Supreme Chef

Chapter 979

Chapter 979
Yao Wang Ding directly returned to his own chaotic world, which also made Lin Mu very unhappy.

"You are so disloyal, I helped you just now, but you are so disloyal." Lin Mu complained directly.

"I want to refine the heavenly furnace, be careful yourself." Yao Wangding just threw out such a sentence, and then fell completely silent.

Yao Wang Ding stopped talking, and Lin Mu had absolutely no choice.

However, the eyes of everyone looking at Lin Shu were extremely frightened.

At first, everyone thought that Lin Mu would surely die when the head of the Jiang family took out the refining furnace, but they didn't expect that the medicine cauldron that Lin Mu casually sacrificed would directly swallow the refining furnace, and what he swallowed was called a Clean, not even a scum left.

"Give me back the sky furnace, otherwise you will never get out of this star field!" The head of the Jiang family calmed down and demanded directly.

The Tianfu furnace is the Jiang family's treasure to suppress luck. Although it is only an imitation, there is absolutely no room for loss. He cannot afford this responsibility.

Lin Mu said: "I swallowed it all, do you think it is possible to spit it out? If you don't show off with such a broken stove, I really don't want to show my treasure."

"If you can't hand over the refining furnace, leave the medicine cauldron, otherwise, you don't want to leave today!" The head of the Jiang family is not stupid, Lin Mu's medicine cauldron can swallow the refining furnace, certainly not Ordinary treasures are at least much higher than the imitations of my own Tianfu.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "I really didn't intend to leave. I killed a few small ones just now, and now it's your turn to the big ones. There are quite a lot of Patriarchs and Sect Leaders here today. If I don't bring Go one or two, I am sorry for my shot this time."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, no matter if it was the patriarchs of these ancient families or the head of the Emperor Sect, they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

"It's just you." Lin Mu spotted the head of the Jiang family, and then disappeared into the void in one step.

Seeing that Lin Mu had chosen him, the Patriarch of the Jiang family couldn't help trembling in his heart.

Lin Mu is powerful, but he is not weaker than their patriarchs, especially now that he is seriously injured due to the backlash of the refining furnace, it is even more likely that he will not be Lin Mu's opponent.

When the members of the Jiang family saw that Lin Mu had chosen their patriarch, they immediately became nervous and surrounded their own patriarch.

If the Patriarch of his own family really fell here, then things would be really serious.For the head of the family to fall like this, this is not just a matter of face,

"Everyone be careful, just be careful of his avoidance." Yun Tianhua also shouted sinisterly.

Although Yun Tianhua's intentions were very obvious, that he was obviously cheating the ancient family, but no one could say anything, because it was really possible for Lin Mu to do so.

After Yun Tianhua's roar, whether it was Emperor Zong or other ancient families, they all defended themselves and defended closely.

Of course Lin Mu heard Yun Tianhua's words, in fact Lin Mu wanted to kill Yun Tianhua the most.

But this time Lin Mu really has to thank him, if they really get together, Lin Mu is really difficult to deal with.


Lin Mu's body suddenly appeared less than a mile away from the head of the Jiang family, and then he slashed out with a single knife, immediately knocking out all the Jiang family guards in front of the head of the Jiang family.

At the same time, Lin Mu also directly slashed out with a Dao pattern of killing, ready to finish the Jiang family's Patriarch with one blow.

Killing the small ones all the time won't cause any real damage at all, and if they don't kill the two big ones, they won't know how to be afraid at all.

So Lin Mu chose to kill a big one, and this big one must have weight, and the Patriarch of the Jiang family is obviously the best choice.

"Zhuzi dare to come!" A shout suddenly came from the void, and then a big hand with real essence, which was almost [-]% of the immortal essence, grabbed it directly.

"The background of the Jiang family!"

Seeing such a slap, everyone's eyes couldn't help being shocked.

Almost [-]% of the true energy in this person's body has been converted into immortal energy, and the cultivation he displayed at this time can be said to be no weaker than ordinary immortals.

With such a palm down, Lin Mu also felt pressured, and it was the first time Lin Mu encountered such a powerful opponent.

Even Lin Mu deeply felt that this person's cultivation was even higher than that of ordinary immortals who had just ascended, and he was definitely a very terrifying powerhouse.


Lin Mu didn't dare to hesitate, and once again went up to him with a killing dao pattern, and Lin Mu's other killing dao pattern that attacked and killed the head of the Jiang family, instead of retreating, he took a step closer, directly preparing to kill the head of the Jiang family.


The second killing dao pattern directly collided with the big hand of the immortal essence, and immediately the immortal essence overflowed, and the killing dao pattern also quickly disappeared.

Although the killing dao pattern was wiped out, the immortal master was also defeated quickly until it disappeared.

Seeing that the strong attack from his own family background failed to stop Lin Mu, the head of the Jiang family was also completely desperate.

"No!" The head of the Jiang family dared not roar. Although the rules of heaven and earth have not been completely changed, a small change is enough for the ancient family to show its strength.

But he obviously has no such opportunity.


Under the attack of the Slaughtering Daowen, his body quickly disintegrated, until finally he disappeared completely, not even a trace of his primordial spirit remained.


The patriarch of his own family was beheaded like this, which also completely exploded the background of the Jiang family.

There was a long roar of anger, and then I saw a person chasing directly from the sky, constantly pressing down the big hand of Xianyuan, trying to completely wipe out the forest.

Two killing streaks were sent out in a row, and Lin Mu felt a little powerless. Although he raised his palm to meet him, he was still so shocked that he spewed blood and flew out backwards.

"Kid, kill me!" Slapping the tree flying with one palm, an old man full of anger and murderous intent also strode over.

If you look carefully, every step the old man takes is directly across thousands of feet.

Although his skill is not as outrageous as shrinking the land into an inch with trees, it is as outrageous as shrinking tens of miles into an inch.

But this is also a very heaven-defying footwork, which completely simulates the supreme stature of shrinking the ground into an inch.

It can also be seen from this that the ancient aristocratic family has a rich heritage.

Two steps later, the old man appeared in front of everyone. He was definitely a peerless powerhouse with surging immortal energy, comparable to an immortal.

When he came in front of Lin Mu, without any hesitation, he just punched out.

Immediately, the immortal yuan swelled, and frantically attacked Lin Shu.

The killing streak can be used twice, Lin Mu didn't want to use it on a person who was not sure about killing.

Moreover, Lin Mu's trump card in this matter is Lin Mu's last trump card, and Lin Mu doesn't want to just use it like this.

The point is that even if he could kill this old antique in front of him, his true energy would probably be exhausted, and when Yun Tianhua and the others rushed up, he would be really unlucky.

So Lin Mu can only choose to fight him recklessly!

(End of this chapter)

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