Supreme Chef

Chapter 975 The Treasure of Life and Death

Chapter 975 The Treasure of Life and Death (2)

In addition to understanding how the bronze palace brought death and destruction, Lin Mu also understood another point, that is how these ancient families planned to reverse the rules of heaven.

Of course, maybe they didn't know that the treasure book of life and death was here before, and they might have other methods, but now they obviously don't need other methods, and they only need a pen to modify everything.

"Little friend, do you want to enter together with us to seek fortune?" Jiang's old antique asked again.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in robbing you of fortune. I don't think I have the ability to seek such a heaven-defying treasure."

The Jiang family's old antique said again: "But if you leave alone, little friend, wouldn't it mean that we have lost our chances of life?"

Lin Mu said impatiently: "Are you tired? Don't think I don't know what you did just now. You can use your spiritual sense here. Don't tell me that you ancient families don't have secret methods to send out news from here.

I think everyone outside should know the news by now. If I go out alone at this time, I will definitely be bombarded and killed by your people directly.Don't worry, I won't be that stupid, and I won't be that stupid. What's more, I also want to see how unnatural this heaven-defying creation is. I'll wait here for you to come out. "

Although it was dismantled by the trees, the Jiang family's old antique didn't care at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, little friend. As long as you bring us out of this place safely, your benefits will definitely be indispensable."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I'll be thankful if you don't kill the donkey."

The old man of the Jiang family smiled, and didn't deny it, and of course he didn't affirm it, but in Lin Mu's view, it was affirmation.

But Lin Mu really won't leave, and Lin Mu also wants to see if the heaven-defying good fortune is as heaven-defying as the legend says.

After that, Lin Mu didn't care about them, and they didn't care about Lin Mu, but discussed alone there, who would enter the gate of life and who would enter the gate of death.

In fact, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Mu to buy you if you are not envious of the treasures of life and death.

But Lin Mu knew that he didn't have the ability to take him away, not to mention that he represented a ray of life, even if he represented all the life, he didn't have the ability to take it away.

After the judgment of Daoist Guang, that piece of flesh and blood has already been judged to belong to the supreme being of the demon world.

Such a heaven-defying existence can't take away this treasure of life and death, and Lin Mu doesn't believe that he can take it away.

Soon the six people discussed and came to a conclusion. Old Antique of the Jiang family and the other two entered the door of life, while Old Antique of the Situ family and the other two entered the door of death.

After the two groups of people had assigned themselves to the meeting, Jiang's old antique explained to Lin Mu again, and then entered the gate of life. Before the ancestor of the Situ family entered the gate of death, he glared at Lin Mu fiercely. At a glance, it was obvious that he had already sentenced Lin Mu to death in his heart.

Lin Mu really didn't care about this, he had already offended him, and Lin Mu would not be afraid of his Situ family.

After watching the two groups of people enter the bronze gate, Lin Mu also became a little bored.

Because there is really nothing here except for these two doors.

At this moment, Lin Shu didn't know what to do.

"No! There is another futon!" Lin Mu suddenly thought, there is another futon here.

Lin Mu had always ignored him before, thinking that the piece of flesh and blood was brought here to deduce the treasure of life and death.

But after Taoist Guang's judgment, the flesh and blood did not belong to humans, but belonged to the supreme being in the demon world.

People in the demon world don't know how to use futons to enlighten the Tao.

If it wasn't for the supreme being of the demon world, then this futon might have been in the bronze palace for a long time.

It is obviously impossible for an ordinary futon to last for three years.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu hurried to the front of the futon.

"This is... This is a futon made of the Enlightenment Tree!" Lin Mu looked at the futon, and his eyes became extremely shocked by the exposed material.

The tree of enlightenment does not belong to the spiritual root, but it is more powerful than the spiritual root, because it has another name-the world tree.

The world tree was born before the sky was opened, and some people even speculated that the avenue was not born, Mr. It.

What's more, some people think that the World Tree itself is a manifestation of Tao.

But no matter what kind of speculation, the world tree is even more against the sky than the treasure book of life and death in front of you.

"This is really a great fortune!" Taoist Guang was also excited at this time.

"Lin Mu, you have a chaotic world, and now you have found a futon made of the world tree. You really have the possibility to turn your chaotic world into a real world."

In order to become a real world, not only the intangible and complete, but also the laws of heaven and earth are needed.

And the world tree is obviously something that can provide the laws of heaven and earth.

If Lin Mu really evolved a real world through the World Tree, who would Lin Mu be afraid of?

Because the spirit treasures born in the chaotic world are all innate spirit treasures. Imagine a large number of innate spirit treasures, even if they are smashed, they can kill the emperor.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu hurriedly reached out to get the futon. Although this is not the real world tree, but some broken branches of it, its value is not inferior to the treasure of life and death.

But as soon as Lin Mu stretched out his hand, he immediately shrunk into an inch and dodged away.

But even so, Lin Mu was still half a step behind, an inexplicable dao pattern directly split Lin Mu's flawless body into two halves.


Lin Mu tried his best to run the "Witch God Body Refining Technique", but even so, it took Lin Mu more than a day to connect his body.


After repairing his body, Lin Mu also screamed in his heart, and at the same time he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Senior, what kind of dao pattern is that? He almost wiped it out easily!" After recovering his body, Lin Mu was also curious.

He is already flawless and perfect, and there are very few things in this world that can kill him.

But it was just a line of lines just now, and it almost fell away.

Daoist Guang said solemnly, "If I'm not wrong, it should be the killing pattern."

"Killing Dao Run!"

Daoist Guang nodded, and said: "Yes. Dao pattern of killing. There are too many types of Dao three thousand, and Dao killing is naturally one of them, and it can be said that Dao killing is the most powerful one among the three thousand roads. Kind of. The Dao of Killing pattern is the concrete manifestation of Dao of Killing.

The killing dao pattern you encountered just now should not even be one ten-thousandth of the real killing dao pattern. "

"What! Not even one ten thousandth!" After Lin Mu heard this, he was shocked again.

One ten-thousandth of the power almost wiped himself out, so wouldn't the real Dao pattern of killing be able to destroy the world.

"Senior, can I master it?" Since the Dao of Slaughter continued forever, Lin Mu naturally wanted to own it.

Guang Dao said humanely: "Although the killing pattern will fade with time, it can be completely passed on before it is wiped out. The current killing pattern is on this futon. You just need to sit on the futon and you can Deduce it, after you deduce the killing pattern, you can take the futon naturally."

After Lin Mu listened to it, he didn't hesitate, and sat down on the futon directly, but as soon as he sat down, Lin Mu regretted it, because although Taoist Guang said that Wen was attached to the futon, as long as he didn't want to take the futon away, Dao Wen It won't take the initiative to attack itself, but if it doesn't take the initiative to attack itself, the killing breath is not something that it can resist.

(End of this chapter)

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