Become a rich girl

Chapter 58 Louder, We Can't Hear You!

Chapter 58 Louder, We Can't Hear You!
"Wow! It's Liu Xiaodan and the little angel!"

"That's right! Student Liu Xiaodan was really wronged, that damn Zhang Zitao was too much!"

"Let me just say, how could the goddess of light ink be fired!"

early morning.

When Liu Xiaodan and Lin Yiyi walked into the classroom, all the students smiled at them.

The power of public opinion is terrifying, and after they really wanted to understand, they stared at the second daughter excitedly as usual.

How could this be?
Why was that Liu Xiaodan suddenly praised by Deputy Director Wang of the Education Committee?Could it be that Deputy Director Wang really came here to support Liu Xiaodan?
How can this be!A deputy director of the Education Committee made a special trip from the capital to praise a student?Still a student who had countless negative news before!
At this moment, Qian Sen was standing on the podium with a gloomy expression.

"Hello, dear Teacher Qian. I have lost a lot of energy after not seeing you for a weekend!"

"You! Hello!"

Faced with Lin Yiyi's sudden greeting, Qian Sen gritted his teeth.


It's not your little girl's fault!How could I, Qian Sen, meet this kind of student?
Qian Sen will never forget the scene where Lin Yiyi blatantly accused himself and Wang Wenhai a few days ago!
I don't have time to listen to your nonsense?

Recalling Lin Yiyi's words that day, Qian Sen gritted his teeth in anger.

The disciplinary notice that had been drafted with Wang Wenhai had now been thrown away as a piece of waste paper!


How dare I expel a student who was publicly praised and made a role model by the deputy director of the Huaxia Education Commission?

Don't say that I want to fire, there is no reason to fire Liu Xiaodan now!
Even if Wang Wenhai signed it, the school might never agree, not even the education committees of Tianhua City and Xihua Province!That was the student who was praised by the deputy director of the Huaxia Education Commission!

Who dares to touch her?Not only can't move, today the Tianhua Education Committee conveyed a document "About Learning the Advanced Spiritual Deeds of Liu Xiaodan in Our City"!

Not only can she not move, but she also has to let everyone learn her advanced deeds in front of all the students!What the hell!

Qian Sen silently picked up the document, his hands trembling!

Isn't this slapping yourself?
The student I hated and even wanted to expel, now let me say good things about her?Where do you put your face?
"Yiyi, Yiyi, have you heard this album?"


While Qian Sen was in a daze before the morning self-study, Luo Qianqian excitedly walked over with a record.

Lin Yiyi, who was holding her head and attracting countless eyes, glanced at this album.

"Distant Summer"?Qin Tao?

Lin Yiyi didn't know any singers in this world at all.

Why is it still the same here, what idol singer do you always like?On the album cover, a young and handsome guy is very disgustingly covering his face and playing handsome.

"Have not heard!"

"Hmph, Yiyi is really boring, don't you have any celebrities you like?"

Seeing Luo Qianqian's angry look, Lin Yiyi sighed.

"Oh, these."

"Qianqian, are you listening to Qin Tao's song too?"

"That's right! Are you listening, Xiaoyun?"

Just when Lin Yiyi wanted to continue talking, Xiao Yun who was beside her suddenly ran over and chatted with Luo Qianqian excitedly.

Qin Tao?

Lin Yiyi looked at the information searched on the mobile phone. This Qin Tao seems to be a new high-quality singer-songwriter?
Cut, how boring!

"Hmph, what Qin Tao! It's just a fleeting meteor, and the music scene is still ruled by two heavenly kings!"

Li Siyu looked at the exchange of several people coldly, and said with disdain.

My cousin hasn't been released yet, even if she is.It is also impossible for her to stay in Tianhua Foreign Language School any longer.

For this, Li Siyu absolutely hated Lin Yiyi and Liu Xiaodan!

She will never stop there, why are Lin Yiyi and the guys around her so annoying?

Especially that Luo Qianqian, why should she fight with herself?
Have you systematically studied music knowledge?Just because you, an idiot, want to surpass me in music?What a dream!

Regarding Li Siyu's words, Lin Yiyi gave the two girls a look, which meant that they should not care about what this guy said.

Seeing that the three women ignored her, Li Siyu sat in her seat very calmly.

Lin Yiyi, you don't like me now?There are times when you lose face!Dare to bet against me!If you lose, you have to listen to Qian Sen. At that time, it depends on what kind of bird you are!
"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Ahem, let's study the documents issued by the Municipal Education Commission now!"

When the morning bell rang.

Pea-sized beads of sweat fell on Qian Sen's forehead.

How much he liked this sound before, according to his words: the morning class bell is sacred!On behalf of you students who are about to embark on a sacred learning journey viz.

But now the ringtone made him very helpless!
The reason is the study document in hand.

"Hee hee, let's all go back, wait and see the good show!"

Lin Yiyi looked at Qian Sen, who was ashen-faced, and felt very happy!

He smiled at Liu Xiaodan, who nodded silently.

Now she's a real celebrity in school!She is known as an outstanding student in Tianhua City and Xihua Province, but she is still calm in her heart.

She knew that without Lin Yiyi, she would not be able to escape this catastrophe!
After smiling slightly at Lin Yiyi, her eyes also focused on Qian Sen.

"Several spirits about studying the advanced cases of student Liu Xiaodan from Tianhua Foreign Language School nominated by the General Assembly of the Education Committee!"

Qian Sen opened the study document with trembling hands, his voice was very unstable.

He read the entire study document in a low voice: "Student Liu Xiaodan of Tianhua Foreign Language School studies hard, works hard to be filial to his parents, and shows the demeanor of a new era student in a new field."

As he read and read, Qian Sen's voice became softer and softer, and in the end it was almost like a fly.

"Mr. Qian! Could you please speak up? We can't hear you!"

"Haha, yes, yes, we can't hear you!"

At this time, Lin Yiyi raised her hand very calmly, and Liu Hao, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines, also raised her right hand.

Liu Hao also hated Qian Sen very much. If it wasn't for the intention of his old man, how could he be willing to be taught by this guy called a devil?

Great now!
With Yiyi here, this guy is out of luck haha!

"That's right, that's right, Teacher Qian! Since it's a commendation document delivered by the superior, you should speak louder!"

"That's right, isn't Teacher Qian always teaching us to read loudly?"

"Hee hee, we also really want to learn from Liu Xiaodan's advanced spirit!"

Encouraged by Lin Yiyi and Liu Hao, all the students in the class put forward their opinions at the same time.

Qian Sen suddenly raised his head and scanned the students with extremely stern eyes.

But these guys don't seem to be afraid of themselves at all, they are still smiling!

Damn it!When did my authority as an excellent teacher disappear?

Qian Sen, who had veins on his forehead due to anger, suddenly shouted loudly: "Student Liu Xiaodan of Tianhua Foreign Language School studies hard and works hard to be filial to his parents. He has shown the demeanor of a new era student in a new field."

"For this, I would like to praise Liu Xiaodan! Everyone should learn from Liu Xiaodan!"

The few minutes of reading the document aloud felt extremely long to Qian Sen!Finally added a word of praise and threw the document on the podium!
Lin Yiyi!
Don't be so complacent!Let's see!
(End of this chapter)

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