Supreme Chef

Chapter 966

Chapter 966
"Bronze Palace!"

The faces of the people present couldn't help but change suddenly when they heard these four words.

Obviously, the meaning represented by the 'Bronze Palace' could not be more clearly understood by those present.

The head of the Jiang family nodded and said: "That's right, the Bronze Palace. I don't think I need to say more about the Bronze Palace. But I think there is one thing that you may not know, that is, in the classics of my ancient family, As early as the ancient times, this time's appearance had been predicted, and it was also stated that there would be a great opportunity to appear this time.

It is no longer the ancient times now. Although my ancient family is detached and independent, it is still a part of the cultivation world after all. Besides, this great opportunity is not something that my ancient family can take lightly by joining forces. Therefore, I invite everyone here this time to discuss this matter together. . "

The words of the Patriarch of the Jiang family are quite true, so the people who came did not have too many objections.

"Patriarch Jiang, the Bronze Palace is very important. It's not that we suspect it, but we haven't seen it clearly stated in the ancient books, so it's impossible for us to take the risk." Yun Tianhua said first.

Indeed, in the minds of everyone, although the appearance of the Bronze Palace is accompanied by chance, it is all illusory, and what it brings more is destruction and death.

If they hadn't seen the so-called record with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe anything they said.

The Patriarch of the Jiang family nodded and said, "Naturally, I have brought the original of the classics. You can watch them as you like."

Then the head of the Jiang family waved his big hand, and a thin sheet of paper appeared in midair.

I don't know what the paper is made of, but it has been immortalized after hundreds of thousands of plants, and the words on it are also shining with golden light, which looks very dazzling.

Everyone looked carefully, and sure enough, the ancient book had already clearly stated this time's appearance, and indeed indicated that this time, there would be a great opportunity to appear.

After seeing the original of the ancient book, everyone's hearts became active.

What can be called a great opportunity by the ancient families in the ancient times, you don't need to think about it, it is an existence that is absolutely against the sky. If you can get such an opportunity, then you can really be against the sky.

The Patriarch of the Jiang family said: "Everyone, my ancient family alliance, after many researches on this ancient book, finally know that the proverbs back then were said by the magic fortune teller. Now we have also found the contemporary magic fortune teller, everyone If you still don’t believe it, you can directly ask the divine operator for verification.”

The existence of the lineage of Shen Suanzi is very mysterious, but everyone knows the existence of this line, and no matter which side it is, it can be said that they respect the line of Shen Suanzi very much.

After all, this is an existence that can even calculate the way of heaven. If he makes a divination for his sect, he can definitely use it to avoid evil and prosper.

Seeing the eyes of the crowd, Shen Suanzi said in a calm manner: "This proverb was indeed left by our ancestors back then, but this proverb has not been written yet, and I can't figure out what the second half is. out."

Shen Suanzi did not hide anything, and told all he knew.

"You claim to be invincible in divine calculations, how could you not even be able to calculate the second half of the book written by your ancestor?" Someone questioned this.

The fortune teller sneered coldly, and said: "How could I be able to investigate the ancestor's fortune teller? Besides, whether it is the bronze palace or the great chance of this day, they are absolutely heaven-defying existences. If you calculate them, you will definitely be punished by heaven. If you are willing to block the evil for the old man , the old man can now forcibly calculate."

As soon as the words of the fortune teller came out, the person who spoke just now shut up immediately.

Is it still possible to survive if he defends the fortune teller against the evil spirits against the sky?

The head of the Jiang family said: "You don't need to doubt the identity of the divine operator. I think the heads of the emperor's sect here should have met the divine operator, so there is no need to doubt all of this. Of course, if anyone has doubts, they can now But leave immediately, my Jiang family will definitely not stay longer."

The words of the Patriarch of the Jiang Family are already very rude. Of course, no matter how rude the Patriarch of the Jiang Family is, no one will leave.

"Since everyone has no objection, let's discuss how to enter the Bronze Palace?" said the head of the Jiang family.

"The Bronze Palace cannot be entered. Since ancient times, no one has ever come out of the Bronze Palace after entering it. Not even bones and blood have flowed out." Someone said.

The Patriarch of the Jiang family said: "There is a gap in the avenue. After the great destruction of the ancient times, the bronze palace is not complete. Since this time there is a great opportunity, it will naturally leave us with a glimmer of life. And we also asked the fortune teller to calculate it. This time there is a silver lining, but it will take all of us working together to make it happen."

"There is a chance of survival!"

Hearing the words of the head of the Jiang family, everyone was shocked again.

If there is really a glimmer of life, it is really worth giving it a go.

There is nowhere to enter the bronze palace. No one knows what is inside, but everyone knows that if there is something inside, it is definitely the most heaven-defying thing.

The Patriarch of the Jiang family nodded, and said: "There is indeed a chance, and this time I specially invited the fortune teller to deduce that chance, and then we will plan the big chance together."

The fortune teller said faintly: "I didn't come here for nothing, don't forget that you agreed to my request."

The head of the Jiang family said, "I dare not forget."

The Patriarch of the Jiang family said: "Because the fortune-teller needs to use his lifespan to deduce the Dao, he needs to take the life pill to continue his life. However, although my ancient family had some stocks in the past, they have already been exhausted today. This is why I invite everyone to come here. one of the purposes of

"Death-killing Heavenly Pill!"

Lin Mu was also slightly startled when he heard what the fortune teller asked.

The life-threatening elixir is actually a ninth-grade elixir, which can prolong life for thousands of years. It is the top-notch existence among the life-extending elixir.But whether it is the preciousness of its main medicine or the difficulty of refining it, it surpasses ordinary elixir.

The most unfathomable thing about the Desperate Heavenly Pill is not its medicinal materials and refining difficulty, but that it can be taken continuously without reducing its efficacy.You must know that no matter what kind of life-sustaining elixir it is, after taking one, the effect of the second one will be greatly reduced. God knows that it will be useless in the end, but the life-killing pill does not have such troubles.

"The heaven-defying elixir such as the life-killing pill has long been extinct. Even your ancient family doesn't have any in stock. How can we still have it?" Someone said.

The fortune teller said: "You don't need to make pills, you just need to refine the elixir. Besides, I don't like your pills that have been placed for a long time, I don't like them now, as long as you have the main medicine."

"Death-killing Heavenly Pill is a ninth-grade elixir, and now there are no ninth-grade alchemists, so what's the use of having the main medicine?" Someone questioned again.

The fortune teller chuckled, and said: "Who said there are no ninth-rank alchemists, the one next to this old man is the top-ranked ninth-rank alchemist."

Hearing this, Lin Mu finally understood why God's operator wanted to support him. It turned out that he wanted to help him in alchemy, and Lin Mu finally understood why God's operator charged him such a high price for alchemy back then. The life-killing pill is so valuable.

But what Lin Mu couldn't figure out was that the magic operator seemed to be in good spirits, and there was no sign of exhaustion of his life energy. Why would he want to take the life pill?
(End of this chapter)

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