Supreme Chef

Chapter 981 Everything Can Be a Treasure

Chapter 981 Everything Can Be a Treasure

Lin Mu wanted to escape, but no one in this world could stop him. Even the Jiang family's background, looking at Lin Mu's fleeing back, his face was livid with anger.

"Search for me! No matter what, find him!" The Jiang family's background is also ruthless. This time, his Jiang family has lost the most. If he still can't find Lin Mu, then his Jiang family's loss is too great.

The matter came to an end. Except for the Jiang family who were desperately looking for the trees, the rest of the people left separately.

No one made things difficult for the God of Beggars and Chen Yunkai. The key is that the God of Beggars is superior in strength, which is the background of the Jiang family. After seeing the God of Beggars twice, they all left in the end. This shows that the God of Beggars is powerful.

After Beggar God, Chen Yunkai and others left, they did not return to their respective cities, but directly took Xue Linglong and Wu De back to Fumanlou. Although there was the threat of Lin Mu, they were also worried that someone would go crazy Fumanlou's background is no better than theirs, so they still have to sit in charge for a while.

As for the god operator, he was an idle person, and his combat power was not enough to help everyone, so he left directly, and did not go to Fumanlou with Beggar God and others.

Lin Mu fled crazily all the way, completely regardless of any cost.

This time, Lin Mu really made a mistake in his judgment. The strength of the Jiang family was beyond imagination. The key is that the background of the Jiang family is so terrifying.

I have tried my best, but I still only escaped with serious injuries.

Especially the blood essence and longevity burned at the last moment, the loss to Lin Shu is immeasurable.

But fortunately, after paying so much, Lin Mu finally escaped to the galaxy.

From a distance, this galaxy may not be too shocking, but if you really go deep into it, you can imagine how terrifying the ancient power was.

The power of a mere sword has split the endless galaxy, and countless planets have been broken. Even if ten thousand years have passed, the sword energy is still peerless and terrifying.

But this is also made for the trees, the best hiding place.

The trees turned left and right, avoiding countless meteorites, isolating all auras, and finally appeared on a large withered star.

Appearing on the big star, Lin Shu also quickly entered the chaotic world, and at the same time turned the chaotic world into a speck of dust, hiding on the vast big star.

It has to be said that the background of Jiang's family is still very terrifying. Although he fled here, he was still able to find some traces of Lin Shu's existence, and he was able to quickly locate Lin Shu.

But when Lin Shu entered the chaotic world, he really had no choice.

"Search for me! Even if I destroy this Galaxy, I must find him." The background of the Jiang family was furious.

"Lin Mu will give you three days. If you don't come out, I will lead the experts of the Jiang family to wipe out your shit Fumanlou!" The Jiang family roared angrily.

But these trees can no longer be heard, because the trees are recovering in the chaotic world at this time.

This time Lin Mu was seriously injured, the physical injury was minor, the key was the loss of essence, blood and lifespan, these would have an incalculable impact on his future cultivation.

But for Lin Mu, he is not a pity, at least he is still alive.

Lin Mu sat under the World Tree, holding the chaotic green lotus in his hand, and at the same time, he set up a huge spirit-gathering array around him. As for the spirit pill, Lin Mu had already swallowed an unknown amount.

For Lin Mu, pills are no longer a problem now, he is already a ninth-rank alchemist, will he be short of pills?

Lin Shu frantically operated his skills, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy, and repairing the broken tendons on his body.

Lin Mu's flawless body was perfect, and his body's recovery ability was astonishing. Just a moment later, all the injuries on Lin Mu's body had recovered.

Next, Lin Mu had to think about how to make up for his blood essence and longevity.

Although advanced cultivation can make up for a certain amount of blood essence and lifespan, Lin Mu has lost a lot this time, and it may not be easy to make up for it.

But when Lin Mu was thinking about this, the branches of the world tree, which was only one meter high, glowed green light, and at the same time absorbed a large amount of chaos from the chaotic world.

Soon these green lights turned into dots of fluorescent light, falling on Lin Shu's body.

These green lights all contain powerful vitality, and when these green lights are integrated into Lin Shu's body, the life essence and blood essence lost by Lin Shu are quickly replenished, even more powerful than before.


Lin Mu was also completely shocked by the scene in front of him. He didn't expect that World Tree could still make up for his lost life essence and blood essence.

"I know, the world tree is also called the tree of life. It comes out before everything else, and it represents the fire of life for all creatures in the world. It can naturally make up for your lost life. It's just a branch. If it is a complete World Tree, it is entirely possible for you to ascend directly from the ground." Daoist Guang also had a clear understanding in his heart.

"The World Tree actually has such a magical effect." Lin Mu also sighed in his heart.

In one day and one night, the World Tree completely replenished the lost life essence and essence of the tree.

At the same time, Lin Shu's cultivation base also made continuous breakthroughs, directly entering the sixth floor of the Ascension Realm.

The difficulty of breaking through each level of Ascension Realm is almost twice as difficult as all previous breakthroughs combined.

This is also the reason why, after Lin Shu entered the Ascension Realm, his cultivation progressed extremely slowly.

At this time, with the help of the World Tree, Lin Mu's cultivation broke through two levels in a row, and Lin Mu was also very happy.

Lin Mu got up and felt the surging immortal energy all over his body. At this time, Lin Mu also felt that if he was fighting with the Jiang family's background, the outcome might not be known yet.

At this time, [-]% of Lin Mu's true essence has been transformed into immortal essence, and his strength has risen by more than one step.

The key is that the power of Lin Mu's methods at this time has also been doubled. Lin Mu believes that as long as he meets that old immortal again, he can definitely kill him with a bombardment.

The injury on his body improved faster than Lin Mu expected, so Lin Mu also left the chaotic world to see if he should leave the ancient battlefield of gods and demons first. After all, Lin Mu was still very worried about Fumanlou being attacked.

Leaving the chaotic world, Lin Mu couldn't help being moved when he looked at the Xinghe who was cut down by the taboo that day.

"Senior, what kind of treasure did that senior use to cut off this galaxy?" Lin Mu asked.

"Ordinary wooden sword!" Taoist Guang said.

"What!" After hearing this, Lin Mu was also shocked in his heart.

Although Lin Mu knew that that person's absolute skill was unrivaled, but he didn't need any treasures, just used a wooden sword to cut off the Galaxy, which might be a bit too exaggerated.

Guang Dao said humanely: "When the cultivation level has reached a certain level, everything is a peerless treasure to us. Moreover, this person just learned the way of swordsmanship. To him, a grain of sand, a plant of grass, or a stone They can all be supreme treasures.”

Lin Mu froze in place, and after digesting for a long time, he fully understood what Taoist Guang said.

A grain of sand or a blade of grass can be a peerless magic weapon that can cut off the galaxy. Lin Mu really wants to meet such a peerless powerhouse.At the same time, Lin Mu also knows that there is still a long way to go in this world.

Lin Mu didn't know if he would be able to do this when he became the Great Emperor, but thinking about it, he probably couldn't.At the same time, Lin Mu finally understood why the people in the Land of Perishing Immortals told themselves that to become the Great Emperor, he was just qualified to know some things.

(End of this chapter)

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