Chapter 102 Too Greedy
Ye Yayan's words were also a reminder to Long Dasheng, to remind him not to be too greedy, [-]% of the elixir was squeezed out between his teeth.

As Ye Yayan said, the price of an alchemist is very high, and they cannot afford it.

What was in Long Dasheng's heart, Long Xin didn't know, she only knew that she was scolded by her father, and this was something that had never happened before, her father had never said such harsh words to her, and he still In front of so many people.

At that moment, Long Xin's eyes turned red, and she looked at Long Dasheng with aggrieved eyes.

Looking at Long Xin's appearance, Long Dasheng sighed slightly in his heart. He knew that this time he could not soften his heart. Once his heart softened, everything he had done before would be in vain.

"Miss Ling, what do you think?" Leave everything to Ye Yayan. As an old fox, Long Dasheng knows that he can't open his mouth, otherwise he won't even have a piece of it.

"Boss Long, how much is it?" Ye Yayan didn't speak, but Leng Huaqing did.

He didn't want to keep the ink on like this, this Long Dasheng is too greedy, [-]% of the elixir is already very high, if it were him, he wouldn't give [-]%!

"This..." Long Dasheng heard Leng Huaqing say this, his eyes flickered slightly, and a fierce light burst out from his eyes at an angle that others could not see.

"Let's make a price, so that you can save us a lot of advantage!" Feng Linghan's seemingly plain words actually had connotations.

This is so ironic!

Naturally, they wouldn't take advantage of it. If they took advantage of it, it was Long Dasheng who took it.

Being repeatedly rejected by Leng Huaqing and Feng Linghan, Long Dasheng also became angry. If the people in front of him were not the young masters of the Leng family and the young masters of the Feng family, he would have already lost his temper.

With such an attitude, even the clay figurines became angry.

As everyone knows, this is his fault. While he is calculating others, he should also know the embarrassment after being found out.

However, Long Dasheng didn't have this consciousness at all.

"50 yuan top grade spirit stone, you can take away all the medicinal materials here!" Long Dasheng didn't open his mouth like a lion, but wanted to embarrass Ye Yayan.

He knew that Ye Yayan was short of money, otherwise, she would not have provided the spirit congealing potion for auction. She only has 25 top-quality spirit stones in her hand. If she wants to take all these medicinal materials away, she needs to provide more 25 best spirit stones.

The top-grade spirit stone is not Chinese cabbage, it doesn't mean that it is available, and he can say with certainty that Ye Yayan does not have it!

In the case of not being able to produce the best spirit stone, she can only compromise.

But, this time, he was doomed to be disappointed.

There are Ye Yayan, not only there, but also many.

If Long Dasheng asked her to take out other things now, Ye Yayan really didn't have any, but if he took out another 25 top-quality spirit stones, it would not be a problem at all.

However, Long Dasheng's words made Leng Huaqing and Feng Linghan frown.

They all have top quality spirit stones, do they want to lend them to Ye Yayan?
Although they haven't known each other for a long time, they still know Ye Yayan's character well.

She won't accept it!
Even if their relationship wasn't so bad, she wouldn't accept it, and she would rather give it up than accept it.

Therefore, the price is still a bit high for Ye Yayan.

However, what they didn't expect was that Ye Yayan not only took out another 25 top-quality spirit stones, but also took out a bottle of pills as well!
(End of this chapter)

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