Supreme Chef

Chapter 957 Rage

Chapter 957 Rage (3)

The ancestor in red was really going to be angry right now, he felt like he was going crazy.

I attacked three times, and three times Lin Mu not only got rid of it easily, but the most important thing was that I couldn't escape Lin Mu's feet three times.

The first time was accident, the second time was luck, and the third time.That is the real stepping on the face. He is a top strong man who has completed the Ascension Realm. He is a strong man who came out of the blood building, and his dignity cannot be trampled on.Don't look at his Feihong City as a seven-star city, but even the nearby Nine-Star Sect doesn't dare to come here to play wild with him.

But today, he was trampled under the feet of Lin Shu, not just once, but three times!
Lin Mu stomped on his head fiercely, and said, "Tell me where the Blood Building is, and I'll let you go!"

"Don't even think about it! You can kill me if you have the ability, otherwise I will not let you go, nor will I let anyone in your Fumanlou go." The ancestor in red roared angrily.

Hearing the second half of the red-clothed patriarch's words, Lin Mu's eyes also glowed fiercely.


Lin Mu crushed the head of the red-clothed patriarch directly, and also destroyed his sea of ​​consciousness.

Kicking his body to pieces, Lin Mu also turned to look at the four people, and said, "Do you know where the Blood Building is?"

"The blood building is hidden in the endless void. Even people who come out of it can't know the exact location of the blood building. Except for the blood building's active call, no one knows the exact location of the blood building." The city lord stood up and said tremblingly.


There were four muffled sounds, and then the four of them backed away, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths.

"I won't kill you today, but if you help the blood building, you are also helping the evil. I will destroy the cultivation of the four of you today. If I find that you dare to do evil again in the future, then I will definitely kill you." Lin Mu said.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you, Head Lin, for not killing me!" The four also thanked repeatedly.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Mu set up a temporary restraint, leaving the four of them aside, and then strode into the depths of this stronghold, preparing to use the teleportation array here to go directly to the next stronghold.

Lin Mu found the hidden teleportation array very easily, and at the same time found the collections of Feihong City for many years, as well as the bounties gathered from all over the place that had not yet been handed over to the Blood Tower.

Seeing the mountains of high-grade spiritual stones and the high-grade spiritual veins compressed to the thickness of a thumb, Lin Shu's eyes brightened.

Of course, Lin Mu will not be polite with Xue Lou. Lin Mu directly emptied the entire treasure house. His Fumanlou needs foundation and resources, so Lin Mu will approach everything possible to collect everything for Fumanlou. He can see of resources.

Lin Shu stepped into the teleportation array, bursts of light shone from the teleportation array, and then Lin Shu also disappeared on the teleportation array.

After a long period of teleportation, a ray of light appeared in front of Lin Shu's eyes.


After a while of dizziness, Lin Mu's figure appeared on the teleportation array, but before Lin Mu could stand still, he directly launched the teleportation.

And just after the tree teleported, the teleportation array that the tree just appeared just turned into dust.

In front of Lin Mu, there are currently six Ascension Realm powerhouses, one Ascension Realm Consummation, and five Ascension Realm Level [-].

Such a lineup is considered luxurious no matter where it is.Especially for the strong man who has completed the Ascension Realm, even Lin Shu feels a little scared.

"Trespassing into the forbidden area of ​​the blood building, disturbing the hub of the blood building, kill Wuwu!" The leader, an old man also dressed in red, growled fiercely.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I'm right here, come and kill me if you have the ability."


These five people obviously got the sound transmission from Feihong City, so when they came up, the five of them shot at the same time, and they didn't plan to give Lin Mu a chance to make a move.

The strong men of the five great ascension realms raised their hands, and different colors of light appeared.

"Five elements attack!"

Lin Shu looked at the five different colors in the sky, and his expression was also solemn.

The five colors belonging to the five elements in the sky condensed into one in the air, turning into a huge circle of light, covering the trees.


Lin Mu didn't neglect either, and directly came up with a Wuhuang fist.

Because Lin Mu's Wuhuangquan has integrated the essence of Daoquan, and Lin Mu's flawless body has been completed, this allows Wuhuangquan to directly advance to Dzogchen, and will soon transform into Wushenquan.

The wind of fists blasted all over the sky, and the sharp red whirlwind directly swept across the field.


When the Wuhuang Fist collided with the Five Elements Ring, a violent explosion erupted, and the entire space shook violently.

With one against five, Lin Mu didn't lose the slightest bit, which made all five of them change color.

"It's my turn, you guys try to take my blow too!" Lin Mu let out a low whistle, and then he moved his hands together, and immediately charged hundreds of lightning guns, and stabbed forward frantically.

Seeing that Lin Mu raised his hand, there were hundreds of thunderbolts, and the five people on the opposite side immediately dodged.



The thunder gun exploded continuously, making the five of them very embarrassed.

But this is not the end, because after the thunder robbery gun, the fire wave blasted by the trees followed.

Four flame waves spread out directly, and then swept towards the five people on the opposite side.

"Skyfire! Skyfire at the peak of the second level!"

On the opposite side, the strong man who had completed the Ascension Realm also said with some horror.

At this time, Yan Lang can already display the fifth level, and the power is several times that of the fourth level.

The sudden fire that filled the sky turned this place into a piece of scorched earth, and the palaces and houses above turned into ashes in an instant.

"Ah! Patriarch save me!"

In just an instant, the sky fire swallowed three people, two of them died instantly, and the remaining one was swallowed by the sky fire just before he had time to shout out a word.

Just now it was five against one, but in the blink of an eye, it became two against one. This kind of change is really too fast.

You must know that the person who died just now was not a cultivator who had just cultivated, but a cultivator who had already cultivated to the ascension state.

These people are all existences standing at the top of the pyramids in the realm of comprehension. Their strength can only be looked up to by other monks. An irresistible beheading.

"I know you don't know where the blood building is when I ask you, so I don't need to ask you, you can go to die directly. Your blood building has been chasing me, today I will settle the score with you." Lin Mu Looking at the remaining two, he also said in a cold tone.

"Lin Mu, you need to know what you are doing. You are causing trouble for yourself, and this disaster will also affect the people around you. You'd better stop now, and everything will be resolved." The strong man also said harshly and softly.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Am I causing trouble? Could it be that I didn't cause trouble, so you didn't blame the people around me? Everything today is the karma you planted yourself. Today I'm just here to collect some interest. Wait until I'm sure." Once I know the specific location of the blood building, I will personally go to the blood building to ask for the principal."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he slashed out with a single knife, ready to kill the two of them.


However, Lin Mu's knife was only halfway out, and it was blocked by something abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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