Become a rich girl

Chapter 57 Night talk?

Chapter 57 Night talk?

The night is deep.

Lin Yiyi was holding a can of pineapple beer, a blush appeared on her beautiful face.

The girl was like an angel who descended suddenly under the night sky, staring at the starry night sky.

A gust of wind blew through the girl's hair.

"Fuck, why is this wine so intoxicating? Isn't it just a drink?"

The words suddenly uttered by the girl seemed to instantly break the ethereal beauty of angels and nature.

Lin Yiyi looked at the four girls who were already asleep. These guys were really excited. After drinking a can of pineapple beer and dancing for several hours, they finally fell asleep.

"Sister, you drank 10 cans of that pineapple beer. It's no wonder you're not drunk! Didn't you drink well before? How much better will your appearance be now?"

"What did you say?"

"Ah? Hehe, it's nothing, it's nothing, I said big sister, you are huge!"

Why is this fucking little Yizi getting stronger and stronger now?
Can't you be gentler when you become a girl?

It's really in vain that you have such a high appearance now!
Liu Hao shook his head helplessly, then changed the subject and asked, "Yiyi, how much did you spend to acquire that Wanlong Group? What do you mean by acquiring it?"

What do you mean?
Lin Yiyi sighed and leaned back against the railing and said, "Isn't it just to complete that father's task, I can't just live so leisurely in my life? Besides, he only has me as a child."

"As for how much, it's about 20 billion? At first, my father only asked me to choose a company with about 5 million, saying that it could be a little bit higher. But when I proposed to acquire the Wanlong Group, he did it without saying a word!"

20 million?
This is 5 times worse than 4 million, okay?
Liu Hao is somewhat envious of Lin Yiyi's father in this life.

"That's not bad. Do you know what my old man asked me for? He just set a hard target for me, saying that he would give me 25 billion. Within two years, that is, before the age of 18, I must turn this 25 billion into more than 50 billion!"

"That's great, that's 25 billion. You never dreamed of having so much money in your last life, right?"

Lin Yiyi is no stranger to the big hand of the old man of Liu Hao's family.

Otherwise, how could this guy be so chic now?Even Li Qiuyue, that crazy woman, liked her.

"What! It's good to be rich, but do you know how happy you are? You proposed to go into business yourself! Your old man must not bear to see you as a girl."

Speaking of this, Liu Hao took a sip of the third bottle of Feitian Moutai very depressed.

I go.

You guys are already on your third bottle of liquor, more than two catties, brother!You didn't react at all except for being a little emotional, you are so awesome!

"But you don't know that in the circle of the rich, the requirements for the next generation are very strict! I am also the only son of my old man, so he grabs me every day and tries to reason with me, saying that we can't let the family fortune go down, let the family lose their fortunes, and let the family lose their fortunes." I learned business in advance. All the sons of the top richest people are like this!"

What Liu Hao said was the truth. In the circle of rich people in China, although their offspring were born with golden keys in their mouths, they still faced a lot of pressure.

These wealthy families will have extremely strict requirements on their successors, and some families with several children at the same time will even start wars.

You guy, you were so poor in your previous life, but now that you are rich, you have the troubles of rich people?

Lin Yiyi didn't care about these things. The reason why she wanted to buy Wanlong Group to relieve Lin Wancheng's pressure was secondary. The most important thing was that this was what she wanted to do.

Lin Wancheng didn't demand hard on himself, so his pressure was much less.

"Hey, speaking of which, your plan is really good! You bought a media company, which is more towards the direction of entertainment. How enviable! Sitting on a beautiful star? Hehe!"


"Oh, what are you doing? Am I wrong?"

When Lin Yiyi heard Liu Hao's obscene words, she immediately threw the wine bottle on Liu Hao's head.

Then he said calmly: "You still have a beautiful star! If you don't accept it, you can also open or buy an entertainment company?"

Buying an entertainment company?

Liu Hao suddenly came to his senses and said with a smile: "Haha, I don't want to buy it either. How about I invest 20 billion in your Wanlong Media? Let's do it together! You just need to share my general shares!"

Hearing this proposal, Lin Yiyi gave him a blank look: "Aren't you doing this to make outsiders jealous? Our Lin and Liu families are powerful, and I absolutely don't want to spread any strange rumors with a guy like you!"


with this guy?Lin Yiyi thought about it, but now that she is a girl, she only has brotherhood towards this buddy, if any embarrassing rumors spread, she really doesn't know what to do.

"Hee hee, what does that matter? Those who clean up clean themselves~!"

"To clear your ass, I suggest that you go to acquire a company by yourself, and the direction is also in the entertainment industry. Just don't overlap with me. This way everyone can complement each other. What do you think?"

Acquire a company?
Sometimes Liu Hao really admires his best friend.

"Hey, this proposal is good, but which direction should I go? Why can't I overlap with you?"

Seeing Liu Hao suddenly became interested, Lin Yiyi knew that what she said made him interested.

"Aside from other fields of entertainment, you are a playboy at all. Do you understand music? How many songs from your previous life can you copy from memory?"

"Uh, that's true! What I hate the most are those bullshit staff symbols, I can't understand them at all!"

Liu Hao has no interest in music, and doesn't even know the most basic knowledge of music theory.

He knows how important he is. He couldn't write the music in his previous life, and he doesn't want to learn it now.

Lin Yiyi smiled when she saw the troubled Liu Hao: "So, how about you focus on animation and games?"


Hearing this word, Liu Hao instantly became interested.

In his previous life, other than girls, his favorite thing was games.

At that time, he and Ji Dong often fought in Internet cafes, and this sentence hit his point of interest.

Lin Yiyi looked at this guy and took a sip of Moutai confidently, and confidently hammered his chest.

Said: "No problem! That's it! I'll go find some reliable game companies. I still know a little about game planning. Wouldn't it be over after copying those ghost games?"

"Okay, do you know where you are going?"

"Haha, of course I know!"

"If you know, get out!"

Lin Yiyi showed a very charming smile, which made Liu Hao feel very comfortable.

But those words made him wake up in an instant!

If you know, get out of here, right?Why do you want to go?What does this guy mean?
"Are you blind? You are the only man here, you don't get out now. When will you wait?"

"Hey, Yiyi, you don't have to be so heartless, do you? What do you guys want to do to these innocent girls?"

Liu Hao looked at the four sleeping girls in the room, and instantly understood what Lin Yiyi was thinking.

Is this guy trying to do something to them?

Why is this kind of good thing taken up by her?

Lin Yiyi bulged her eyes, pointed to the door and said, "Young Master Liu Hao, you should hurry home now! They are all my friends, and this has nothing to do with you. You can go back and rest in peace!"

"Ah!? Hey, ah! Don't, put down the stool, I'm leaving!"

Liu Hao watched Lin Yiyi pick up the stool beside him, and immediately walked towards the door.

 I wish Mina-san of the college entrance examination party a smooth exam!

(End of this chapter)

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