Supreme Chef

Chapter 974 The Treasure of Life and Death

Chapter 974 The Treasure of Life and Death (1)

"Slow down!" Seeing that Lin Mu was really about to leave, Old Antique of Jiang's family stopped Lin Mu again.

Hearing that Jiang's old antique called to stop Lin Mu, that old Situ's old antique couldn't help but twitched, because he already knew what would happen next.

"We can't be threatened by a kid like this, so what's the face of my ancient family?" the old antique of the Situ family said loudly.

"For our common interests, please bear with me for the time being." Old Antique of the Jiang family said.

Afterwards, several other people also expressed their opinions one after another. All five of them understood it with emotion and moved it with reason, even with some hidden threats in their tone.

In fact, the so-called alliance is nothing more than coming together for common interests. Now that interests may be threatened, this alliance is naturally not strong at all.

The old antique from Situ's family was also annoyed and angry at this moment, but no matter what he did, it was already too late.

Now let alone leave immediately, even if he refuses, it is not his turn to refuse.

Because the five allies he thought were unbreakable had firmly sandwiched him in the middle.

"Did you guys come to any conclusion after the discussion? I'm leaving if there is no discussion!" Lin Mu said.

"Okay! I agree!" Situ's old antique changed color several times, and finally chose to compromise.

Lin Mu has never been the one who suffers, not to mention that he is still grasping their lifeblood, so it is even more impossible for Lin Mu to suffer: "If you agree, then quickly seal your cultivation, I will do it!"

Old Antique of the Situ family looked at Lin Mu fiercely, and then sealed his own cultivation unwillingly.


Lin Mu raised his hand and slapped him across the face.


Lin Mu's slap was round, and he used all his strength to slap the ancestor of the Situ family with all his teeth blown away, and even half of his face was almost blown away.

"You're really thick-skinned. I tried so hard, but I couldn't slap your face through." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he exaggeratedly rubbed his palm.

Watching Lin Mu's movements, the ancestor of Situ's family almost fainted from his angry eyes.

In fact, Lin Mu is quite capable of killing him with the palm just now, but if such an old antique dies in the bronze palace, there is nothing to say, if he is killed by himself, then things will be a big deal.

If you are alone, that's okay, anyway, it's not so easy for them to catch themselves.

But now I have Fumanlou, if because of such a person, the Situ family is angered, and the Situ family directly attacks Fumanlou, I can run, but there will definitely be casualties in Fumanlou.

"Little friend Lin is out of anger now, so you can come back and explore this so-called good fortune with us, right?" Old Antique of the Jiang family said.

After Lin Mu heard this, he also returned to the ground again. Lin Mu was not worried that the six people would dare to attack him at all, and he was safe until he left.

"Little friend, you came early, did you find anything?" Jiang's old antique asked tentatively.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I see what you see. This place is only this big. Apart from the two bronze doors wrapped in chaotic air, there is only this stone tablet."

After a pause, Lin Mu pointed to a dilapidated futon beside the two gates, and said, "By the way, there is also this rotten futon. I don't know who brought it here."

The area here is not big, and everything is clear at a glance.

The six nodded, their gazes flickered across every inch of space here, and finally they set their gazes on the two bronze gates.

After all, the chaotic air steaming above is not an ordinary thing.

"Could it be that the so-called heaven-defying good fortune is behind that door, let me try, what is behind this door?" The old antique of the Jiang family also raised his hand and grabbed at the two doors.

However, before its light palm approached the two bronze gates, it was instantly annihilated, and then the two bronze gates, chaotic energy surged for a while, and two large characters appeared on the two gates.

One is the golden and radiant character 'birth', while the other is the character 'death' dripping with blood.

And if you look carefully, the blood is still alive and flowing continuously.

Seeing the word 'dead', Lin Mu was also very shocked.This bronze palace is very likely to be a treasure spanning three eras, but the blood of the word "death" is still alive, which is simply unimaginable.

The six people looked at the two doors with 'life' and 'death' written in front of them, and they all stood there dumbfounded.

"I know! I know! This is the legendary treasure book of life and death. It is the treasure that opened up the world. The thing behind the two doors may be the legendary judge's pen and the seal of life and death." Suddenly an old antique, excited cried out.

"Good fortune! It's really a heaven-defying good fortune! Such a treasure actually exists. According to ancient rumors, this treasure book of life and death is known as the number one treasure. It really exists. We are also destined to see it with our own eyes. .” That old antique was also ecstatic.

After the other five people finished listening, their expressions were also agitated.

However, Lin Mu has never heard of the treasure book of life and death, let alone the judge's pen and the seal of life and death.

"Senior, what are those?" Lin Mu secretly asked Taoist Guang through voice transmission.

Taoist Guang also had a serious face at this time, and his tone was also unusually dignified, and said: "The treasure book of life and death, it is said that it is the treasure of opening the sky, and the treasure of suppressing the luck of the underworld. It is recorded on the treasure book that everyone in the universe and the world life and death.

The judge pen is also one of the treasures born with the treasure book of life and death. It can modify the life and death of anyone on the treasure book, and the seal of life and death can collect the souls of all people. "


When Lin Mu heard Taoist Guang's words, he couldn't help but gasped.

Not to mention that it is the treasure that suppresses the fate of a world, even the supernatural power that defies the sky is enough to overthrow the universe.

"Senior, what do you mean, if anyone can master this treasure book and judge's pen, they can instantly decide the life and death of anyone, including the great emperor of the fairy world?" Lin Mu asked.

Guangdao said humanely: "Don't talk about the great emperor of the fairy world, as long as you fail to take the step of eternal life, no one can escape this treasure of life and death. As long as you have the judge's pen and the treasure, you want to kill Those ancient real giants who escaped are all a problem."

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu's heart immediately became hot. Such a treasure is simply against the sky. If he can grasp it, then he doesn't need to go to the fairy world at all, and he can kill the Four Great Emperors with just one stroke.

"And it is said that the most heaven-defying thing about the treasure book of life and death is that he can use the judge's pen to change the rules of heaven and even decide the life and death of a large interface!" Taoist Guang once again threw a heavy bomb.

"This..." Lin Mu was dumbfounded after hearing Taoist Guang's words. It was enough against the heavens to determine the life and death of top powers. He never thought that it could also determine the rules of heaven and earth, and even determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of people in a large interface.

After pondering for a while, Dao Guang said: "I seem to understand now why every time this bronze palace comes out, it means destruction and death."

Without Daoist Guang's explanation, Lin Mu also understood that such a heaven-defying existence can determine the life and death of an interface with just one stroke, and it's strange if it doesn't bring destruction and death.

(End of this chapter)

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