Chapter 167 Teaching Exercises
"Young master, this time, I'm afraid it's really difficult!" Qingkong said with a frown, his eyes full of worry.

These small town residents are too sure, they can let them use any means to find the person they want to save, do they look down on them, or do they think their means of hiding people are too clever, so clever that they will not find her come out?

No matter what the reason is, it will have an adverse effect on them!

Just this phone call from the old man shook the minds of everyone in the Zhentian Mercenary Corps.

If they still had 90.00% self-confidence before, then now, after this incident, their self-confidence has directly dropped to 50.00%.

Fortunately, these people are also people who have experienced things, otherwise, this self-confidence may drop to the lowest point.

This, of course, is not what they want to see.

However, as soon as the old man appeared, he disrupted their position, which is not a good thing!

"It's not easy to do, but we have to do it, otherwise, we will all have to explain it here!" The old man's last look when he left was very meaningful!
No matter how bad the situation is, they can't give up. Once they give up, the result is really not what they want to see.

"Now everyone rests where they are. Tomorrow, we will continue!" Tonight, they will rest well and continue tomorrow.

Until they find the female shark, there will be no danger for the time being, so they can rest peacefully tonight.

This time, Ye Yayan was still with Luo Lihao. Ye Yayan had no objection to this arrangement, and neither did Luo Lihao.

"Luo Lihao, why did you tell Lei Shuiqing Donglai's weakness?" Ye Yayan suddenly asked in the dead of night.

"Don't you think this is telling you?" Luo Lihao's sudden words caught Ye Yayan by surprise.

What does this mean?
This is really intriguing!
Ye Yayan had no answer for this, because she didn't know what to say.

"Today, don't enter the Youlan Space, just rest here!" Luo Lihao didn't feel much about what he said, but after seeing Ye Yayan's confused look, he felt a little nervous. It's funny, so I added another sentence.

And as soon as these words came out, Ye Yayan's expression finally changed.

The reason why she was able to stay in the same tent with Luo Lihao was because they were in charge of their own affairs and did not affect each other at all, but now, Luo Lihao suddenly said this, which made Ye Yayan unacceptable for a while.

"I want to teach you some exercises!" Luo Lihao felt that Meng Lang was a bit out of touch after speaking, so he quickly added another sentence.

When Ye Yayan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The skills taught by Luo Lihao will definitely benefit her endlessly.

"I'll only practice once, as much as you can remember!" Luo Lihao didn't give Ye Yayan a chance to react, and started directly.

Luo Lihao's speed was not very fast, but even so, Ye Yayan's eyes were not strong enough.

Fortunately, her memory is extraordinary. After this time, she memorized seven or eight, some of which she didn't remember, and it didn't have any influence. She just had to deduce it by herself.

After Luo Lihao finished his movements, Ye Yayan began to practice.

This practice lasted all night, until the sky turned white, and Ye Yayan didn't stop. The effect of one night's practice was very obvious!

(End of this chapter)

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