Supreme Chef

Chapter 989 Entering the Emperor Vein

Chapter 989 Entering the Emperor Vein (2)

When Lin Mu saw Nie Shuang again, Nie Shuang was still so indifferent, but his appearance was still so peerless.

Of course, Nie Shuang's cultivation had already reached the fourth floor of Ascension Realm at this time.

Although this speed is not as fast as Lin Shu's Ascension Realm Level [-], it is still very heaven-defying.

It is certain that a talented person like Nie Shuang, even if he enters the emperor's line, is definitely a genius among geniuses, and he will definitely be cultivated emphatically.

"Congratulations to Senior Sister Nie Shuang, you have made a breakthrough in cultivation." Lin Mu cupped his hands and said.

Nie Shuang nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

Nie Shuang's words are still so little, of course, Nie Shuang is already considered good to Lin Mu.

The teleportation array leading to the emperor's veins of the Tiannvzong is within the Tiannvzong. This is a very old teleportation array, and the design of the teleportation array is so complicated that it is definitely only seen in the forest.

Because after every transmission of this transmission array, the original transmission route will be changed, so that people can't find the destination of its transmission at all.

Seeing such a teleportation formation, Lin Mu also felt emotional. The gap between himself and Emperor Zong seemed to be not even a star.

However, Lin Mu is not in a hurry. It is only a matter of time and accumulation for him to surpass Emperor Zong.

After the three of them stepped onto the teleportation array, the brilliance of the teleportation array flowed, and the three disappeared on the teleportation array.

When the three of them appeared in the teleportation array again, Lin Mu and Shen Siyun were shocked by what they saw.

The aura here has completely turned into a liquid state, and everywhere you can see are rivers flowing through the aura, and the elixir that can be seen everywhere, the lowest level is the seventh-rank elixir, and they are all the extremely rare seventh-rank elixir Medicine, there is not a single common seventh-grade elixir.

"This is the real paradise!" Lin Mu also sighed in his heart.

Lin Mu thought that his Fumanlou was already good, but compared with the place where the emperor's veins are located, Fumanlou is really not a star and a half worse.

Lin Mu didn't know how many spiritual veins there were underground, but there must have been more than twenty.

"Is that the Spiritual Marrow Spring?" Shen Siyun pointed to the distance, and said in shock that a spring was constantly gushing.

Lin Mu looked over and couldn't help but tighten his eyes.That is indeed a spiritual marrow spring, and it is also a spiritual marrow spring of excellent quality.

With such abundant resources in the Emperor Vessel, it would be strange if there were no masters.With so many resources, even if they are accumulated abruptly, countless masters of the Ascension Realm can be accumulated, not to mention that the blood and talent in the emperor's veins are all one in ten thousand.

This is the foundation, this is the confidence of Wannian Emperorzong, compared with it, Lin Mu's Fumanlou really has no foundation at all.

"You two stay here later, I'll report to the elder," Nie Shuang said.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Senior Sister Nie, please go ahead."

Although Lin Mu was shocked in his heart, he was not afraid, so what if the emperor's veins were strong.As long as he is an absolute master, he can suppress the emperor's veins, and Fumanlou can rise sooner or later.

Nie Shuang came back soon, and a middle-aged woman came with Nie Shuang.

The middle-aged woman looked Lin Mu up and down, and said, "You are Lin Mu?"

Lin Mu didn't know why this middle-aged woman disdained him so much, not enough that he came to pick up Gu Meiru, and his relationship with the Tiannvzong was pretty good, so he politely cupped his hands and said, "I'm Lin Mu, I don't know what advice the seniors have?"

The middle-aged woman said: "Gu Meiru has now entered the sect of the Supreme Elder of my emperor's vein. This is a supreme honor, so we don't want you to take Gu Meiru away. As for your loss, we are willing to make up for it. You can take as many spiritual marrow springs as you want. You can also pick the elixir here at will."

After hearing what the middle-aged woman said, Lin Mu couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh.

The middle-aged woman frowned slightly at Lin Mu's crazy behavior, and said: "After laughing, you can collect it yourself, and then leave."

Lin Mu's eyes froze, he stared at the middle-aged woman, and said: "If I say, I will let you choose ten of the world's ninth-grade pills, and then ask your husband and children to come to my Fumanlou and never leave , would you like to?"

"Presumptuous!" The middle-aged woman stopped drinking coldly when she heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "You are not even willing, so why do you think that I would be willing to give up my wife for the mere spiritual marrow and elixir? Although these things are precious, in my eyes, they are definitely not as good as mine. One ten-thousandth of a wife. I don't want to be an enemy of the Tiannvzong, so please send my wife out."

The middle-aged woman heard Lin Mu's words, and said: "It is her supreme honor that Gu Meiru can directly enter the lineage of my Heavenly Maiden Sect Emperor. With Gu Meiru's talent, it will only go to waste in your hands. With someone like you, you have to face danger every day, and it is even more impossible to talk about cultivation."

Lin Mu stared at the middle-aged woman, and said: "Have you ever asked Meiru if he is willing to stay here? If she is willing to stay here, Lin Mu and I will immediately turn around and leave. If Meiru is not willing, then I will say whatever you want." Take Meiru and leave."

The middle-aged woman was also a little annoyed when she saw that Lin Mu didn't eat oil, salt, soft or hard, and said, "Although Lin Mu has a terrible reputation outside, you should know that this is the emperor's vein of my Heavenly Girl Sect, isn't it?" Where you can run wild."

The meaning of this threat is already full.

Lin Mu looked at the middle-aged woman, and said: "You say that, I really want to weigh the weight of the emperor's veins."

"Presumptuous!" The middle-aged woman shouted coldly, and then pressed down with her backhand, trying to suppress Lin Mu.

Looking at the middle-aged woman's pressed palm, Lin Mu's brows also twitched involuntarily.

This middle-aged woman's cultivation base is not comparable to her own, but when the middle-aged woman slaps down, Lin Mu has a feeling of confrontation, and the entire Heavenly Girl Sect Emperor's veins, as if everything here is just This middle-aged woman's domain is average.

"They have practiced here all year round, and their spirits have already fully matched the land veins here. It can be said that this place is no different from their domain." Taoist Guang also explained through sound transmission.

Lin Mu didn't answer, but directly stretched out his domain, and then blasted out with a punch, the Wuhuang Fist fused with the Ye Family's Dao Fist, and directly swept up.

The bitter red whirlwind, mixed with the true meaning of the Dao, split the middle-aged woman's palm in an instant.


The middle-aged woman was shocked by Lin Mu and took a step back. Looking at the area opened by Lin Mu, she was also shocked.

They have never left the emperor's veins, so everything about Lin Mu is just rumors they heard. In fact, in their opinion, it is impossible for Lin Mu to reach such a height as a casual cultivator who is practicing outside, and it is even more impossible to produce domain.

But seeing it with their own eyes today, they know how terrifying the forest is.

"Senior Tiannvzong has helped me. I don't want to be an enemy of Tiannvzong, so it's best not to force me to do my best. I don't want this peerless cave to be turned into ruins!" Lin Mu said neither humble nor overbearing.

(End of this chapter)

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