The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 101 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Chapter 101 Empty Gloves White Wolf

As soon as Ye Yayan said this, Long Dasheng's smiling face finally changed color.

If it was sunny before, it is cloudy now.

"Miss Ling, what do you want to do?" Long Dasheng's voice became bolder, which was the response that an auction house owner should have.

"[-]%, I can only give you [-]%!" This is Ye Yayan's bottom line, if it exceeds this amount, then nothing will be discussed.

"Yicheng, are you sending beggars?" Just as Long Dasheng was thinking, suddenly, a voice sounded out of breath.

At this time, Ye Yayan and others discovered that there were other people in the Treasure Pavilion.

"Xin'er, don't be rude!" Long Dasheng felt dizzy when he heard this voice.

He can plot against anyone, but he has nothing to do with Long Xin, who made her his little lover in the previous life!

The little lover in the past life, the daughter in this life, Long Dasheng really has nothing to do with Long Xin.

Although these words were harsh, Long Xin didn't respond at all. In her eyes, Long Dasheng's father was just a paper tiger, so there was no need to be afraid!
In addition, although Long Dasheng was sometimes strict with her, he never got really angry once, and it was precisely because of this that she got worse.

If it was other people, they would know their identities after they entered the Treasure Pavilion. If possible, they would try not to speak, but Long Xin was good, not only spoke, but even made rude remarks.

If he met some people who were not easy to talk to, at this moment, Long Xin might not be standing there so prettyly.

"Do you know how precious the things here are?" As for her father, Long Xin didn't pay attention to her. She now focused all her eyes on Ye Yayan. Behind a pair of eyes, her brows frowned.

She felt that she thought Ye Yayan was an ugly woman, but if it was an ugly woman, why would there be two such good-looking men by her side?

After seeing Leng Huaqing and Feng Linghan, Long Xin's eyes brightened. She has seen a lot of beautiful men, but such beautiful men are still very rare, and these two are dragons and phoenixes among people.

"It is indeed precious!" Ye Yayan agreed with Long Xin's words. The things here are indeed precious, but no matter how precious they are, they are just dead things. Only in her hands can they be used for their true purpose.

"Since you know, why do you want to be an empty-handed white wolf?" Long Xin couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard Ye Yayan's words.

Now that you know, why only give [-]%?
Too greedy!

"Hehe, white wolf with empty gloves, that's how you see it? Didn't you hear before that I exchanged top-quality spirit stones, and your boss Long refused, and don't you know the price of an alchemist?" Ye Ya Yan has a good temper, but it's not the case that what she said fell into Long Xin's ears.

Long Xin is a spoiled child, as soon as she heard what Ye Yayan said, she had the tendency to go crazy.

Fortunately, Long Dasheng displayed the attitude that a father should have at this moment, "Xin'er, it's too presumptuous, now, leave immediately!"

Long Dasheng's voice was full of sternness, Ye Yayan's words had reached this level, if he didn't speak again, he wouldn't even get [-]%.

If he had been lucky before and Ye Yayan didn't notice his scheming, now, after hearing this, he wouldn't dare to use his scheming on Ye Yayan anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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