grabbed the red-clothed patriarch directly with his big hand of true energy.

"Fifty percent of immortal energy!" The patriarch in red saw Lin Mu's big hand of true energy, and his face changed drastically again.

And those four Ascension Realm powerhouses also changed their expressions wildly when they saw the big hands of the real essence of the forest five-level immortal essence.

They had already overestimated the strength of Lin Shu as much as possible, but they found that they still underestimated Lin Shu.

On the fourth floor of the Ascension Realm, more than half of the true essence in the body has been transformed into immortal essence, which is absolutely unprecedented.


The patriarch in red didn't even have time to resist, and was thrown heavily to the ground by Lin Shu.


The ground trembled wildly, and the red-clothed patriarch was also thrown in a mess.

"Tell me the exact location of the blood building, and I'll spare you!" Lin Mu stepped forward, directly stepping on the face of the ancestor in red, and asked domineeringly.


The patriarch in red was stomped on the face by Lin Shu, and immediately became furious, raising his hand to kill Lin Shu.

However, the trees just dodged the killing blow with just a lateral movement.


When the ancestor in red was about to get up, Lin Mu's big foot fell down again, stepped on his face again, and said, "Tell me the location of the blood building, and I will spare you."


The red-clothed patriarch felt that he was going to be blown up. The first time he was careless, what about the second time.Lin Mu was able to step on his face twice, which made him die.

And the four people next to him looked dumbfounded. They were very clear about the strength of the ancestor in red.

This red-clothed patriarch was a master who came out of the blood building to control the field, and the general masters who had completed the ascension state would not be regarded by him at all, but now he was continuously stepped on the face by Lin Shu.


The red-clothed patriarch roared again and again, which was simply a shameful humiliation to him, an insult he could never accept in his life.


The red-clothed patriarch punched out directly, and was about to kill Lin Shu again.

This time, Lin Mu didn't force him to retreat, he threw out the same punch, and shook the fist of the red-clothed patriarch head-on.


When the two fists collided, a huge explosion exploded immediately, and the entire City Lord's Mansion was completely overturned, and the four Ascension Realm powerhouses were directly forced to retreat again and again.

Lin Mu's body was thrown backwards, and the ancestor in red also took the opportunity to stand up from the ground.

But just as he was halfway up, one foot stepped down from mid-air again, stepping him on the ground again.


The ground collapsed, and the face of the red-clothed patriarch was almost deformed by the trees.

(End of this chapter)

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