Supreme Chef

Chapter 980

Chapter 980
Facing the Jiang family's powerful punch, Lin Mu could only use the Wuhuang Fist to meet it.

"Fifty percent immortal yuan!"

Seeing Lin Mu's punch, everyone was surprised again. Lin Mu's cultivation is only at the fourth level of the Ascension Realm, and he actually has [-]% of the immortal essence. If the Ascension Realm is perfect, wouldn't it directly become The land is magical.

"Five percent of the immortal yuan, you have to die!" The ancestor of the Jiang family yelled loudly, and the next punch was the Wuhuang fist that directly broke Lin Mu, causing Lin Mu to vomit blood.

Don't look at the immortal essence between the two, there is only a difference of three levels, but the difference between the first level is huge, let alone the third level, let alone such characters, but the background of a family is not at all. Forest trees can resist hard.

Lin Shu flew back while coughing up blood, and even felt that most of the veins in his body were broken.


Seeing this, the God of Beggars directly stirred up the immortal energy in his whole body, and was about to join the battle.

"Don't be impulsive, he's not short-lived, he shouldn't die, but if we get involved in a battle, we'll be close to death." The fortune teller directly stopped the beggar god and said.

Beggar God glanced at the operator, and finally suppressed the furious Xianyuan.

"Everyone go up together and kill him!" Seeing that the opportunity came, Yun Tianhua directly urged everyone to rush up together to solve the trouble of Lin Mu.

Seeing the Jiang family's background, everyone couldn't bear it long ago, and they were also ready to rush forward to solve the trouble of Lin Mu.

"He belongs to my Jiang family, and no one can touch him." The Jiang family's background directly turned to warn everyone.

Lin Mu is full of treasures, how could the Jiang family tolerate other people's interference.

The Jiang family has already lost a patriarch, and also lost the refining furnace. If the trees are taken away again, the Jiang family's loss will be too heavy.

"Senior and junior are the Eastern Emperor, Yun Tianhua, the head of the Emperor's Sect. This Lin Shu has a great enmity with my Emperor's Sect, and even insulted the Emperor. Please allow me to join, Senior." Of course Yun Tianhua also understands that Lin Shu is covered with Bao, it is naturally impossible for him to watch the Jiang family take advantage of it alone.

Hearing Yun Tianhua's words, the background of the Jiang family snorted coldly, and said, "What's the emperor's sect? Even if you're from the East Emperor's lineage, you should call me uncle when you see me."

When everyone heard what the Jiang family said, they all gasped.

The background of the Jiang family is obviously not to say that he is of a senior generation, but to tell Yun Tianhua that your great emperor has the blood of our Jiang family, and you are not qualified to compete with us for trees.

After hearing what the Jiang family had said, Yun Tianhua had no choice but to back down.

"If you want to compete with my Jiang family, you have to pass the old man's level first." The Jiang family said directly and domineeringly.

This is the territory of the Jiang family, and they really dare not mess around.

"Boy, you take the initiative to die yourself, and I can leave you a whole body!" After looking around the crowd, the Jiang family finally set their sights on Lin Mu.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "You want me to die, but you have a beautiful idea. Even if I die today, I will drag you on the road together."

"Okay! Since you are looking for death, I will help you, old man!" The Jiang family's background is no nonsense, and they raised their hands to suppress Lin Shu. At the same time, the momentum of the whole body soared, and directly blocked the place where Lin Shu was located, saving Lin Shu from escaping.

"Om!" Suddenly the space trembled for a while, and then everyone saw that a kind of power of that name suddenly burst out from the body of the Jiang family.


Seeing the power that erupted from the background of the price reduction, everyone was surprised again.


But even high-level immortals can't grasp it, but the background of the Jiang family is so heaven-defying.

From this point of view, the power of the ancient family is really beyond their imagination.

They don't know how much Jiang family has such a background, and many of them have already fully understood it.

They were used by the ancient family, and they came over foolishly, but they helped the ancient family.

Although the current rules of heaven and earth have not been completely restored to the ancient times, and there are still no existences beyond immortals, it is enough for many old antiques from ancient families to live very comfortably.

And since it can be changed once, doesn't it have the ability to change the second time?

The purpose of the ancient family has really been achieved, and at the same time they also understand that the time for the ancient family to rule the world has come, and their good days may be coming to an end.

But now it is clear that it is a bit late.

Many people looked at Lin Mu, and at this moment they all hoped that Lin Mu could win, at least this would weaken the power of the ancient family.

Once the 'domain' of the Jiang family's background was unfolded, it completely controlled the forest.

The 'domain' of the Jiang family's background is obviously not just generated, because his 'domain' is much more complete than the forest trees, and there are some incomplete rules in his 'domain'.


The Jiang family background sternly shouted, and then all the killing intent in his own domain directly gathered into a bloody word 'kill', which was about to be suppressed downward.

"Open it for me!"

At this time, Lin Mu also knew why this background made the move, because he also mastered the rules of killing dao, and his own killing dao pattern can obviously make his domain stronger.

Lin Mu opened up his domain forcefully, and at the same time, the Killing Daowen attacked again.


The Jiang family was a little surprised to see that Lin Mu had also opened up his domain, but seeing that Lin Mu's domain was still in its embryonic form, he also sneered: "With a small embryonic form, I want to break free from the killing domain." It's ridiculous, you will die for me today!"

The Jiang family's background is suppressed with a big hand, and the trees will be completely wiped out.

The gap in cultivation was too great, even if Lin Mu sacrificed the Dao of Slaughter, he still couldn't stop the palm from falling.



This is the sound from Lin Mu's domain. Lin Mu never thought that there would be a day like this, when his domain would be crushed by others.

"Let me open it!"

Lin Mu knew that the current situation was so dangerous that it could no longer be endangered. If he didn't let go and refute, then he would have to die.

Lin Mu directly slashed out with the Shadowless Knife, followed by the Wuhuang Fist. At the same time, the flame wave spread rapidly, and at the same time, Lin Mu released his last killing streak.

Taking out all the means to save his life, Lin Mu finally opened the palm of the background, and at the same time opened the opponent's domain, but at this time Lin Mu also reached the end of his life.

Forcibly burning the little immortal energy left in his body, Lin Mu directly sacrificed the Tianlong bow, and then directly activated the immortal energy in his body, turning it into a light arrow, and shot it out.

Seeing the light arrow shot by the Tianlong Bow, the eyes of the background also tightened. At the same time, the big hands kept arranging, and even took out a defensive magic weapon at the level of a half-celestial weapon.


Finally, under his strong arrangement, he successfully blocked the light arrow.

It was the first time that the Heavenly Dragon Bow was blocked by someone. Although there were reasons for Lin Shu's lack of strength and some reasons for Lin Shu's injury, there was no doubt about its strength.

Although blocked, Lin Mu still fought for a chance of life for himself.

Lin Mu didn't dare to hesitate, and burned his blood essence and life essence desperately, and directly launched a teleportation, flying towards the broken galaxy not far away.

Lin Mu observed it just now, the galaxy is full of sword energy, it is the best hiding place, and there are more than ten million planets there, as long as he hides well, he can definitely make a comeback.

"Who dares to harass my Fumanlou while I'm not here, and kill ten generations of his ancestors when I return!" This was the last sentence Lin Mu left behind before he escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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