Supreme Chef

Chapter 971 Bronze Palace

Chapter 971 Bronze Palace (1)

Lin Zexin left, and then some of them left one after another.

In fact, Lin Mu also wanted to leave, because for this ancient battlefield, Lin Mu also had countless desires in his heart.The battle scars left by the ancient powers are priceless treasures, even in the fairy world, it may not be possible to have such a chance and fortune.

But Lin Mu knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to leave.

Neither the Emperor Sect nor the ancient family would allow it. For them now, I am their vitality.

Of course, if you can really get the good fortune of the bronze palace, then you can make up for all the good fortune.

"Where is the Bronze Palace?" The members of the Jiang family did not stop the others from leaving. After all, the fewer people there were, the higher the probability they would get the Bronze Palace.

And from the Jiang family's point of view, if they could really obtain the good fortune of the Bronze Palace, then no matter how many good fortune these people got from the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, it would be completely useless.

The magic operator tapped his hand and said, "It's just ahead."

After knowing the direction, everyone also galloped directly all the way.

After all, the time mentioned by the fortune teller is only three days, and they don't want to waste even a moment.

Soon everyone went deep into the void, and after flying for a day and a night, they finally saw a strange bronze palace suspended in mid-air in the deepest part of the void.

The bronze palace is square and peacefully suspended in the void.It looks so peaceful, only the ancient rhyme of bronze can let people know that its existence can no longer be traced back.

But it is such a palace, every time it appears, it is accompanied by endless killing and death. No one knows where it came from, and no one knows whether it is artificially cast or naturally raised.

The only thing that people can be sure of is that the Bronze Palace is eternally fierce, and once it appears, it will definitely bring death and destruction.

"This is the legendary Bronze Palace!"

It was the first time for everyone to see the Bronze Palace, and the introductions they saw in the classics were not detailed.

When we actually saw it today, everyone was inexplicably nervous and excited.

"We finally meet again." Taoist Guang also sighed.

"What shall we do next?" The head of the Jiang family asked the fortune teller again.

The fortune teller said: "The next thing involves the unspeakable way of heaven, and you can only fight for it yourself. If I say no, even if he is here, you will only have a dead end if you go in."

When God's operator said so, no one doubted it. They looked at each other, and finally they all looked at Lin Shu.

"You go in first!" The head of the Jiang family said to Lin Mu.

Lin Muchang laughed and said, "I can't ask for it!"

Since the fortune teller said he couldn't see through him, and that he represented the lifeline, Lin Mu naturally had no fear in his heart.Besides, the great good fortune is right in front of us, how could Lin Shu not fight for it.

Lin Mu has never been a timid person, the opportunity is right in front of him, he would be a fool if he didn't fight for it.

Lin Shu stepped forward, and the next moment he appeared in front of the Bronze Palace.


Lin Mu appeared in front of the bronze palace, and suddenly let out a scream, which suddenly made everyone's hearts tense.

Everyone stared nervously at the trees, wanting to know how dangerous this bronze palace is.

But the next moment everyone saw that Lin Mu stood up again like a normal person.

Lin Mu turned his head to look at the crowd, opened his mouth and smiled and said, "It's okay, I think the atmosphere is too tense, I'm just joking with everyone."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes. What time is this, and they still have the mind to make such silly jokes.

Standing in front of the bronze palace, Lin Mu looked at the rusty bronze palace covered with countless traces of time. After hesitating for a while, he also pushed open the gate of the bronze palace.


The door had just been pushed open, and suddenly a breath from the ancient prehistoric gushed out.

"What a strong rotten air!" Everyone was shocked when they saw the tangible rotten air.

This is completely the precipitation of time. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years of reincarnation are needed to accumulate such a decadent atmosphere.

Standing in front of the bronze palace, Lin Mu was not in a hurry to enter.

After the rotten air dissipated, Lin Mu turned his head to look at Beggar God and Chen Yunkai before stepping into it.

Beggar God has no worries about longevity, so he will not venture in. As for Chen Yunkai, who thinks he can't win that chance of life, he will naturally not follow in. Lin Mu sees the meaning of the two of them, and wants them to help take care of Wu De and Blood Spirit Dragon.

The entire Bronze Palace is made of unnamed bronze. It stands to reason that this material is not top-notch at all, and it is impossible to last forever, but this Bronze Palace can do it.

Lin Mu originally thought that the bronze palace didn't look big from the outside, but there should be a mystery inside.

But Lin Mu was wrong. The inside of the bronze palace was almost the same area as the outside.

Although the area with a radius of [-] zhang is not small, for a cultivator, such an area can be crossed in almost one step, let alone a spiritual scan.

"Don't try to fly lightly, look at the top of your head!" Taoist Guang suddenly reminded.

When Lin Mu heard Taoist Guang's words, he also looked up, but Lin Mu only saw a pair of white bone wings.

"This is……"

Taoist Guang said, "If I read correctly, this should be the most powerful of the mephits, one of the strongest races in the ancient demon world."

Taoist Guang said that this is the strongest of the mephits. Lin Mu really can't imagine how powerful it is, but Lin Mu can pass a little bit and judge that this mephit is so powerful that he can't even imagine it.

Because Lin Shu actually saw fresh flesh and blood on the pair of bone wings.

The ancient times have been 10,000+ years recently, and this mephit is obviously older than that time.

As far as Lin Mu knew, even if he was a powerhouse at the level of the Great Emperor of the Immortal Realm, after death, his physical body might not be able to guarantee eternal immortality.

But the mephit in front of him has been dead for tens of thousands of years, but still has flesh and blood. What a powerful and heaven-defying existence it must be to do this.

Lin Mu quickly suppressed his original intention of flying, and at the same time he was glad that there was a Daoist Guang beside him, otherwise, he might not even have bones left at this time.

After hesitating again and again, Lin Mu wanted to transform into a divine sense gun, to test whether the divine sense could be used here.

But as soon as this thought appeared, Lin Mu felt as if his sea of ​​consciousness was about to burst, which made Lin Mu quickly extinguish that thought.

Although the thoughts were extinguished, Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness was still seriously damaged, and he quickly swallowed a large amount of God of Recovery Pill, and only then did he feel better.

Here and there, you can't use your spiritual consciousness, but you can't even come up with the idea of ​​using your spiritual consciousness.

Such a dangerous place deserves to have no exits.

"It's still too late to leave now," Taoist Guang said.

It wasn't that Daoist Guang looked down on trees, but that this place was indeed too dangerous, and the degree of danger even exceeded the sum of all previous dangers.Here and there are Jedi, it is simply dead, there is no vitality at all.

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu also fell into silence. At this moment, Lin Mu didn't know whether he should advance or retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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