Supreme Chef

Chapter 976

Chapter 976

Just for a moment, Lin Mu felt his consciousness go into a trance for a while, and the tyrannical killing atmosphere directly filled Lin Mu's entire sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Mu quickly activated the Nine Slashes of Divine Sense, constantly deploying Divine Consciousness defenses to block these killing breaths.

Lin Mu blocked the killing aura from his sea of ​​consciousness by continuously deploying thousands of divine consciousness defenses.

After blocking the tyrannical killing breath, Lin Mu had time to comprehend the killing pattern.

The Dao of Slaughter is the concrete form of the Dao of Killing. Although there is less than one ten thousandth of it left at this time, it is not something that everyone can comprehend and master.

However, Lin Mu has the means against the sky, because Lin Mu has Chaos Qinglian, the number one spiritual root in the world, which is close to the Tao, and Lin Mu also has the nameless Time Tower.

Lin Mu directly sacrificed the time tower and chaotic green lotus, crossed his knees directly on the ground, and began to comprehend the killing pattern.

Of course, Lin Mu is not afraid of the antiques from the six ancient families coming out, nor is he afraid that people who come later will see them.

Because there are no trees, the glimmer of life has disappeared, and no matter how many people come later, they will all die.

As for the six old antiques, Lin Mu wasn't sure if they could come out.

Under the dual effects of the time tower and the chaotic green lotus, the progress of Lin Mu's deduction of the killing pattern is also extremely fast.

Even later, Lin Shu unintentionally attracted the chaotic energy on the bronze door.

This chaotic air is completely different from the chaos in the chaotic world of forest trees. The chaotic world of forest trees is now real chaos, and the chaotic air above the bronze gate is the chaotic air that was truly created by the creation of the world. It is one of the treasures, but Chaos Qi is difficult to subdue and use, but when Lin Mu deduced the killing pattern, he unintentionally attracted Chaos Qi.

With the triple help of Chaos Qi, Chaos Qinglian, and Time Tower, Lin Mu finally successfully comprehended the killing pattern.


With a sigh of relief, Lin Mu couldn't hide his excitement and joy in his heart.

This is the concrete manifestation of the way of killing, it is an absolute killing move.

Putting away the time tower and chaotic green lotus, when Lin Mu raised his hand, a distorted dao pattern appeared.

As soon as the Dao pattern came out, the space was instantly split.

"Just such a dao pattern has such power." Lin Mu was also shocked when he saw the split space.

The space of the Bronze Palace is so solid, and the forest is straight. This place is no better than the Realm of Cultivation.

The space here is solid, almost comparable to the fairy world, but such a series of streaks attack and kill, even split the space here, it can be seen that the power of these streaks is extremely great.

Lin Mu even secretly guessed in his heart that if he could really master the complete dao pattern, then maybe it would really not be a problem to split a world.

Standing up from the futon, Lin Mu also raised his hand to receive the futon into his chaotic world.

The futon had just entered the chaotic world, and a wonderful change happened immediately.

The futon automatically took root in the chaotic world without the help of trees, and at the same time, the dry branches automatically absorbed the chaos in the chaotic world and sprouted again.

At the same time, one after another inexplicable dao rhyme also washed out from the branches, filling the chaotic world with an inexplicable dao rhyme. At this moment, Lin Shu deeply felt the changes in the chaotic world.

This is an inexplicable change. It seems that at this moment, the chaotic world is truly worthy of the word world.

"As expected, if you can find the body of the World Tree, it is really possible to create a brand new world." Taoist Guang was also very excited at this time.

"The master of the world!" Lin Mu was also inexplicably excited when he thought that he would become the master of the world, the god of creation.

"Alas! It's a pity. It's a great fortune for me to be able to get this dead branch. I don't even know where the World Tree itself is, let alone collect it." Lin Mu also sighed after being excited.

Taoist Guang sighed first, and then said: "You don't have to be too disappointed. Since you can get such a dead branch by luck, it is not impossible to get the whole tree."

Lin Mu nodded, then counted his fingers, and found that it had taken him a month to subdue Dao Wen.

"It's been a month, and they haven't come out yet. Did they really find something?" Lin Mu stared at the gate of life and death in front of him, feeling suspicious for a while.

"Impossible, most of the six of them have already fallen. How can such a heaven-defying treasure be collected so easily." Taoist Guang said.

It seems to be to verify the words of Taoist Guang, the treasure book of life and death, after the voice of Taoist Guang, it actually emitted a dazzling light, and at the same time the chaotic atmosphere above flowed, and inexplicable runes appeared on the treasure book .

"This... this, the rules of heaven and earth have really changed. Could it be that they really found the judge's pen!" Lin Mu felt the change of the surrounding rules, and his eyes were full of shock.

"No! The rules of heaven and earth have not changed completely, only a part has been changed, and it has not completely returned to the ancient times." Taoist Guang said with a solemn expression.

"Then did they succeed or fail?" Lin Mu was puzzled.

But soon Lin Mu knew the answer, because Lin Mu found that there was some fresh blood on the door of death, and judging from the aura, it obviously belonged to the Situ family.

As for the Shengmen, there was also blood flowing out, and judging from the aura, it was obvious that it belonged to those old antiques of the Jiang family.

"They have been sacrificed by the Treasure Book of Life and Death. No wonder they have changed a little bit. Their strength is too weak to be completely changed." Taoist Guang also made a judgment.

"Let's go quickly, since they are dead, we don't need to stay here anymore." After Lin Mu nodded, he was also ready to leave.

Along that single-plank bridge, Lin Shu also left the bronze palace quickly.

But just as Lin Mu came out of the Bronze Palace, he was immediately attacked by several people.

"Kill my ancestor of the Jiang family, damn it!" The first person to attack Lin Mu was the head of the Jiang family.

Afterwards, the Patriarch of Situ's family also attacked Lin Mu at the same time, and even the head of the Emperor Zong also launched an attack at this time, preparing to completely kill Lin Mu this time.

With so many masters attacking Lin Mu at the same time, let alone cultivators, I am afraid that even immortals will fall.

Although Chen Yunkai and the God of Beggars also made a move at the same time, there were more than a dozen strong men who were at the same level as Chen Yunkai and the God of Beggars.

Of course, Lin Mu had expected it before he came out, but Lin Mu didn't expect that there would be so many masters attacking him at the same time.

Even some people who had nothing to do with him came to join in the fun.

If it was before, facing such an attack, Lin Mu could only retreat, or even die.

But now that Lin Mu has mastered the killing pattern, it is completely different.


Lin Mu raised his hand to kill Dao Wen directly. The Dao Wen distorted and seemed powerless, but it was only for a moment, and it blocked all the attacks on Lin Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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