Supreme Chef

Chapter 985 Cut

Chapter 985 Cut (3)

"What about me? Point at me again, believe it or not, I'll just buy you, a pig, with a price tag of ten ninth-grade pills?" Lin Mu said domineeringly at Yun Tianhua.

Lin Mu suddenly realized that it seemed better for him to be like this.And it's very labor-saving, as long as you move your mouth.

Of course, Lin Mu also knew in his heart that if this was the case, he would just talk about it and put a price on himself, but it might not be true that someone would dare to do it.

After all, this is the head of the emperor's sect. If he is really killed, the consequences will be unimaginable. If Dimai is angry, even if he has the life to take the elixir, he will not have the life to eat it.

Yun Tianhua also understands this kind of reasoning, but he is also really afraid that someone will really do this in a crazy way. If this person does this, then he would be too damn wishful to die.

Seeing that Yun Tianhua didn't speak, Lin Mu also pointed his finger at the Nascent Souls who were captured by him.

"Tell me, how many of you have come together." Lin Mu asked those people.

Seeing the sky fire constantly jumping in Lin Mu's hand, the people from the blood building who were captured by Lin Mu also trembled for a while.

Lin Mu is simply a devil, and he is an out-and-out devil. There are no rules for Lin Mu at all.


Suddenly, above the sky, a blood spear boomed suddenly, and the target was those Nascent Souls caught by the trees.

"This is the blood spear of the owner of the blood building!"

Everyone held their breath when they saw the blood spear that suddenly appeared in the air.

Because in the cultivation world, it's really hard to say who is the strongest.But if anyone is the most mysterious, it must be the landlord of this blood building.

In the cultivation world, no one has really seen his true face, not even a legend about him. No one knows his origin, no one knows his past, and no one knows his present, and no one even saw Pass him.

Of course, the only thing everyone knew was that the symbol of the landlord of the blood building was such a bloody spear. As for why everyone knew this, no one could say it now.

In short, the blood building is mysterious and terrifying, and the owner of the blood building is even more mysterious within the mystery.

This blood spear is absolutely terrifying. As soon as it appeared, the sky was already blood-colored, and the sky was completely dyed red at this moment.

When Lin Mu saw the blood spear, his eyes froze, and then he raised his hand, and a killing streak swept out.


The collision between the Dao pattern of killing and the blood spear caused a wave of blood all over the sky, but Lin Mu couldn't help but tighten his eyes when he looked at the wave of blood.

Because Lin Mu saw that the blood wave actually wiped out the Dao Mark of Slaughter, which was completely unimaginable to Lin Mu before.

This is the concrete manifestation of killing Dao. From Lin Mu's point of view, Dao is indelible. Although he has less than one ten-thousandth of it in his grasp, it is still indelible, but at this time he was obliterated by the blood. .

A killing pattern was completely wiped out, the blood spear was not completely destroyed, but only half of it was left, and Lin Shu didn't hesitate to raise his hand, and another killing pattern swept away.


This time the blood spear was completely wiped out, but the sky was still blood red, making people look infinitely terrifying.

The blood spear was wiped out, and when Lin Mu turned to look at it, he also found that the Nascent Souls of the blood building he had captured had also died inexplicably.


Lin Mu also took a deep breath. He didn't feel any fluctuations at all just now, but these Nascent Souls died tragically inexplicably. This is really too weird and unbelievable.

The space fluctuated, and then Mr. Tuoba slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"You are the owner of the blood building?" Lin Mu stared at Mr. Tuoba and asked sharply.

Mr. Tuoba smiled slightly, and said: "Compared to my master, I am not even one ten thousandth of his old man. You can take a blood spear that my master bestowed on me. Among the same generation, you are already regarded as Top notch."

"What! That blood spear was not issued by the Lord of the Blood Tower himself! It was just his disciple, attacking on his behalf!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard Mr. Tuoba's words, and it caused an uproar.

The power of the blood spear just now was clearly seen by everyone. The people present thought that even if they tried their best, they might not be able to block this blow. That is to say, only when Lin Shu has a heaven-defying posture can he succeed. blood spear.

But it was such a powerful blow, and it was not sent by the owner of the blood building himself.

It is conceivable that if it was issued by the Lord of the Blood Building himself, how powerful it would be.

Everyone couldn't imagine, even the Emperor Zong and the ancient family were wary when they looked at Mr. Tuoba.

The strength of the owner of the blood building seems to have exceeded expectations. This is an absolute ruthless person, but he has never heard anything about him, and no one has even seen him.

"Being mysterious, since you are here, you should stay!" Lin Mu said coldly, and then directly raised his hand, wanting to suppress Mr. Tuoba.

But this time, Mr. Tuoba was clearly prepared, and he didn't need to make a move at all. A black shadow appeared beside him, and directly fought with Lin Shu with a palm, offsetting Lin Mu's powerful attack.

"En!" Seeing the person next to Mr. Tuoba, Lin Mu's eyes also wrinkled slightly.

This person is like a shadow, if he doesn't make a move, no one will know his existence, but his strength is extremely strong.

"In fact, Lin Mu, I, the Blood Building, don't want to be your enemy, but there are some things in you that my teacher needs, as long as you are willing to cooperate. My Blood Building can keep you Fumanlou worry-free for the rest of your life, and even become the number one sect in the cultivation world." , is absolutely necessary." Mr. Tuoba said quietly.

"It's really arrogant to think that you are invincible in the blood building and become the number one sect in the cultivation world!" Before Lin Mu could speak, a disciple from an ancient family had already stood up and refuted.

Young Master Tuoba just glanced coldly, and then the shadow beside him shot directly, and the disciple of the ancient family collapsed directly.

"What are you going to do with the blood building? Do you want to be your enemy?" The elder of the ancient family stared at Young Master Tuoba angrily.

"I'm just teaching your disciples some more rules. The rules of heaven and earth have changed. Do you think that only your ancient family occupies the sky? I'm not afraid to tell you that there is one more thing I want to tell you this time. The rules of heaven and earth have changed. , Teacher is also very grateful to everyone, because in this way, the blood building can really show its power." Mr. Tuoba said quietly.

"What! Could it be that your blood building is also inherited from ancient times!"

Someone from an ancient family said in shock.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly understood why the Blood Building had been very low-key before, even so low-key that it faded out of people's sight.

It's not because they really only know how to assassinate, but because the current rules of the world are not suitable for them to flex their muscles.

Now, because of the intervention of the ancient aristocratic family, some of the rules of the world have been changed, and the blood building finally showed its fierce fangs.

After Mr. Tuoba finished speaking, he also looked at Lin Mu and said, "Lin Mu, we have already shown our sincerity, now it is up to you to choose."

At this moment, Mr. Tuoba was very strong, which made the big forces who thought they could cooperate happily with the blood building keep a certain distance from him.

Even everyone looked at Lin Mu, and waited for Lin Mu's answer, because Lin Mu's answer might determine their fate.

The sudden reversal of the situation made many onlookers feel a little uncomfortable for a while. This kind of plot seemed to be completely different from what they thought.

(End of this chapter)

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