Supreme Chef

Chapter 965 Forced Entry

Chapter 965 Forced Entry (3)

Lin Mu looked at the big man in the Jiang family, smiled slightly, and said, "I think it's fine if I don't join. If it's okay, I'll call someone."

The big man from the Jiang family also suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "Lin Mu, don't go too far. This is my Jiang family. If I want to keep you, you won't be able to escape so easily."

Lin Mu sneered and said, "If I want to leave, I still don't believe that anyone can keep me. If you don't believe me, we can try."

The big man in the Jiang family obviously knew some of Lin Mu's abilities, so he didn't try to test it out, because once he made a move, the direction of the matter would completely change. If the direction changed, it would be very difficult to change it back.

"What exactly do you want?" The big man of the Jiang family asked again, suppressing his anger.

That is to say, the fortune teller said that Lin Mu could change everything, otherwise, with his personality, if someone dared to treat him like this, he would have raised his hand and killed him long ago.

Lin Mudao: "Seeing that you are so sincere, let me give you a face too. You tell Situ's family to go away, and I will go in immediately."

"Impossible!" The big man of the Jiang family refused without even thinking about it.

There are only a few of them left in the powerful ancient family. If they are still fighting among themselves at this time, then there is no need to say anything.

So the Jiang family would rather give up this opportunity than kick the Situ family away.

Lin Mu was obviously also muttering, seeing the categorical refusal of the big man of the Jiang family, the degree of bonding of the ancient family, Lin Mu was also slightly taken aback.

"Except for this condition, I can agree to any of your conditions." Although the big man of the Jiang family flatly rejected Lin Mu, he didn't say anything to death.

Lin Mu said: "That's it. Then you can let the person from the Situ family come to pick us up in person. Since he was the one who made troubles and refused to let me join, then it's not too much for me to ask him to come pick me up now. Don't talk to me anymore. I said it's impossible, and if it's still impossible, then I don't think it's possible for me to join."

The big man of the Jiang family looked at Lin Mu, and finally said: "Okay! I'll talk about it!"

It took less than half a stick of incense for the important figures of the Jiang family to leave, when Lin Mu saw that the person who had been reincarnated from the Situ family had come here with a livid face.

"I have already brought you." The big man of the Jiang family also said in a cold tone.

"I'm here, can you join me?" the Situ family said.

Lin Mu glanced coldly, and said: "This is the attitude of inviting me to join, but I don't feel your sincerity at all."

"Lin Mu, don't go too far. I have already shown my sincerity when I come here. Don't bully people too much!" The Situ family member was also furious.

Lin Mu smiled coldly, and said: "It seems that you are begging me now. If this is the attitude of your begging, what kind of shit family meeting I am watching, you should play by yourself, I will not accompany you."

"Wait!" Seeing that Lin Mu was about to leave, the important figures of the Jiang family also hurriedly called out to Lin Mu.

"Brother Situ..." The big man of the Jiang family, seeing Lin Mu standing still, immediately winked at the Situ family.

"Lin Mu, I sincerely invite you to join now." The member of the Situ family, seeing the color of the big man of the Jiang family, gritted his teeth and made a gesture of invitation.

This is what Lin Mu wanted, and now that the result has arrived, Lin Mu also smiled with satisfaction, and said, "Isn't it too long ago? Since you are so sincere, then I will reluctantly join."

Seeing Lin Mu like this, the members of the Jiang family and the Situ family were itching with hatred. If it weren't for the fortune teller, Lin Mu might have been suppressed by the two of them.

Such a thing, naturally spread throughout the Tiandao Mountain Range in the first time, and all the people who were invited heard about it.

This made these people who, although they already knew Lin Mu, always like to do something shocking, were shocked again.

He was not invited, but in the end, he was personally invited into the mountains by the great figures of the two ancient families.

Such an honor, I am afraid that even the emperor of Dimai does not have such treatment.

Lin Mu and the others were taken to the main hall of the Jiang family in Tiandao Peak. Not to mention Lin Mu and the fortune teller, but the Great Elder Qidu, the God of Beggars, and Chen Yunkai from Soul City are eligible to enter this main hall.Now with the addition of Lin Shu and God's Fortune, they are even more qualified.

There are many people invited by the Ancient Family Alliance, but those who are really qualified to enter the main hall are very few.

Those who can sit here are all big figures who dominate one side.

The heads of the five emperor sects were all present, but Lin Mu didn't see the people of the five emperor sects, but he thought that the heads of the five emperor sects had already been fully obtained, and they were authorized.

The four emperor sects all had feuds with Lin Mu, so when they saw Lin Mu coming in, the four of them didn't even look at Lin Mu, only Luo Guanyue, the lord of the Tiannv Sect, nodded to Lin Mu.

However, Lin Mu didn't care about it. Lin Mu didn't come here to let them recognize him. Lin Mu came here because he was curious about what this ancient family was really planning.

What can make the ancient aristocratic family miss so much is a big deal without even thinking about it.

Moreover, Lin Mu still remembered the great catastrophe that Taoist Guang told him back then, so Lin Mu also wanted to see if this was the catastrophe that Taoist Guang talked about.

Because it is in the territory of the Jiang family, the host this time is naturally a member of the Jiang family.

The one supported by the Jiang family is the contemporary head of the Jiang family, who is also a formidable and consummate ascension powerhouse.

"Everyone who is doing it is a giant of one party. I don't think I need to talk about some superfluous nonsense. Let's go straight to the topic."

Pausing for a moment, the head of the Jiang family said, "I don't know if you have heard of the Bronze Palace?"

"Bronze Palace, this kind of thing has really appeared again!" After the head of the Jiang family finished speaking, Daoist Guang's expression changed drastically, and even his tone of voice trembled a little.

"Senior, what is this bronze palace?" Lin Mu had never heard of the bronze palace, so he didn't know what it was.

Guang Dao said: "This is a very terrifying thing. No one knows what it is. But its appearance means death and a great opportunity at the same time. According to various rumors, there should be a heavenly treasure hidden in the bronze palace. Great opportunity. However, none of the people who entered the bronze palace could come out alive.

Of course, the most important thing is that every time the bronze palace appears, it means a huge death.Legend has it that the Bronze Palace had already appeared when the ancient times destroyed it.As for ancient times, as far as I know, the Bronze Palace appeared three times in total.

The first time it appeared, the ancient melee had been fought for 1 years, and countless people died in that melee, and the entire ancient era was completely depressed for a hundred thousand years.

The second appearance was not in the realm of comprehension, but in the Tianyao interface, and the Houtianyao plane was completely wiped out, and no one left alive.

The third and final appearance is when the ancient times are broken.Although I had already lost my physical body at that time, I still knew about the appearance of the Bronze Palace. "

Lin Mu was a little surprised when he heard that the bronze palace was so weird.However, Lin Mu also believed that the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. Lin Mu believed that there was definitely an extraordinary opportunity in this bronze palace, and it was an opportunity that he could not imagine.

Lin Mu looked at the changing faces of the people in the main hall. Lin Mu knew that he was the only one in the main hall and didn't know the legend of the bronze palace. However, he had Taoist Guang, so he didn't need to ask, and he even knew more about it than others. many.

(End of this chapter)

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