Supreme Chef

Chapter 991 A Tight Quota

Chapter 991 A Tight Quota

Lin Mu went with all the girls, and of course Wu De followed this time.

Wu De is also a master of the Ascension Realm, and he is also preparing to enter the ancient trial battlefield to find a large tomb that can be excavated.

The background of Fumanlou is still not enough, so besides Wu De, Lin Mu didn't bring anyone else with him.

Although there are many opportunities and good fortunes in the land of trial of all races, the premise is that you have the strength to obtain these good fortunes and opportunities, otherwise, you will not even be able to save your life, so what are the chances and good fortunes?

The Ten Thousand Races Battlefield is in the Heartless Sea. When Lin Mu reached the Heartless Sea, Lin Zexin had already been waiting for Lin Mu and the God of Beggars here.

"There is still a period of time for the hegemony of all races, please come to my site to rest." Lin Zexin said enthusiastically.

Lin Mu said: "Brother Lin, you are welcome."

Lin Zexin's site is on a large island in the Wuqing Sea near Dongxuanzhou. The area of ​​the big island is very large.

The entire big island is protected by a formation, and the level of the formation is very high. It can be seen that it must have come from the hand of the God of Beggars.

As for the aura on the island, although it is not exaggerated, it is definitely considered a paradise.

The Ruthless Sea is rich in various resources, so there is no shortage of masters on the island.

Generally speaking, Lin Zexin has at least seven-star strength on this big island where Lin Zexin is thrashing around in the ruthless sea alone.

After everyone entered the big island, Lin Mu also smiled and said, "Is your place nice? Is the environment good? You can still see the sea view."

Lin Zexin smiled and said, "Brother Lin, are you praising me or scolding me? I have been operating here for thousands of years, and only then can I have such a scale. Compared with Brother Lin's Fumanlou, my place is not even a chicken. Nest, it doesn’t even count.”

Lin Mu said: "You don't need to belittle yourself, you are still young, sooner or later your place will become the first paradise in the heartless sea."

Beggar God looked around and said: "No, I remember that when I came last time, this island was under your control for millions of miles. Why now, there are many islands that seem to be competing with you for this piece of land. The aura of the area."

Mentioning this matter, Lin Zexin also looked helpless, and said: "Master, you don't know that the battlefield of hundreds of clans is about to open, and this time the battlefield is open. It is related to the ancient trial land. It is even more related to the matter of becoming an immortal."

Beggar God said impatiently: "Where are there so many nonsense, just tell me what's going on."

Lin Zexin said: "Because my location is relatively good, some of the surrounding islands are occupied by many old antiques."

Beggar God slapped Lin Zexin on the back of the head, and said: "You idiot, if you are bullied by others, you don't know how to find your way back. Let others occupy your island, and you still don't want to come back."

Lin Zexin rubbed his head, and said depressedly: "Master, I can't beat them. They are all old antiques who used to hide their cultivation. They only came out because of this incident. These old antiques are all profoundly cultivated, and I am no match. If not for Master I am afraid that all the formations that have been arranged will be snatched away from me."

The beggar said: "They are old antiques, but I am not an old antique, master. If they bully you, you won't report the name of the master?"

Lin Zexin said: "Master, didn't you let me tell you?"

Beggar God slapped Lin Zexin on the back of the head again, and said: "Master said that you are not allowed to report the name of the master when you bully others, and you are not allowed to report the name of the master when you are being bullied." name."

Lin Zexin was overjoyed when he heard it, and said, "Master, I understand!"


As soon as Lin Zexin finished speaking, the troublemaker came, and it was obviously not the first time that the troublemaker came.

He raised his hand to directly attack the formation, obviously preparing to forcibly occupy Lin Zexin's island.

"The tiger doesn't show its power, it really treats me as a sick cat, and even bullies me." Beggar God looked at the attacking person outside, cursed, and then stepped directly outside the formation.

Although the people from outside are powerful, they are still not good enough in front of the Beggar God.

The God of Beggars dismissed the people outside, and even directly sent voice messages to all the people who occupied Lin Zexin's island for millions of miles, telling them to return the island quickly, otherwise he would come to ask for it one by one.

Although the prestige of the Beggar God is not well-known among some young people, the name of the Beggar God is still very prominent in the circle of these old antiques.

Knowing that Lin Zexin turned out to be a disciple of the God of Beggars, those old antiques who occupied Lin Zexin's territory all came to the door one after another and returned the island voluntarily.

Lin Zexin was secretly happy when he saw that his master's name was so handy.

"Boy, this is the only time. You will be bullied again in the future. Don't say that you are the apprentice of the old beggar. I can't afford to lose this person." Beggar God slapped him again and cursed.

Lin Zexin nodded repeatedly, and said, "I understand."

Beggar God nodded, and said: "You should also participate in this time's Hundred Clans Contest. If you have the opportunity to enter the ancient trial ground, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

Lin Zexin hurriedly said excitedly: "Thank you, master."

Beggar God said: "The news I got this time is that this time the Hundred Clans Contest has a total of [-] quotas, allowing people to enter the ancient trial ground."

Lin Mu frowned and said, "Who stipulated the quota?"

Beggar God said: "This is not a quota set by anyone, but the ancient trial site itself decides. Because of the turmoil in the ancient times, the ancient trial site cannot accommodate everyone. More than 1000 people enter, the ancient trial site The land is likely to collapse."

Lin Mu nodded, but he didn't expect such a thing.

"One thousand quotas seems like a lot. But if it is spread over the entire cultivation world, I'm afraid only the top ten of each clan can enter." Lin Mu said with a frown.

Beggar God shook his head and said: "Not only that, as far as I know, the opening of the ancient trial land this time has a lot to do with it. There are some other powerful realms that have already sent top experts. So it is possible For each clan, I am afraid that only the top three can enter.

Maybe even the top three are not guaranteed.I am afraid that only the number one of each clan can enter it. "

Lin Mu also did not expect that the matter would be so serious.

But at this time, Taoist Guang sent a voice transmission, saying: "You are much happier than in ancient times. In ancient times, only a hundred people could enter every time it was opened. And it is not only hundreds of people who compete for the quota of hundreds of people, but also thousands of people. There are all races. In ancient times, the entire cultivation world was connected, and the barriers between the realms were vain."

After listening to Daoist Guang's words, Lin Mu felt that he was a little happier, and finally had a little psychological balance.

Wu De also didn't expect the competition to be so fierce, and immediately retreated a little bit, pulled Lin Mu and said, "Why don't you fight for the spot, I'd better hide in the bottle, take me in."

Beggar God heard Wu De's words and said: "Don't think about it this time, although no one will check whether you have brought a spirit treasure that can pretend to be a person. You can check everything. Once you find it, all you have to wait for is death, and there is absolutely no other possibility.”

When Wu De heard this, he immediately shrank his neck and said, "Then I'll try it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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