Supreme Chef

Chapter 973 Bronze Palace

Chapter 973 Bronze Palace (3)

Lin Shu walked ahead, and those old antiques from the ancient family followed behind.

The diameter of a thousand feet, if it is in the past, is just a breath of time.

But now Lin Mu walked for more than two hours before he came to the end.

Lin Mu stepped out, the scene changed again, and when Lin Mu looked back, he found that the single-plank bridge was slowly fading away.

"So that's how it is!" Seeing such a change, Lin Mu understood in his heart why he said that if he didn't come, they couldn't even win a chance.

At this time, in front of Lin Shu, there are two bronze gates cast in unknown ages.

The air of chaos was lingering above the gate, and Lin Shu's eyes were straightened for a while.

"It turned out to be the air of chaos! Could it be that behind the bronze gate is that heaven-defying chance, which is related to chaos!"

The more Lin Mu thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was extremely great. The thing of chaos, even the peerless immortals in the fairy world would fight for it, and it was definitely considered a heaven-defying chance.

"Land of Creation!"

After seeing the two bronze gates, Lin Mu didn't approach rashly, but looked at it carefully.

At the end of the bronze palace, apart from such a bronze door, there is only a stone tablet, which says the land of creation.

"Hey! This is a large piece of fresh flesh and blood!" Lin Mu didn't pay attention to it before, but when he saw the stone tablet, he noticed that there was a large piece of flesh and blood left behind by an unknown creature. .

"Hurry up and put it into the chaotic world, don't let the people behind find out." Daoist Guang quickly reminded.

In fact, Lin Mu had already started doing this without Daoist Guang reminding him.

The Bronze Palace is a mortal place, but at the end, there is another piece of flesh and blood.

Lin Mu doesn't believe that the owner of this flesh and blood has someone like himself who can take life to lead the way.

If not, then the master of this flesh and blood must be unimaginably powerful, because he actually used his own power to forcefully break into the deepest part of the bronze palace, even though it also died in the end.

But this does not mean that he is not strong enough, on the contrary, it just means that he is strong enough.

Although there are not many people who have entered the Bronze Palace throughout the ages, all of them are top powerhouses.They are all peerless powerhouses who have led an era. If they were not such powerhouses, they would never have the confidence to create the Bronze Palace.

The piece of flesh and blood on Lin Mu's side was taken away just now, and the six old antiques from the four ancient families on the other side came together hand in hand.

"What are you doing again?" Seeing Lin Mu standing next to the stone tablet, the old antique from the ancient family also asked sharply.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Do I need to tell you what I'm doing? Just take care of yourself."

"It's fine for you, Lin, to be arrogant outside. You dare to be so arrogant in front of us. I think you are looking for death!" After one of the old antiques finished speaking, he raised his hand and pressed down on Lin Mu.

Lin Mu didn't get killed when he saw the other party using his true energy, and he also knew that his background alone couldn't compare with the entire ancient family.

The ancient aristocratic family knew that the deepest part could use supernatural powers, but they didn't know it at all, not even Taoist Guang.


Lin Mu was half a beat too late in dissolving his self-seal, and was slapped directly by the opponent, sending him flying.

"My surname is Lin, you'd better cooperate with us obediently here, otherwise, you won't be able to leave even if you want to." The old antique who had slapped Lin Mu also said proudly.

Lin Mu got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the six people on the opposite side, and said, "I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you six immortals to keep me, isn't it just good luck? I don't want it, sir .”

Lin Mu paused for a while and sneered, and said: "When you six idiots came over, you should have been very anxious and found that the single-plank bridge suddenly disappeared. I'm not afraid to tell you that the single-plank bridge will only appear when I'm around. As long as I leave, you I can only be trapped here to death. The young master will leave now and trap the six of you here alive."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu raised his foot and walked outside.

Although the six people didn't know the truth of Lin Mu's words, the single-plank bridge did disappear inexplicably just now. If the six people didn't speed up, they might have died.

The six people shot at the same time to stop Lin Shu, but when the six people shot at the same time, they found that the hands of all six of them were empty at the same time.He actually passed through directly from the place where Lin Shu was standing just now.

"Shrink to the ground!"

These six are all antiques from ancient families, so they are no strangers to this top-notch supernatural power.

Lin Mu possessed such heaven-defying magical powers, even with six shots, they might not be able to catch Lin Mu.

And Lin Mu seemed to come to the edge of the cliff in order to verify what the six people were thinking, and then stepped out, and suddenly a single-plank bridge appeared at Lin Mu's feet.

In fact, Lin Mu was also guessing before, but now that it has been confirmed, Lin Mu is also happy in his heart.

Of course, what Lin Mu is happy about is not that he represents the ray of life, but that he finally has a trump card to negotiate with these six immortals.

These six old antiques are all extremely powerful and hungry existences. If you take out one alone, Lin Shu is no match, let alone six.

If the six of them joined forces, Lin Mu would have no chance of surviving.

When the six people saw that things were indeed as Lin Mu said, and that Lin Mu really represented that ray of life, they were a little panicked immediately.

"Master is gone, I won't play with you anymore, you just wait to die here again, as for all your schemes, let him become a mirror." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he walked to the bridge with his hands behind his back. superior.

"Little friend, please stay!" Seeing that Lin Mu was really about to leave, the six people finally lost their composure and hurriedly called out to Lin Mu.

The trees represent vitality, if the trees leave, the six of them can only die here.

"Little friend, I was indeed rude just now, and I apologized to you." Among the six people, the leader of the Jiang family said politely.

Of course, Lin Mu knew that it was because they were in the Bronze Palace and they controlled their vitality, so they would be so polite. If they were outside, they might really be too lazy to tell themselves these things, and they might have already suppressed them with their big handprints. It was destroyed by itself.

However, it was precisely because he was in the Bronze Palace that Lin Mu was equally confident, and said with a sneer, "If you make an apology, you want to expose this matter so easily. What you think is really beautiful."

"I don't know what else Lin Xiaoyou wants. If we have what we have, we will cash it out immediately. If we don't have it, we will let the family prepare it immediately after we go out?" The old antique of the Jiang family can be regarded as extremely compromised.

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said: "I don't lack anything, but that old bastard slapped me just now, and now you let me slap him even when he was completely defenseless, and my heart will be balanced. .”

"Boy, how dare you!" The old antique of the Situ family who was targeted by Lin Mu couldn't help being angry when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu said: "I don't dare, as long as you obediently send your face over, then we can still talk about this matter. If you are not willing, then I'm sorry, the young master will go first. For the good fortune here If it is not good luck, I really have no interest in it."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, that old antique from the Situ family hated him so much that his teeth itch.

"Little friend, you are too deceitful, why don't you ask for something else?" Old Antique of the Jiang family said aloud.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "My request is to deceive others too much. When he beat me at that time, why didn't someone say that he deceived others too much. This is my request. If you agree, we will continue to cooperate. If you don't agree, Then take a shot and break up. I walk on my single-plank bridge, and you go to your Yangguan Road."

(End of this chapter)

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