Supreme Chef

Chapter 988 Entering the Emperor Vein

Chapter 988 Entering the Emperor Vein (1)

Beggar God waved his hand and said, "It's okay, my old bones can still hold on."

Lin Mu looked at the God of Beggars, and said quite moved: "Senior, your injury is not good at all, you forced your way out to help me out."

Beggar God grinned, and said: "This little injury is not enough to do anything to the old man, and he was already well."

Lin Mu couldn't help feeling warm when he heard Beggar God's words, and said: "Senior, please go back to the main peak to rest first, and I will refine the holy medicine for healing now."

Beggar God said: "There's no need to waste the elixir. My injury will be healed after a month or two of rest. But you have to make good preparations for the fight for hegemony among a hundred clans."

"What is the struggle for hegemony among the hundreds of clans?" Lin Mu asked.

Beggar God said: "The Hundred Clans Contest is a big competition in the entire cultivation world, the purpose is to determine the strongest in the cultivation world. Of course, it is not the name of the strongest that really attracts people to participate in the Hundred Clans Contest. You can go to the trial place of the Hundred Clans. It’s just that the previous trial land has been disappearing because of the rules of the world. This time, because of the change of the rules of the world, the trial land has reappeared.”

"A place where hundreds of races are tested?"

Beggar God nodded, and said: "I don't know exactly what this trial place of hundreds of clans is, but it is said that in the ancient times, this trial place was contested by countless ancient powers. It is definitely a place of good fortune. If anyone can successfully pass through the land, they will be able to obtain heaven-defying opportunities, and it is even possible to reach the summit directly.”

Taoist Guang also added to Lin Mu in a timely manner at this time: "The land of the trial of the hundred races is definitely a place to rebel against nature. Many supreme powers in ancient times were achieved because they passed through the trial land of the hundred races." Well-known."

Lin Mu was also very moved after hearing the words of God Beggar and Taoist Guang. Lin Mu had to go to such a place that turned decay into magic.

Beggar God continued: "Furthermore, according to what the fortune teller said, there is a high possibility that there is a portal directly leading to the fairy world hidden in this trial ground, so this time the battle for hegemony among hundreds of clans is of great significance."

Lin Mu nodded after hearing the words of the Beggar God, and said, "I will work hard to prepare."

Beggar God said: "We are all old, it is time for you young people to fight for hegemony, this life is an unprecedented one, I don't know what else I can see, but I am glad that I have witnessed everything."

Lin Mudao: "Senior, I actually know the reason why I can't ascend, but I don't know the solution yet."

Beggar God has sacrificed so much for himself, Lin Mu couldn't bear to see Beggar God lonely.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Beggar God was also moved, and said, "You really know the secret of not being able to ascend."

At the moment Lin Mu also told the God of Beggars everything he found in the Heartless Sea and West Jizhou.

After the beggar god heard it, his expression was also very shocked. At the same time, the beggar god also provided Lin Mu with a very important news.

That is, the Beggar God really knows that there is a place in Dongxuanzhou, which is a forbidden place full of thunder just like Feixiantai in Xijizhou.

"It wasn't a forbidden area at first, but it was inexplicably filled with thunder later. Emperor Zong's explanation for this phenomenon was heaven's punishment. Now the purpose is obvious. It is just to consolidate their power in Dongxuanzhou. It's all about status." Beggar God said.

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "I will check there, seniors should cultivate their bodies first."

The God of Beggars called Lin Zexin over and said, "Use the teleportation array to return to the ghost city, hold my token, and order the four guardians to move the whole ghost city to the side of Fumanlou."

"Yes! Master!"

Lin Zexin was ordered to leave, Lin Mu also looked at the God of Beggars, and said, "Senior..."

Beggar God smiled and said: "The world is chaotic, and I want to find a good way out for my ghost town. Your Fumanlou is a good choice. You are born with a lot of luck, and you are what the fortune teller thinks you should be." Man of robbery, I'd better come here early to occupy a favorable position."

