Supreme Chef

Chapter 986 Strong Claim

Chapter 986 Strong Claim
Lin Mu looked at Mr. Tuoba, and said, "The blood building is finally about to show its fierce fangs, but I'm not interested in doing things like seeking skins from tigers. And I've never been forgetful. The blood building has done it to me. I remember everything very clearly, and I will go to the door to ask for them one by one."

Young Master Tuoba looked at Lin Mu and said: "Since this is the case, then it seems that there is nothing to say, then I will wait for the head of Lin to come to ask for it, let's go!"

Young Master Tuoba waved his hand, and dozens of figures rose into the sky from the crowd.

Seeing that there are so many killers hidden in the blood building around him, the crowd also let out a sigh of amazement.

The blood building's assassination technique is really unparalleled in the world, hiding by his side, he didn't even have the slightest reaction, if they wanted to kill him, wouldn't it be easier.

"Don't think about leaving once you're here." How could Lin Mu look at the people in the blood building and leave so calmly.

The revenge of the Beggar God has not yet been completed, and Lin Mu also intends to clean up with the blood building thoroughly.

Seeing Lin Mu directly attacking with a knife, Mr. Tuoba's face changed, and then he winked directly at the shadow beside him.

The shadow got the instruction of Mr. Tuoba, and directly launched an attack on the tree, blocking the tree, and bought time for Mr. Tuoba and others to leave.

"It's not that easy to run!" After Lin Mu finished speaking, he drew out the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow.

Then he aimed directly at the shadow, and shot out with an arrow.


The sky dragon bone arrow shot out, which directly brought the power of thunder all over the sky, and countless space cracks were born and died around it, which looked extremely terrifying.

When the shadow saw the Tianlong bone arrow shooting towards him, he didn't dare to greet him at all, and hurriedly dodged aside.

The shadow moved away, just giving Lin Mu an angle to attack.

Lin Mu raised his hand, and dozens of thunder guns appeared in his hand.



Lin Mu raised his hand and threw it, and immediately dozens of thunder guns shot out directly.



The thunder robbery gun was accurate, piercing into the bodies of those killers in the blood building, directly nailing them in mid-air.

"Lin Mu, you are going to live forever with my blood building!" Mr. Tuoba looked at the scene in front of him, and he was also furious.

He had already indicated that he was going to leave, but Lin Mu was still so relentless, and even nailed the rest of the people he brought to death in mid-air, which was definitely a great insult.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Is there anything else we can talk about? Since you're here today, let's make a deal."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he fired the Thunder Gun again.

Seeing that Lin Shu threatened the life of Young Master Tuoba, the shadow also directly dodged in front of Young Master Tuoba, and then pressed down with his big hand, and immediately the sea of ​​blood surged to the sky, completely submerging the Thunder Robbery Spear.

At the same time, the shadow directly picked up Mr. Tuoba and fled away.

"I just want to run, don't leave anything behind, are you able to run away?" After Lin Mu finished speaking, he raised his hand and another killing pattern, chasing after the two of them and passed.


In the end, the killing dao pattern shattered most of the shadow's body, but it was still blocked by a secret treasure on his body, and he left with Mr. Tuoba.

Lin Shu's strength once again shocked everyone.

The Blood Building has completely exposed its fangs, and even showed his intention to rule. Lin Mu was not afraid, and directly killed him neatly.

"Anyone of you who wants to continue looking for death, just stand up, and I, Lin Mu, will definitely help you!" Lin Mu stood alone in mid-air, looking down at the world and said.

Lin Mu's strength is indeed somewhat beyond common sense. Even the background of the Jiang family has been beheaded by Lin Mu. There are still a few people in this world who are Lin Mu's opponents. Besides, Lin Mu still has room and possibility to grow.

If Lin Shu's Ascension Realm is really reached, the entire cultivation world may only be under Lin Shu's control.

"No one wants to challenge anymore, right? Then hand over your compensation, and I'll let you go!" Lin Mu looked around at the crowd and said again.

"Compensation?" The people below couldn't help being taken aback when they heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mudao: "You are so mobilizing people to attack my Fumanlou, you know how much I have lost in Fumanlou, and asking you to pay compensation is already the greatest tolerance for you. If you don't want to pay, it's fine, then wait for me to go to your house Shall I visit the house one by one?"

"How much do you want?" A member of the Jiang family gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Mu glanced at the Jiang family, and said: "I don't want your compensation, your Jiang family and I haven't finished the calculation yet, I will go back to your Jiang family to visit in person someday."

"Lin Mu, don't bully people too much. My Jiang family is absolutely invincible. If my Jiang family's background is revealed, it will only take a matter of seconds to destroy you and your Fumanlou." , It also completely ignited the anger.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said: "I'm really scared, why don't I just wait here, you go back and call out the background of your Jiang family, and then I will put a price on each of them, and let everyone kill it together How about the background of your Jiang family? I think this kind of thing is not only something I would like to see, but even your allies would be very happy to see it, right?"

The face of the Jiang family changed a few times when Lin Mu said it, but finally he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Lin Mu is right, if he reveals the Jiang family's background, if there is any mistake, this is what his current allies want to see.

Even if there is a real problem with the background of the Jiang family, the first one to attack his Jiang family will definitely not be Lin Mu, but these allies around him.

And this is why, although these eight families have masters, they have not shown their full strength.

Because once their biggest reliance is removed from the problem, the only thing waiting for them may be perdition. They can't afford such a risk, and they absolutely can't bear it.

They seem to be allies, but in fact, they are afraid of each other.

Otherwise, if the eight of them really revealed their details, Fumanlou would have been completely destroyed before Lin Mu came back.

"Don't talk in a hurry, think it over before you talk, otherwise, I really don't mind leaving all of you Jiang family members here." Lin Mu looked at the angry head of the Jiang family and said.

The person in charge of the Jiang family forcibly calmed down the anger in his heart, and said: "Lin Mu has nothing to lose now, and your loss to Fumanlou is also limited. My Jiang family does not want to continue to entangle with you. Can you make a price?"

Lin Mudao: "Since Rui Ci, then I will not be polite. Three top-grade spiritual veins, one hundred drops of top-grade spiritual marrow!"

Seeing that the members of the Jiang family wanted to speak, Lin Mu said: "Be sure to be told no, I know that your Jiang family has a great career, and this little thing is nothing to your Jiang family."

"I can't be the master, do I need to contact the Jiang Family Elders' Association?" The person in charge of the Jiang family also said angrily.

Lin Mu said: "Okay, I'll give you time to contact."

Soon the person in charge of the Jiang family got a reply, and said to Lin Mu: "The elders have agreed, but there is only one condition, that is, you must return the refining furnace and the storage ring of my ancestor of the Jiang family. .”

Lin Mudao: "The refining furnace has been refined by my alchemy furnace, and it's gone. As for the immortal ring, it's not even my spoils of war. Tell your elders, it's you who will compensate me now, not I will compensate you and let them recognize the facts."

(End of this chapter)

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