Chapter 166 Fairy Ears
Although Lei Shuiqing had realized before that Luo Lihao would not tell them the whereabouts of the female mermaid, but such a blatant refusal still made him feel a little embarrassed. Fortunately, there were not many people around.

Ye Yayan was not surprised at all, if Luo Lihao wanted to say something, he would have already said it.

I have known him for a while, and I still have some understanding of his temper.

"My lord, we are surrounded!" Although it was dark now, there were still some town residents on the street, and they notified the town after seeing the sneaky appearance of the Zhentian mercenary group. Lord, no, they have been completely surrounded.

It's just that under the darkness, I didn't find it directly.

After seeing these people clearly, the members of the Zhentian Mercenary Corps couldn't help but gasped.


This was everyone's first reaction when they saw these town residents!

In fact, these small town residents only have a little more than ordinary humans, but just such a little thing has shocked a group of men from the Zhentian Mercenary Corps in place.

These are goblin ears!

"Young Master, who are these people?" The men of the Zhentian Mercenary Corps really couldn't accept the existence of these people.

"These should be the descendants of the mermaids!" Lei Shuiqing was not sure.

"Mermen descendants, how is that possible?" Everyone couldn't accept this fact at all.

Although they knew that the task this time was to save a female mermaid, they couldn't accept such a large group of descendants of mermaids appearing in front of them, especially seeing their pair of monster-like ears.

As long as they see this pair of ears, they feel horrified and have a very weird feeling.

"You are also here to save people!" A very dignified old man stepped out from the crowd, and he was probably the only normal human being in the crowd.

Save people, this sentence has a different meaning when it comes out of his mouth.

"Since the old man knows our purpose of coming here, are you putting on such a posture to stop us?" Lei Shuiqing, as the young master of the Zhentian mercenary group, spoke with a grand air.

"Of course, not!" As soon as the old man said this, Lei Shuiqing's eyes suddenly widened.

Strange things happen every year, especially this year, what's going on?

Originally thought that these people came out to obstruct them, but now it is not the same thing.

"All your actions in this small town are free. No matter what you do, as long as you have the ability to rescue people, then we will let you leave. Otherwise, hehe..." The old man smiled coldly, revealing A trace of coldness.


After hearing the old man's words, everyone had a look of understanding on their faces.

It turned out that, at first they thought it was strange, but now after hearing what the old man said, all the strangeness disappeared.

Sure enough, they won't let them leave unharmed!

In their eyes, they seem to be incapable of rescuing people. If this is the case, whether they live or die depends on their thoughts.

"Okay!" Lei Shuiqing is worthy of being the young master of the Zhentian Mercenary Group, and his courage is quite good. After the old man's words fell behind, he thought for a few seconds and agreed directly.

"Then the game has begun!" After the old man finished speaking, the town residents surrounded by everyone retreated as quietly as they had come.

It wasn't until everyone left that the Zhentian mercenary group breathed a sigh of relief. Even if they didn't do anything and just stood there, the pressure on them was still very high!
(End of this chapter)

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