Supreme Chef

Chapter 970 Ancient Gods and Demons Battlefield

Chapter 970 Ancient Gods and Demons Battlefield
The words of the fortune teller immediately made everyone's minds active.

According to the divine fortune teller, the trees are a very, very important part, and they even secretly feel that if the divine fortune teller means that if they follow behind the forest, it means that they will be alive.

Some people are happy and some are not. The ones who are not happy are naturally the members of the Four Emperor Sects and the ancient families.

The status of Lin Mu has been promoted to such a high and important position by the magic operator, what should they do.

Could it be that they really wanted to lick their faces and knelt down to beg Lin Mu for forgiveness, or humbly begged Lin Mu to give them a chance of life.

In fact, it was the Jiang family who regretted the most. Originally, they had a chance to have a good relationship with Lin Mu, but they believed the words of the Situ family.

"The so-called survival is what you fight for. If my generation of monks can't even see through this point, then why should we fight for it?" The Situ family couldn't stand it any longer, so he had to stand up and say.

Although everyone on the surface agreed with his words and nodded in agreement, secretly they were still thinking about how to build a good relationship with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the ancestor of the Situ family, sneered, and said, "I think the senior of the Situ family is right. The Situ family is really a model for my generation of monks. Then let the Situ family take the lead." , Give us a ray of hope."

Lin Mu obviously didn't plan to play with Situ's family anymore.

The ancestor of Situ's family also turned pale when he heard Lin Mu's words, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Old Ancestor, do we really want to fight for that ray of life by ourselves?" Someone from the Situ family asked uncertainly from behind.

When the ancestor of the Situ family heard this, he was furious and immediately slapped the disciple of the Situ family flying.

Lin Mu looked at the ancestor of Situ's family, and smiled, "Senior is indeed very human, he is so serious about his family, this junior admires him!"

"Hmph!" The patriarch of the Situ family looked at the trees and felt his lungs were going to explode, but he couldn't get angry.

The members of the Jiang family knew that going on like this would only make Lin Mu more popular, so they quickly changed the subject, saying, "Then you can figure out when is the best time for us to go."

The fortune teller said, "Let's go today."

"Leaving today?" The Jiang family was stunned again, the time is too tight, they don't have time to get ready at all, okay?

The fortune teller said: "The ray of life is indeed there at any time, but if you leave today and arrive within three days, your chances of surviving will be even greater."

Upon hearing this, everyone didn't dare to delay for a moment, and directly urged the Jiang family to prepare to go to the ancient battlefield of gods and demons.

The Patriarch of the Jiang family was also decisive. After consulting the elders of the Jiang family, he also directly opened the ancient teleportation array, leading directly to the ancient battlefield of gods and demons.

Although the time was short and there was no time to prepare, but for the cultivators, there was actually nothing to prepare for.

When everyone stepped onto the teleportation array together, Lin Mu clearly felt that there were many more people going to the battlefield of gods and demons than those who attended the meeting before.

Moreover, among these people, Lin Mu saw a lot of extremely powerful beings, who didn't even need to be weak.

"Those are old antiques whose lifespan is about to expire. Firstly, they came here because they were entrusted by the sect, and secondly, they should also come here to fight for their own chance of survival." Beggar God said to Lin Mu through sound transmission.

Lin Mu also nodded when he heard the voice transmission of the Beggar God.

It is true that the two worlds of immortality and mortal world are now sealed off, and monks cannot ascend to the sky. Even if these old antiques have been cultivated against the sky, their merits have participated in good fortune, and even most of their immortal essence has been transformed, they still cannot achieve the immortal status and take the most crucial step , Shouyuan will naturally come to an end.

The battlefield of ancient gods and demons is in the void, but no one knows exactly where in the void, only these ancient families have the teleportation array leading there.

In ancient times, the cultivation world was extremely prosperous, and it was not even half a point weaker than the upper realm. Countless powers were hidden in the cultivation world.

Although the rules of heaven and earth in the cultivation world at that time were extremely stable, the plane was too low after all. If these great powers really did their best, they might destroy the cultivation world.

Therefore, everyone found a large barren star field in the void, and opened up such a battlefield of gods and demons. Anyone who has a powerful duel will come here.

The brilliance of the teleportation array flickered for a while, and after several hours of teleportation, everyone finally appeared in the battlefield of gods and demons.

Although Lin Mu had countless imaginations about this place before, when he actually saw it, he was still stunned by the sight in front of him.

Such a huge ocean-like star field is like a sieve full of holes, and there is not a single complete planet in sight.

"It was broken with fingers!" Someone said in horror, pointing to a star that was hundreds of times larger than the earth in the distance.

Lin Mu looked over there, and sure enough, he saw that a finger print was exceptionally clear on the huge planet, and around it, there were huge fragments of the broken planet floating.

"Could it be that the galaxy was cut off by someone's sword!" Everyone looked again, and they found that a galaxy in the distance was severed by someone with sword energy.

There is no doubt about the existence of the ancient times, but the terrifying power of the ancient times is still completely beyond everyone's imagination.

"What a powerful existence this must be, to be able to cut off the galaxy with a single sword?" Lin Mu was also full of suspicion.

"I have seen the man who cut off the galaxy with his sword. He is known as the number one sword fairy in ancient times. Anything in his hands can be turned into a powerful sword. He has never lost a single sword, and finally disappeared without a trace. People know his whereabouts." Taoist Guang explained to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Senior, have you been here before?"

Guang Dao said humanely: "Come here, I was young and vigorous at that time, and I fought with others once again."

Daoist Guang paused for a moment, and said: "Not to mention the bronze palace, there is a great opportunity in this battlefield of gods and demons. Although the ancient times ended, this battlefield of gods and demons has been preserved. Anyone who can fight here is no exception. The best of all powers. Take that Xinghe as an example, if you can understand the sword intent there, it will be of great use!"

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu couldn't help but feel agitated.

It is true that the ancient gods and demons have been defeated, but the battle traces left by the ancient powers are still there. As long as you can understand the true meaning of them, you will really benefit endlessly.

In fact, there is more than one person who has the same idea as Lin Mu. This battlefield of gods and demons is simply a huge treasure house.

As long as one can comprehend one of the true meanings of martial arts in it, one can directly transform into a dragon.

In just an instant, many people who thought they had no luck in the Bronze Palace quickly left the crowd and entered the battlefield of gods and demons to find other opportunities.

Although the Bronze Palace is attractive, everyone also understands that it is impossible for everyone to have a share, so it is wiser to find their own opportunities.

"Master, I also want to find my own opportunity." Lin Zexin also said to the God of Beggars at this time.

The God of Beggars did not stop him, and God of Beggars naturally understood that although Lin Zexin's cultivation was not weak, there were a few weak people here, so the Bronze Palace basically had nothing to do with him. Why don't you let him go to the battlefield of gods and demons to find his own? It's a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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