Supreme Chef

Chapter 967

Chapter 967
Compared with the life-threatening pill, there is a ninth-rank alchemist here, which is even more shocking.

It has been many years in the world of comprehension, and no ninth-rank alchemist has appeared.Now a living Ninth Rank Alchemist is standing in front of everyone, and he is also a Ninth Rank Alchemist who can refine heaven-defying pills and life-threatening pills, which immediately makes many people want to win him over.

Although Lin Mu has announced to the world that he became a ninth-rank alchemist, there are still a small number of people who really know about it.After all, Dong Xuan Continent is too big, and there are too many sects.

In fact, not only the sects of Dongxuanzhou, but also the ancient aristocratic families were very shocked to hear that Lin Mu was actually a ninth-rank alchemist.

What a ninth-rank alchemist means, these ancient families are very clear.

In this era when the ninth-rank alchemist is missing, the existence of the ninth-rank alchemist means that there are endless high-level pills.

In such an era when troubled times are approaching, a ninth-rank alchemist means that more people can survive for any force.

Especially for their ancient aristocratic families, many of their backgrounds are heroic souls left over from ancient times. If these heroic souls want to seize their homes and reincarnate, they need not only to meet the conditions, but also to accumulate a lot of pills. Let them recover their strength as soon as possible.

But even if they have rich background, they can't afford to spend it like this.

If there is a ninth-rank alchemist like Lin Mu sitting in the town, then to them, it means that a steady stream of ancient masters will be born.

At this time, the Jiang family even felt a little regretful. They listened to the words of the Situ family and turned against Lin Mu.

"Don't waste time. If you have the elixir, get it quickly. If you don't have it, I don't have time to mess around with you, old man." The fortune teller said impatiently.

Hearing the words of the divine fortune teller, the head of the Jiang family remembered that the main thing this time was not the ninth-rank alchemist, but the bronze palace.

Moreover, the Patriarch of the Jiang family believes that as long as he gets the chance to get the Bronze Palace, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes a ninth-rank alchemist.

"Since everyone only needs the elixir, then everyone should stop hiding it." The head of the Jiang family said.

After a pause, the head of the Jiang family said: "My Jiang family will set an example first. My Jiang family is willing to take out two main herbs of the life-killing elixir, the Destiny Grass and Nitianhua."

Seeing that everyone still didn't say anything, the head of the Jiang family said: "Everyone, there may be one thing I didn't explain. Not everyone can enter the Bronze Palace, and not everyone can enter at the same time. If this is the case, then we will naturally In order to avoid hurting the peace, we will divide the order without fighting, and let's divide it according to the amount of elixir that we donate."

In fact, when the head of the Jiang family spoke halfway, everyone already guessed what he was going to say later.

After everyone listened, they couldn't help cursing in their hearts, the shamelessness of the head of the Jiang family.The ancient aristocratic family has a rich background, no matter what they will occupy the first place, and although they have some background, the life-threatening pill is not an ordinary pill after all, and the elixir they need is a life-sustaining treasure.

These precious medicines are all kept by the sect, the Supreme Elders who don't have much life, and now they are asked to take them out, it's no wonder they don't feel bad.

But in the face of that heaven-defying opportunity, they really didn't want to give up.

Gritting their teeth, everyone began to contribute elixir one after another.

Soon, all the elixir needed for this so-called ninth-grade elixir, the most heaven-defying elixir, was gathered.

Shen Suanzi received the elixir, counted it, and handed it to Lin Mu directly, saying: "The reward is still what we agreed on before."

Lin Mu hurriedly said: "Don't mention the matter of senior's remuneration, this furnace of elixir will be refined for you for free."

After Shen Suanzi listened, he did not refuse.

"The magic fortune teller elixir has already been obtained, can you now calculate the lifeline and location of the bronze palace for us?" said the head of the Jiang family.

Shen Suanzi nodded and said, "Naturally, you should ask someone to prepare a quiet room for me now."

After finishing speaking, the divine operator looked at Lin Mu and said, "Take this little guy and follow me."

Lin Mu looked at the magic operator pointing at the blood spirit dragon, nodded his head, and said, "Okay!"

"Our Jiang family will also send someone to go in with you." The head of the Jiang family said.

Shen Suanzi smiled coldly, and said: "Yes, it is best to send someone who is stronger. If someone is not stronger, they will not be able to stop Tiansha's backlash at all."

"You asked him to go in to defend you against the evil spirit?" The Patriarch of the Jiang family originally thought that the fortune teller had told Lin Mu in secret, but he did not expect to let Lin Mu go in to defend him against the evil spirit.

The fortune teller said: "Then what do you think I let him in? If there are people in your Jiang family who are flawless and perfect, then I will let him wait outside and let your Jiang family go in. Of course you have to go in now It’s okay, it’s better to come in with a few more people, because there are fewer people and it’s unstoppable.”

After being teased by the fortune teller, the old face of the head of the Jiang family turned blue and red.

At this time, an elder of the Jiang family couldn't see it, so he also stood up and said: "The fortune teller is a deal between us, you'd better remember this."

The fortune teller said: "Then I'll return the things to you, and you can hire someone else, the old man just doesn't want to serve you."

The Patriarch of the Jiang Family gave a cold drink, and said, "Jiang Heng has nothing to do with you here, step back."

After finishing speaking, the Patriarch of the Jiang family hurriedly bowed his hands to the fortune teller, and said, "It was my Jiang family elder who was rude just now, so please don't blame me. I was suspicious. I will send someone to prepare the quiet room now."

The quiet room was soon ready, and Lin Shu, Shen Suanzi and Xue Linglong also stepped into the quiet room together.

"Set up the seal, don't let anyone disturb you!" Shen Shuzi said to Lin Mu.


After listening to Lin Mu, he also raised his hand and placed a heavy seal, completely sealing the place.

"Senior, if you have anything to say to this junior, just say it, outsiders won't be able to hear it." A heavy seal was placed.

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Shen Suanzi was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I have nothing to tell you, you should first refine the life-threatening pill for me."


Lin Mu also froze on the spot after hearing what the fortune teller said.

Because Lin Mu had the same thought as the head of the Jiang family, he also thought that the fortune teller had asked him to come in because he had some secrets to tell him.

"Senior, didn't you let me in to tell me some secrets?" Lin Mu asked.

The fortune teller said: "I have nothing secret to say, I haven't started counting yet, what's the secret there?"

Lin Mu felt that he couldn't turn his head, and said, "Senior, you let me in, it's really for you to block the evil spirit."

The fortune teller said: "This is just one of them. The most important thing is that I want you to hurry up and refine the life-killing pill for me. My lifespan is running out."

"What! Senior, you don't have much lifespan!" Lin Mu was also surprised when he heard the words of the fortune teller.

Because no matter how you look at it, the fortune teller doesn't look like a person with a short lifespan.

The fortune teller nodded and said, "If I'm not mistaken, my lifespan still has three days, so you'd better hurry up. As for your problem, after I solve the problem of lifespan, I will I will answer you one by one."

"Three days!" Lin Mu was shocked again.

The fortune teller said angrily: "If you are shocked for a while, there are only two days left. Now hurry up and make alchemy for me."

After Lin Mu heard this, he didn't dare to delay, and immediately started to prepare for alchemy.

It is true that Lin Mu had never been refining the Heaven-Defying Death Pill in the past, but with Lin Mu's current level of alchemy, this elixir is not too difficult to refine.

It took one and a half days for Lin Mu to refine the elixir, and when Lin Mu woke up from the alchemy, he also found that the magic fortune teller in front of him was already gray-haired, and he was really about to die.

(End of this chapter)

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