Become a rich girl

Chapter 485 Become famous overnight?

Chapter 485 Become famous overnight? (two)

"Understood, Dad! No problem, I'll hang up first, and the annual meeting here is almost over!"

At this moment, Lin Yiyi is the busiest person!

Standing in the box, she now feels that she is really busy. After the launch of this red envelope activity, many friends are calling her!
Say something like a local tyrant!
"Haha, what? You alarmed your father too?"

"Oh, yes! I can't help it. He just finished the meeting at this time, and your dad is here!"

After putting down the phone, Liu Hao knew it was Lin Yiyi's father, Lin Wancheng, who was calling!

But it's not surprising, after all, Lin Yiyi's act of giving red envelopes to the public really created a miracle in the Chinese business world!It's not just the advertising effect, Liu Hao just looked at the news and comments on the Internet!
They are all lamenting the arrogance of Bandung Media!

Thinking about the time when I was grabbing red envelopes in my previous life, I was also surprised at that time, why did those companies make such activities?But now Liu Hao understands in this life!This method is not only popular, but also can bring a lot of popularity to the enterprise, why not do it?

"But now you are happy! Some people are sad! I just received a call from a friend who wanders in the middle!"

A friend who wanders in the middle?

Of course Lin Yiyi knew who this so-called middle friend was!

As one of the princes of the capital, it's not surprising that Liu Hao knew these people, but why did that guy contact him just now?

Liu Hao smiled mysteriously and said: "Hey, that Bai Mo is crazy now, and he dare not ask his family for money in order to confront you. I heard that he borrowed money from a dirty company!"

Not so!Is that guy crazy?Actually looking for that kind of company to borrow money?

Thinking of this, Lin Yiyi finally knew how persistent that guy Bai Mo was, and she had to fight hard to win!

If the Bai family knows that this guy borrowed this kind of money, I don't know what they will think!
"Okay, now our annual meeting is almost over, do we really want to go out and meet them?"

At this moment, Liu Hao looked at Liu Weimin who had already drunk a little during the banquet, and felt very disturbed!

To be honest, Liu Hao doesn't want to go out now. Although there are no media reporters here, there is still a certain pressure to go out to meet his employees!
"Go, let's turn off the live broadcast later before going out!"

"Okay, that's it, we should show up!"

Liu Hao agreed with Lin Yiyi's opinion and said no more objections!

In fact, this meeting with the employees was planned by Lin Yiyi in advance. As the company's boss and a member of the board of directors, if he didn't go to meet these employees, then it wouldn't make sense!
"damn it!"

At the same time, completely different from the conflagration of Wanlong Media is the embarrassing Tianxia Media!

At this time, our Second Young Master Bai was very angry and dropped the wine glass in his hand!
Oh shit!This Lin Yiyi is really a monster, why can't he play with her?Red envelopes?Shit!

"Bai Dong! You have to calm down, don't borrow money again! Otherwise, it will be terrible if your family members find out!"

"Borrowing money? Do you think I'm really stupid? Do I still borrow money at this time? Go crazy with Lin Yiyi?"

After hearing Liu Xi's advice, our Second Young Master Bai became even more angry!

I don't know why, but now Bai Mo feels that Lin Yiyi is really elusive, and he actually came up with this way to deal with him!It's simply a monster!
Borrow money by yourself?

Unless you are crazy!You must know that it has exceeded my principles to ask an outside company to borrow money just now!What he wants is to earn back and pay back!

But if he borrowed a few hundred million more, he would have gone crazy long ago!

This is usury!How can I repay if I borrow too much?
Liu Xi couldn't laugh or cry now, he never thought that Lin Yiyi was so difficult to deal with, how could she look like a 15-year-old girl?He is just like a geek in shopping malls!
Now the traffic of Qinggua live broadcast under Tianxia Media has dropped to only 10,000+ people in an instant!I don't even want to watch any annual meeting on Qinggua Live!

But in sharp contrast to this is the Dingdang live broadcast platform under Wanlong Media!

Now this Dingdang live broadcast platform has more than [-] million people because of the distribution of red envelopes!What is this number?There is no live broadcast platform that can exceed [-] million in one room!
It can be said that the current Dingdang live broadcast platform has created a miracle in the Chinese live broadcast industry!At the same time, it was also on the headlines of hot searches and various media websites!

"Dear friends, now I think our live broadcast can end!"

At this time, Liu Weimin, who was already a little drunk, returned to the reception desk and picked up the microphone to talk to all the employees!

Just now Liu Weimin just walked all the tables with his good drinking capacity!The employees of Bandung Media are also in a very good mood, and a few guys who can't drink very much even lie on the ground!
But most of the employees still stick to their seats because of their excitement!

Under Liu Weimin's signal, the cameraman at the scene turned off the live broadcast!The annual meeting of the entire Bandung Media gathered in this hall again!
"Dear friends! I think everyone now feels that the company's top management values ​​us! Do you think so?"

"Haha, that's right! I've never been in a company with such good benefits!"

"President Liu is right! I have never won so many year-end awards, and I am still an ordinary employee!"

"Yes, yes, long live Bandung Media! Long live!"

These already drunk employees began to cheer drunkenly!
Seeing this scene, Liu Weimin was really sweating. Fortunately, the live broadcast is now closed, otherwise, wouldn't this be a live broadcast of a drunken scene?
"Everyone, now we invite Miss Lin Yiyi, the chairman of our company, and Mr. Liu Hao, a director of the company's board of directors! Do you agree?"

"Good good!"

At this time, when they heard that the boss and members of the board of directors were going to attend, everyone got drunk and lost half of their points!
You know, this is the absolute top level of Bandung Media!
Miss Lin Yiyi?They did know the No. [-] person, but they didn't know the specific situation!
As for Mr. Liu Hao, they have never heard of it!
"Then, let's welcome them to the stage with warm applause, shall we?"

"Whoa! Welcome!"

"Thank you our dear boss!"

Under the leadership of Liu Weimin, these employees who were already grateful to the company stood up and gave the warmest applause!
In fact, as employees, they don't have any special requirements, they just want to get their own salary, and at the same time, they can get good benefits at the end of the year!

They achieved their goals, and even exceeded their goals!How can they be unhappy with such a generous boss who shares the profits with them?
"Hey! Why did a female student sneak in?"

"No! No, there is another male student! Whose children are these two guys?"

When Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao came out, everyone was stunned!

The two of them were only in their teens, and they were mistaken for someone's children in an instant!

"Wow! Look, this little girl is so beautiful!"

"Yeah, it's like a little fairy! Whose daughter is it!"

When they saw Lin Yiyi's appearance, they all started to marvel!
Liu Weimin still didn't speak!After all, he was so surprised when he saw Lin Yiyi at first!But now he's used to it, completely used to this monstrous genius girl!

Liu Weimin tidied up his clothes, walked over gracefully and invited Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao to the middle of the stage!
Seeing this move, everyone present was confused!
What does it mean?Could it be that these two are Mr. Liu's children?

But now Zhang Yusheng, who knew Lin Yiyi, was already drunk, holding the red wine bottle in his hand.

He said disdainfully: "You guys! You idiots! Do you know who that is? That's the chairman of our company! Chairman Lin! And our board member, Mr. Liu Hao!"

After saying these words, our dear Director Zhang Yusheng immediately fell on the table!

The staff of his department rushed up and pulled him to the sofa aside to rest!
(End of this chapter)

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