Supreme Chef

Chapter 968

Chapter 968
Seeing the appearance of Shen Suanzi, Lin Mu didn't dare to delay, and quickly stuffed a refined life-killing pill into Shen Suanzi's mouth, and helped Shen Suanzi dissolve the medicine.

Duoming Tiandan is indeed a heaven-defying elixir, the medicine can dissolve the magic fortune, and immediately rejuvenate, and the spirit is even better than before.


Finally, the longevity was restored, and the magic operator let out a sigh of relief, and then suddenly said furiously: "Why don't you slow down, and you can refine it after I die."

Lin Mu said innocently: "I thought you were joking, so when refining the elixir, you put extra effort into it. If you don't believe me, look, the sixteen elixirs are all special."

Shen Suanzi took the pill, and was also surprised to find that the remaining fifteen pills were all special pills.

"Sure enough, I still can't figure you out. Your alchemy cultivation has reached the stage of perfection. As long as you are given a chance, your alchemy cultivation will be famous in the world after all." After reading the pill, the fortune teller was also emotional.

Lin Mu said: "Senior, you really can't count me?"

Shen Suanzi looked at Lin Mu and said angrily, "Shen Suanzi's lineage will not lie or joke, because every word we say will be regarded as a motto by others, so we are not allowed to make mistakes."

After listening to the words of the fortune teller, Lin Mu realized that his carelessness just now almost led to a big mistake.

If he really wasted a little more time, maybe a generation of fortune tellers would die in his own hands, and he would die in the most useless way.

Lin Mu said: "Then why can't you figure me out?"

The fortune teller shook his head and said, "I don't know either. If I knew, I would know why I can't figure you out."

"There is a chaotic world in your body, and the chaotic world is a world of its own. It is different from the real way of heaven. The magic operator can only be counted under the rules of the way of heaven where he is, and cannot be counted as people and things under the rules of other ways of heaven." Guang The Taoist also reminded him aloud at this time.

After Taoist Guang finished speaking, the fortune teller also said: "Unless there is something chaotic on your body, covering up the secrets of heaven, otherwise I can't count you."

The words of God's operator followed those of Taoist Guang, which made Lin Mu stunned. Lin Mu thought that God's operator had heard the sound transmission from Taoist Guang.

But after thinking about it, Taoist Guang transmitted the sound from the chaotic world, and it was impossible for the divine operator to hear it. This was obviously the divine operator's own speculation.

Lin Mu said: "Senior, what's going on with your body?"

The matter of the chaotic world is very important, no matter whether the fortune teller guesses or hears it, Lin Mu doesn't want to continue discussing this topic.

Shen Suanzi did not continue to pursue that topic, but instead asked Lin Mu: "How old do you think my body looks like?"

Lin Mu took a serious look and said, "If you just look at it from the outside, you're only in your 70s, but it's impossible for seniors to be so young."

"Wrong! The old man is indeed only 72 years old this year, and the old man's life is only 72 years old. If I hadn't met you, I'm afraid I would have passed away." The fortune teller said.

"How is it possible!" Lin Mu was shocked again when he heard what the fortune teller said.

Shen Suanzi was not in a hurry to answer, but continued to ask: "Then what do you think of my cultivation?"

Lin Mudao: "It's unfathomable, the junior can't see through it at all, I feel that the cultivation of the senior has reached the state of returning to the basics, and on the surface it looks like an ordinary person."

"Wrong! I am a mortal. Now you can understand why my lifespan is only 72 years. A mortal can live for 72 years, which is not short." The fortune teller said quietly.

Lin Mu was completely shocked after hearing what the fortune teller said.

What is this all about? The so-called invincible magic operator of a generation is actually just a 72-year-old mortal. If such a thing is told, who can believe it.

Lin Mu suddenly remembered something, and said, "Senior, if you were a mortal, how did you manage to leave in my Fumanlou without a sound?"



Shen Suanzi nodded, and said: "There are gaps in the avenue, and everything in the world cannot be perfect. I just need to calculate that the space crack will appear at that moment, and then it will appear in the right place."

"This... this is also fine!" Lin Mu had no idea that he could leave like this.

Shen Suanzi nodded, and said: "There is nothing wrong with it. I am a Shen Suanzi. Although I don't have super offensive means, if we want to escape, no one in this world can stop us."

Lin Mu suddenly thought of an important question, and said, "Senior, are the fortune tellers of every generation all ordinary people?"

Shen Suanzi shook his head and said: "We were indeed ordinary people when the line of Shen Suan was started, but we are naturally good at calculating. If you want to practice like us, it's not impossible, you have to wait until you The skill of divine calculation can really be called divine calculation, and one can only start to practice when one can calculate the way of heaven.

As for being able to cultivate, the cultivation base is also making rapid progress.As for why, it doesn't mean how good our qualifications are.It's because we can get all the resources we need to advance through calculations. "

"This..." Lin Mu was speechless, but what the fortune teller said was not bad.

Once they can start to practice, they can get any spiritual things they need through divine calculation.

With such a heaven-defying ability, if you want to advance to the cultivation level, it's really like playing.

However, Lin Mu really didn't expect that the lineage of the divine fortune teller would have such a secret, that the descendants from generation to generation were just ordinary people with the lifespan of ordinary people before they became divine fortune tellers.

This also explains why the lineage of the divine operator is being replaced so quickly, but at the same time there are very few opportunities for them to come forward.

Because of Shouyuan, they almost started to look for successors in the line of divine fortune tellers. Of course, unless they are confident that they can break through the realm of divine fortunetelling before they die and can practice normally, otherwise, most of their time , it can only be used to find descendants.

Lin Mu said: "Senior, how long will it take you to break through the realm of divine calculation?"

The fortune teller said, "After helping the Jiang family this time, I will be able to break through smoothly."

Mentioning the Jiang family Lin Mu also asked curiously: "What exactly is the Jiang family planning for the Bronze Palace?"

The fortune teller shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but I believe that after I do the calculations, everything will be known."

"That little dragon, give me the tortoise shell and three copper coins I gave you." The fortune teller recruited the blood spirit dragon.

Xue Linglong directly covered his storage ring and said, "No!"

Shen Suanzi obviously knew what the blood spirit dragon was planning, and said: "Don't worry, I can't die now, but I won't ask for those things back, as I said before. They are destined for you, I just borrowed them."

Blood Linglong was indeed worried, the fortune teller knew that he would not die, and was going to take those two treasures back.

"Are you sure?" Blood Spirit Dragon asked worriedly.

The fortune teller said: "Of course I'm sure, after advancing to the fortune teller, those two things are no longer necessary for me, but I haven't really advanced yet, and I still need their help."

"Okay! Then I'll borrow it from you!" After hearing this, Xue Linglong felt relieved, took out the turtle shell and copper coins, and handed them to the fortune teller.

After receiving the two items, the divine fortune teller didn't make a divination right away, but said to Lin Mu: "I don't have a cultivation base, and this time the calculation involves the Dao of Heaven, so you are the only one who will bear all the evil spirits for me."

"I really want to block the evil spirit!" Lin Mu said very depressed.

The fortune teller said: "I've already said it, I won't lie. But it's good for you to block the evil spirit. The evil spirit contains the principles of the law, and it's good for your cultivation to realize it carefully. And you will be the first time, If you know the Jiang family's plan, you will save yourself from falling into their trap."

"Okay!" Although Lin Mu knew that this was a fool's word, Lin Mu could only accept his fate at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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