Become a rich girl

Chapter 484 Become famous overnight?

Chapter 484 Become famous overnight? (one)

"Hey, why do you think we are so miserable? We have to have a meeting now, so tired!"

Beijing China Summit Forum.

This is a grand event that only China's top entrepreneurs can participate in. It can be said that all the well-known entrepreneurs in China have gathered here!They are here to talk and collaborate!

The Huaxia Summit Forum is the highest level meeting in the Huaxia business community. Every businessman who runs a business in Huaxia is eager to participate in this event!
But in the end, there are very few people who can participate. After all, this summit is aimed at the top people, and the number of places is also limited!
"Old Xia! Why are you still not satisfied? It's just a meeting, aren't you used to it?"

Xia Hai!

Speaking of this Xia Hai is known to everyone in China, he has a high reputation!

Because the Xiafeng Group founded by Xia Hai is the top investment company in China, and has invested in many famous enterprises. In the end, these enterprises also flourished and brought a lot of income to Xiafeng Group.

"I'm talking about Lao Li! You guys are really adaptable. Just talk about this summit, it's like this every year! What's the point? You're not bored, I've already wanted to throw up!"

The middle-aged man named Lao Li is Li Chengzhe, a well-known e-commerce boss, and he is also very powerful!

Sitting together, these two represent the two giants of the brick-and-mortar and e-commerce industries!

It's just obvious that our chairman Xia Haixia is a little unhappy.

Li Chengzhe patted Xia Hai's shoulder with a smile. The relationship between these two people is known in the circle. Usually, these two people like to drink and eat together.Once the two even made some bad news.

For example, they said that they went to the night show together, or drunk driving, etc. Of course, the authenticity of these news needs to be investigated, after all, they didn't say anything later!It's just that some small media are constantly reporting!

"Haha, let's watch the live broadcast! It's very interesting. It can be said that these two children have a bright future! They actually give out red envelopes online. This model is worth learning!"

What the hell?

Hearing these words, Xia Hai seemed very confused, what live broadcast?kid?
Although Xia Hai is an excellent entrepreneur, Li Chengzhe knows that the few friends in his circle are very conservative!
I once invited him to sell products on my own e-commerce channel, and even wanted to cooperate with him in depth, but this Xia Hai insisted on not agreeing, and just signed a short-term cooperation contract!This also makes our Chairman Li very depressed.

"Look, it's this Dingdang live broadcast platform. Its parent company is Wanlong Media, which comes from Tianhua City in the southwest."

"Let me take a look! Why do I sound so familiar with this kind of media?"

Xia Hai, who was aroused by Li Chengzhe, was very interested and moved to Li Chengzhe's side to watch.

I saw that the current Bandung Media is still raining red envelopes all over the sky!
"Haha, look at the 20 yuan you grabbed! Isn't it good? This model is very interesting, maybe I can borrow it too, maybe the effect will be very good!"

Li Chengzhe was originally an online e-commerce business, so he is very interested in this latest marketing method!

Although it seems that the cost is not low, the effect is far better than any advertising!
Why didn't I think of it?
"Wait, you said Bandung Media? Why am I getting more and more familiar? This is not! This is not"

"Ah, Brother Wancheng, come here!"

At this time, Xia Hai saw an old acquaintance, that is Lin Wancheng, the head of China's top entrepreneur Lin Group!

Speaking of which, Xia Hai and Lin Wancheng have a lot of common language. After all, they both started as entities. Although they are competitors, this kind of competitive relationship is relatively benign. Over time, he and Lin Wancheng often make appointments to play golf together!

"What's the matter, brother Xia Hai? I was surprised, this is not like you!"

Lin Wancheng greeted Xia Hai with a smile. Lin Wancheng admired Xia Hai very much. This guy didn't have a family background like himself.

Most of Xia Hai's ability to develop into what he is now is due to his own efforts!

This also made Lin Wancheng appreciate it very much. It is a miracle that an ordinary person with no background can struggle in this realm!

"Hello, Brother Lin!"

"Haha, Brother Li is here too? You two brothers are inseparable!"

Li Chengzhe on the side also greeted Lin Wancheng with a smile. The three of them had played together before, and their relationship was very natural!

"Brother Lin! This time we have seen how powerful your daughter is!"

At this time, Xia Hai also realized how clever Bandung Media's method of discovering the golden red envelope is!He said to Lin Wancheng with a smile!
How is your daughter so good?
As for Lin Yiyi, Lin Wancheng was also very satisfied. After all, this daughter of hers was indeed not simple. She surpassed many of her peers, and she was even not inferior to those dudes who were older than her!

But it's still a long way to make the two in front of you pay attention!

Why is my daughter being targeted by these two people?Did Yiyi mess with something again?

Speaking of which, Lin Wancheng is quite used to it. Lin Yiyi, a little girl, often confronts people in the dude circle, which makes him very embarrassed!

But in the end, it turned out that his daughter took advantage of it, and Lin Wancheng didn't care much over time!
"Brother, you still don't know? Take a look, this red envelope event instantly made the Dingdang live broadcast platform popular! I just checked, and now the traffic of the Dingdang live broadcast platform has ranked in the top ten of the Huaxia website!"

top ten?Can it be ranked in the top ten of so many websites in China?How much flow does this require?What did that little girl Yiyi do?
Thinking of this, Lin Wancheng also looked at Xia Hai's tablet, and found that the screen was full of red envelopes!

How is this going?

"Haha, that's right, Brother Lin! You don't know that your daughter's Wanlong Media has been fighting with Tianxia Media! It has already been on the hot searches and the headlines of various websites! Now that this red envelope activity starts, the entire China The Internet has exploded!"

"Look! This red envelope campaign seems to be a waste of money, but in reality? Its influence and effect are much better than the tens or even hundreds of millions you spend on advertising!"

Li Chengzhe was very interested in this red envelope activity!Now I am even more excited to chat with Lin Wancheng!

According to Li Chengzhe's description, Lin Wancheng really did not expect that small money can be used for advertising!
Lin Wancheng is such a shrewd guy, and a successful top entrepreneur, he analyzed the pros and cons in an instant!
Is this event made by your own daughter?And now Wanlong Media and Dingdang Live are already on the hot search?
"Well, I probably know it! This is indeed a precedent for the industry. What does this little girl think?"

"Haha, brother Lin, you shouldn't ask us this, we still want to ask you!"

At this time, Li Chengzhe looked at Lin Wancheng with a smile, and seemed to feel that Lin Wancheng might have come up with this idea!

But by observing the confusion on Lin Wancheng's face just now, it is real, and it is definitely not pretending!

You must know that they all came from the society and have seen many people!Whether the other party's expression is real or not, they can tell at a glance!

Does Lin Wancheng really not know?
Xia Hai exclaimed when he saw this: "My god, did your 15-year-old daughter really do it? It's amazing! This little guy is a born businessman!"

Lin Wancheng was really happy to hear that the other party praised his daughter, but he still said in a low voice: "Oh, this little girl is really outrageous! I usually don't care about her, but she is nice, and she doesn't discuss such an important matter with me! "

"Hey, Brother Wancheng, stop pretending! I'm going to discuss this marketing method with all the bosses at tomorrow's summit!"

"What did you say? You're going to bring it up at tomorrow's meeting? No need? Yiyi is still a child!"

Lin Wancheng never thought that Li Chengzhe in front of him would have such an idea!

One must know that the things that can be discussed at the summit are some of the top things in the industry. When did my daughter become so powerful?

Thinking of this, Lin Wancheng quickly called Lin Yiyi!

(End of this chapter)

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