Supreme Chef

Chapter 969

Chapter 969
Shen Suanzi began to use turtle shells and copper coins to deduce the secrets of heaven, while Lin Mu was the guardian, quietly waiting for the evil spirit that might appear at any time.

Lin Mu looked at the magic operator's continuous deduction, and kept shaking the turtle shell. All this seemed so ordinary, Lin Mu was really not sure, could it be possible to deduce the secrets of heaven, and even attract the punishment of heaven.

"Here we come! Be careful!" Shen Suanzi's expression tightened suddenly, and then he moved his fingers quickly, his eyes flashed brightly, as if he was seeing through the future.

As soon as Shen Suanzi's words fell, Lin Mu also suddenly felt a destructive guideline, blessing his body, and his flawless body was about to collapse in an instant.

"This is the direct punishment of Dao. You must persevere. After persevering, it will be of great benefit to you." Taoist Guang also transmitted his voice at this time.

Lin Mu is also suffering now, does Lin Mu dare to hold on? If he can't hold on, it means death. This kind of dangerous thing, Lin Mu can't afford it.

This way of destruction is difficult to explain clearly, but the breath of death and destruction in it is enough to obliterate everything in this world, making everything completely silent and dying.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from Lin Mu's flawless body, and then a crack appeared on Lin Mu's body.

You must know that in the current cultivation world, there is nothing that can hurt Lin Shu, but just at the moment of contact, cracks appeared in Lin Shu's flawless body. If it were someone else, he would have died under the evil spirit.

At this time, Shen Suanzi was also sweating profusely, his hands were constantly changing, and the three copper coins seemed to be alive, changing various mysterious shapes in the air.


Lin Mu also knew that the magic operator had reached the most critical moment, so he let out a muffled snort, and then operated the "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" and "Witch God Body Refining Technique" at the same time to resist the evil spirit.

The simultaneous operation of the two exercises instantly stabilized the aura of destruction.

After stabilizing for the time being, Lin Mu finally had time to realize this so-called evil spirit.

However, this is the direct killing of Dao. In fact, Lin Mu can deduce it completely in a short period of time, but even so, Lin Mu still comprehended some of the true meanings of destruction by virtue of the powerful deduction ability of "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue", and combined these The things, one by one, verified with his own attack method, so that his own attack method has produced a qualitative leap in power.

I don't know how long it lasted, but finally all the evil spirits retreated like a tide, and Lin Shu could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The cultivation technique was transferred quickly, and the wounds on Lin Mu's body also disappeared quickly.

Lin Mu looked back at the divine operator, and found that the divine operator had aged a hundred years in an instant.

"Senior, are you alright?" Seeing that the fortune teller was like this, Lin Mu hurried forward to ask.

Although Shen Suanzi is a hundred years old, the joy in his eyes is hard to restrain.

"Senior, have you made a breakthrough?" Seeing Shen Suanzi's expression, Lin Mu also asked.

Shen Suanzi nodded and said: "The appearance of the Bronze Palace this time is accompanied by great opportunities and destruction, and I just happened to spy on the first-line promotion."

After finishing speaking, Shen Suanzi's true energy swelled, and Lin Mu also instantly sensed Shen Suanzi's cultivation.

"Consummate God Realm!"

Shen Suanzi is still very satisfied with his cultivation base at this time. After all, the main purpose of Shen Suanzi is not to attack. Although his cultivation base at this time is only in the realm of transforming gods, but with his divine calculation, he is invincible, and no one in this world Can easily control him.

"By the way, senior, what did you deduce?" Lin Mu asked.

Shen Suanzi sneered coldly, and said: "The ancient family's plan is very big this time. They thought they used secret security to deceive the secrets, but they didn't expect that I had already made a breakthrough, and I also spied on all the secrets they deceived. I really didn't expect that the ancient family This time, it’s going to be so big.”

"What exactly is it?" Xue Linglong couldn't help asking when he saw that the fortune teller had been playing tricks.

The fortune teller said: "The ancient aristocratic family plans to use this incident of the bronze palace to kill the masters of Dongxuanzhou, and restore the rules of heaven and earth and vitality in ancient times."


Previous speculation is one thing, but it's quite another when it's actually confirmed.

The fortune teller said: "Not only that, they are also planning to use this opportunity to completely cut off the heavenly road, so that people from the upper realm will never be able to descend to the realm."


After hearing this, Lin Mu gasped again, this ancient family would either not play, or play so big if they wanted to.

And this plan of the ancient family is almost perfect.The first step is to restore the ancient heaven and earth rules and vitality, and the second step is to isolate the heaven and earth, give yourself a chance to recuperate, and let the practitioners once again produce masters who can fight against the fairy world.

Lin Mu suddenly thought of something, and said, "You should know about the lockup of the mine field, senior, so did this also come from a certain powerful hand in ancient times?"

Although Daoist Guang told Lin Mu that it was not the case, Lin Mu still felt that he should confirm with God's operator.

The fortune teller said: "This cannot be said, nor should it be said."

"What do you mean?" Lin Mu asked with a frown.

The fortune teller said: "It's good to know some things. If you tell them, it will be a devastating disaster. It's not just you and me, but the entire cultivation world. But this matter will definitely be resolved in the future. The appearance of the Bronze Palace is a proof. As for Whoever solves it, I think it will be you, because I can't see it through only you."

Since the fortune teller can't tell, it's hard for Lin Mu to continue asking.

"Senior, the ancient family's plan is so big this time, have you seen if they can succeed?" Lin Mu asked again.

If the ancient family really succeeds this time, then the sun and the moon in the cultivation world will really change.

The fortune teller sneered, and said: "Go against the sky, go against the law, they just can't do it. It's nothing. But they can indeed change some things, it just depends on whether they have the ability."

"Change what?" Lin Mu asked.

The fortune teller said: "Part of the rules of heaven and earth!"


After three months of entering the secret room, Lin Mu and Shen Suanzi finally reappeared in front of everyone.

Although everyone didn't know the deduction situation inside, they did clearly notice the destructive atmosphere before.

Therefore, no one had any doubt as to whether the magic operator was deducing in it.

"Magic operator, can you deduce where the bronze palace is now?" the head of the Jiang family asked.

The fortune teller said: "The battlefield of ancient gods and demons!"

"What!" Hearing the deduction of the fortune teller, the people of the ancient family changed their colors one after another.

The battlefield of ancient gods and demons is a terrifying place.There is not a natural Jedi there, but where there is a lack is more terrifying than a Jedi.

"Are you sure?" The Patriarch of the Jiang family asked back with a frown.

The fortune teller said: "If you don't believe it, forget it."

The Patriarch of the Jiang family dared not believe it, and asked again: "Then what is a chance of survival?"

The magic operator just uttered one word and said, "Struggle!"

"What's the meaning of this?" Everyone was unclear and asked again.

The fortune teller said: "Compete with the sky, fight with the earth. This ray of life is also fought hard by you. Although I have seen the fall of most of you, I have also seen the ray of life in you. As for how to get rid of it?" The only thing left to do is to rely on your efforts.”

"What about him?" The head of the Jiang family pointed at Lin Mu.

At the beginning, it was the fortune teller who said that the trees could be reused, so they begged for perfection.

Shen Suanzi shook his head and said, "I can't see through it, but without him, you probably wouldn't even be able to win this chance."

(End of this chapter)

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