Supreme Chef

Chapter 992 Being Targeted

Chapter 992 Being Targeted
After everyone rested on Lin Zexin's island for a few days, they went to the Hundred Clans Battlefield together.

Hundred Clans Battlefield is an ancient battlefield in ancient times, which is directly connected to the ancient trial ground.

It's just that because of the rules of heaven and earth, the trial ground was closed back then, so only this battlefield was open.

But now a slight change in the rules of heaven and earth has reopened the trial ground, so this time the Hundred Clans Clash for Hegemony will attract more attention than any previous one.

After all, this is about the place of trial, and even more about the road to immortality.

Although the rules of heaven and earth have changed a bit, making the rules of heaven and earth closer to the ancient times, the longevity is still greatly restricted. Except for the real giants of the ancient families, no matter whether other people want to break through the longevity If you want to break through the shackles of cultivation, you can only go to the fairy world, so whether you can find the way to become a fairy in this trial place is of great significance to anyone.

When Lin Mu and others entered this strange battlefield of hundreds of races, they also saw a sea of ​​people. There were not only human races here, but more powerful races from the ruthless sea.

"Is the little grandpa an angel?" Gu Xuan seemed to have discovered a new continent, pointing to a group of beautiful creatures with wings of light not far away, who couldn't tell the difference between male and female.

Lin Mu looked over, and indeed saw a group of angels, but Lin Mu knew that they were not angels, they were from the Sky Feather Realm. When Lin Mu first came to the Cultivation Realm, he had fought against them.

It's just that the group of people at that time hadn't evolved yet, so they could only summon some angels to help them fight, but the people from the Sky Feather Realm who came this time were obviously top-notch powerhouses, because they already had the appearance of angels.

Lin Mu hugged Gu Xuan, and said: "They are from the Sky Feather Realm. Speaking of which, my grandpa still has a grudge against them. If Xuan Xuan likes it, if there is a chance, Xuan Xuan and I will catch two to play with."

When the people around heard Lin Mu's words, they all showed a trace of disdain.

These few people from Tianyu Realm came a little earlier than Lin Mu and the others, and these people caused a huge disturbance when they first arrived.

Because of their peculiar appearance, many powerful sea-monsters in the Ruthless Sea like them. They all have the idea of ​​​​like trees, and want to catch two and go back to play.

But the result was that these angels were directly beheaded to pieces, and even their race was completely wiped out.

These angels are extremely powerful, and they are not able to subdue those who are generally strong in the cultivation world.

"There are also people from the Buddhist realm." Lin Mu looked around again and saw a group of bald people. These people were obviously not from the Buddhist realm. Since the Buddhist realm had been ruined, they were obviously from the Buddhist realm.

Then Lin Mu saw some strong people from other great worlds. These creatures all have their own merits. Many of them can be regarded as the originator of some sea monsters if they are carefully investigated.

In fact, the sea monster in the heartless sea is not without origin, but the sea monster in the heartless sea has existed for too long, and no one went back to pursue these things boringly.

Lin Mu roughly counted it. Although this is called a hundred races fighting for hegemony, the races that came here have already far exceeded a hundred, or even more than three hundred.

That is to say, based on the [-] quota, only the three most powerful people from each clan can enter the ancient trial ground.

"Grandpa, I feel that someone has been staring at me, but I can't find that person?" Gu Xuan suddenly said in Lin Mu's ear.

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, Lin Mu couldn't help but twitch.

Because Lin Shu also felt that someone was staring at them.

But this feeling is intermittent, and this is a battlefield of hundreds of clans, so it is normal for people to look at it, so Lin Mu didn't care. Now that he heard Gu Xuan's words, Lin Mu finally paid attention to it.

Gu Xuan is born with spiritual pupils, and her spiritual sense is stronger than that of Lin Mu, so since Gu Xuan has such a feeling, it is basically not wrong.

On the surface, Lin Mu pretended to be nonchalant and continued to talk to Gu Xuan, but in fact, Lin Mu had already dispersed his spiritual consciousness and began to search for that person carefully.

"found it!"

After Lin Mu patrolled three times, he finally found the person who had been staring at his team.

"Yaozu!" Lin Mu couldn't help but twitched his brows after seeing the opponent's body clearly.

Lin Mu still clearly remembered the matter of Bu Ping. Bu Ping came from the Yaozu, and Lin Mu also knew that the Yaozu wanted to refine the Wanling Tong.

Now they are being targeted by a monster clan, obviously they are here for Gu Xuan.

"Grandpa, I feel that they seem to be running after me, so they don't want my eyes." Gu Xuan hugged Lin Mu's neck nervously.

Lin Mu patted Gu Xuan on the back and said, "Don't worry, with my little grandpa here, no one can touch you. Let's go find your mother first."

Gu Xuan put her arms around Lin Mu, feeling relieved a lot.

"Brother, I want the girl in your arms. I don't know if this brother can cut her off." Lin Mu and the others had just taken two steps when they were stopped by a monster who had already transformed into a shape.

Lin Mu looked at the big monster blocking his way, and his heart suddenly became angry. He hadn't gone to Wanyaomen before, but you came to him first.

"No." Lin Mu said coldly.

The big demon said: "I am the elder of Wanyao Sect in Nanyan Prefecture. As long as my brothers are willing to part with each other, I am willing to pay no matter what the price is."

Lin Mu said: "She is my daughter, what price do you think you can pay?"

Although Gu Xuan has always called Lin Mu's little grandfather, Lin Mu and Gu Meiru's relationship is already his wife, so Lin Mu has long regarded Gu Xuan as his daughter.

"Brother, we just need your daughter's spiritual pupil to use, and I promise not to hurt your daughter at all." The big demon still refused to retreat.

Lin Mu's face darkened, and he said, "If you Wan Yaomen don't want to be wiped out, then get out of here quickly. I haven't asked you to settle the matter before, and you dare to hit my daughter's attention? Get out of here before you change your mind, otherwise, I won't be polite to you again."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the big demon seemed to be suddenly not afraid, but he didn't have to be afraid of anything at all.

He is a perfect Ascension Realm, and he is already transformed into a big monster, and he is afraid of a mere forest on the seventh floor of Ascension Realm.

"Since you don't want to give up love, then I can only be sorry." After the big demon finished speaking, he was going to grab people directly.

Seeing that the big monster wanted to shoot Gu Xuan, there was no one around to support or help.

Lin Mu, Beggar God and others had already separated their actions, so seeing that Lin Mu's cultivation was the highest at the seventh floor, everyone could only mention Lin Mu and they mourned in silence.

But before they could sigh, the situation suddenly changed. Lin Mu just stomped his feet, and the great monster's big hand with real essence collapsed directly. Then Lin Mu slapped the big monster into the air with a palm, and then disintegrated directly , Demigod!
(End of this chapter)

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