At night, Lin Mu's room did not appear. In the lively scene that he imagined, only Fan Xiaoxiao and Yu Yaqing stayed in Lin Mu's room. After all, in terms of ranking, they were the first wife and the younger wife.

Lin Mu looked at a pair of delicate beauties, and he was not polite. After repeated battles, Lin Mu really needed a good rest, and the two women did their best to cooperate with Lin Mu, giving Lin Mu the most comprehensive enjoyment.

After a lot of cloud and rain in Wushan, the two women leaned against Lin Mu's body panting again and again.

"Lin Mu and her other sisters have discussed it. After a while, when you bring Meiru back, we are going to retreat together and continue to hit a higher level. We don't want to be your burden." Yu Yaqing leaned on Lin Mu said in his arms.

Lin Mu fiddled with Yu Yaqing's hair, and said: "Sister Qing, I can protect you, and your entry is already very fast. How long has it been? Not only are your foundations solid, but everyone's cultivation base They have all made great strides.”

Yu Yaqing said: "The world of self-cultivation is getting more and more chaotic. Our level of cultivation is not enough. Only by breaking through early can we really help you."

Fan Xiaoxiao also nodded, and said: "Yes, this time we see you are so dangerous, we really want to help, but there is nothing we can do."

Lin Mu was also very moved when he heard the words of the two women, he hugged them tightly, and said: "When I bring Meiru back, we will practice together. I have a way to help you improve your cultivation level faster."

Early the next morning, Lin Mu was ready to leave to pick up Gu Meiru, and all the sisters agreed tacitly, letting Lin Mu take Shen Siyun with him.

Because Shen Siyun is the only sister on earth who has never had any relationship with Lin Shu.So they want to create such a separate opportunity for the two of them.

Standing beside Lin Shu, Shen Siyun was also flawlessly shy, with a healthy wheat-colored complexion that also revealed a little pink.

"We are all a family, and you are still so polite. We will give you a chance, even if you are traveling and getting married." Xu Mei teased Shen Siyun with her incomparable beauty.

Xu Mei said so, Shen Siyun is not good at business, but Lin Mu is not polite, he directly brought Shen Siyun over, and then the two of them directly stepped on Chihong to pick up Gu Meiru.

The reason why Lin Mu was in a hurry was because the hegemony of a hundred clans was approaching, and the girls still wanted to improve their cultivation, so he could only help them with the Tower of Time.

Lin Mu didn't know where the Tiannvzong's emperor's line was, so Lin Mu could only take the Tiannvzong's way, and then in the Tiannvzong to see if he could go to the Tiannvzong's emperor's line.

The relationship between himself and Tiannvzong is pretty good, without any interest relationship, Lin Mu believes that Tiannvzong will definitely help.

A long flight is naturally boring, but with Shen Siyun, Lin Shu is not boring.

Shen Siyun swayed her slender legs, lay on Lin Mu's back, and said, "No wonder my sisters say you are amazing."

Lin Mu hooked Shen Siyun's chin, and said, "You haven't seen what I'm even better at, but I can let you try."

After finishing speaking, the two turned around and fought together again. After a lot of rain, Shen Siyun also quickly begged for mercy.

After seven days of trekking, Lin Mu also reached the Tiannvzong, and after revealing his identity, Lin Mu also saw Luo Guanyue.

After telling Luo Guaiyue about Gu Meiru, Luo Guaiyue personally asked Dimai for verification, proving that Gu Meiru was indeed in Dimai, but Gu Meiru is now a disciple of a Supreme Elder, so this This matter still requires Lin Mu to go to Dimai to negotiate in person.

"It just so happens that Nie Shuang is going to the Emperor's Line, I can let her lead the way and take you to the Emperor's Line." Luo Guaiyue also took the initiative to say.

After Lin Mu heard this, he also remembered the Goddess of War who fought with him to the death for Xu Mei.

(End of this chapter)

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